Chapter six: One by one

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Kaylie walks to the kitchen and takes the chef into her bedroom. She locks the door and ties her into a chair.
[Kaylie] It was you wasn't it? You had just brought out the food when the lights went out. But what could've been your motive? You live a sad little life being bossed around by a rich old woman, and you were tired of the rich snob called Lin Stone, so you slashed her neck open. It was you. I know it was.

The chef sighs and into Kaylie's eyes. She looks at her sadly and starts talking.

[Chef] It wasn't me, but I am partly responsible. I was given a nameless letter, saying to put all the lights out at exactly that time, and put them back on later. I was told it was for "a grand opening" but I was horrified to see Lin dead. Trust me, this wasn't what I had planned, at all.
[Kaylie] You seem.. genuine.

Kaylie lets the chef go. She walks up to Pamela's door and knocks.
[Pamela] Oh dear, are you ok?
[Kaylie] I, I'm not sure. After all of this, I don't know what to feel.

Tears start falling down her cheeks as her blank expression turns into a sad one.
Pamela hugs her tightly and whispers in her ear.

[Pamela] It's gonna be alright. One day, when your married to my nephew, you will be ok and you can leave all this behind. Trust me, soon this will all be over.

Kaylie was about to talk when they hear a noise. The noise of foot steps. Pamela was about to go open the door when they see the person slam a knife through the door. Kaylie almost screamed till Pamela covered her mouth and pulled her into the bathroom. Pamela locks the door. They hear the bedroom door open. Pamela puts her hand on Kaylie's mouth again. Kaylie starts quietly sobbing while Pamela is hugging her from behind. They heard the person walk away but decided to wait a while before coming out of the bathroom. As they walk out, they see a letter on Pamela's bed. As they open the letter, they see the words "Stop the investigation or your pretty little face will end up like Lin's neck"
Kaylie screams out loud and almost everyone runs into the the room.

[Matt] What happened?

Kaylie points at the letter while sobbing. Matt takes the letter from Kaylie and reads it. He gasps and drops the letter.

[Matt] We need to solve this, quick. Till it's too late.

Kaylie takes the knife that was left on the floor.

[Kaylie] This isn't a normal knife.. It looks too.. fancy..
[Lucia] Wait.. That's from my knife collection!
[Kaylie] Where do you keep the knifes?
[Lucia] I keep them in a little room on the third floor, the room is locked though.
[Kaylie] Does anyone else have access to the room except you?
[Lucia] Most of the maids have one.. you know, so they can clean the room from time to time.
[Kaylie] So.. most likely one of the maids did this..

Matt was about to say something, when they hear a scream from downstairs.

[Lana] That.. That was Peter's voice!

They all go white as they realize, another person, has become a corpse.

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