Begin Again

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~~~~~~ this is just gonna be a little introduction to the main character~~~~~~

Hey. I'm DJ. It stands for Daniel Jayne. Yes I am a girl, but my parents wanted a guy so I'm stuck with the name Daniel. Call me that and I'll rip your head off! Ok? Anyway, I'm the youngest of three, I have two older brothers. Justin and Kaleb. They're twins and both of them are eighteen. I'm a year younger, seventeen. We used to live in the U.S. but when I was fourteen we moved to the U.K.  

No one in my family is very... fond of me. My parents, Jessica and David, wanted all boys but I ruined it. My dad was most upset by me being girl. He's a psychopath. Literally. I've been treated like a guy my whole life until I hit puberty. That's when my dad lost it. He started hitting me. Constantly. He's been ever since. My mom sees it happen, but she's too scared of my dad to do anything. Once we moved to the U.K. I thought maybe it'd be a new start. That everything would be different. But boy was I wrong. It got worse. Much worse. My brothers began to hit me too, but only occasionally. It's been progressively getting worse.  

When we moved, our house ended up being right next to a kid Justin and Kaleb's age. I never really learned his name until he started hanging out with Justin and Kaleb. Now, most of the Earth's population knows who he is. His name was Harry Styles. Yes, THE Harry Styles. He'd come over every day after school and they'd all hangout. At first it was good for me when Harry came over because no one would hit me. But after a while Harry became like the third son everyone had always wanted. That's when it got even worse. Even if Harry was over I'd be hit. The first time Harry saw me being beaten he didn't know what to do. Justin and Kaleb convinced him it was fine. Never once did Harry lay a hand on me, even when my brothers told him to. I'd never had someone not hit me. It was weird to me. But it didn't last long.  

My brothers finally got to him and he too started to hit me. I never understood why. I never did anything to him. But the last time we saw him was when he auditioned for the X Factor. That was a little more than two years ago.  

Most nights I try to stay at my friend's house to avoid my home. Anyways, enough about the past. Let's get back to present day...

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