Chapter 16

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A picture of the both of us from a bake sale back when we were both raising money for the school's soccer program stared back at me from inside the locket. His arm was slung around my shoulders and we both had goofy smiles. It was the week my brothers had some big soccer camp so they weren't there for it. The bakery Harry worked at was helping out with the bake sale.

"DJ, what are you gonna do?" Bella leaned over from her plane seat to ask me.

"I don't know. Try to forget about it, I guess." I shrugged while undoing my seat belt.

Bella gasped "Excuse me?" She continued as we started getting off the plane, "How can you forget about it! He's trying to fix his mistakes and gave you a locket! I know he really messed up but it's still something you shouldn't forget about. You guys could start over. Plus you put his number in your phone already. All you gotta do is text him."

Rolling my eyes, I stepped off the plane. Bella was right behind me. People were buzzing in and out of the airport so it was quite the adventure trying to get to luggage claim. Then trying to find Bella's mom was like those stupid "Where's Waldo?" pictures.

Luckily, she saw us before we saw her. "Girls!" She yelled running over to us and hugging us, "I've missed you both so much."

Bella smiled "I missed you too, Mum."

I added with a little giggle, "me too."

The buzzing of my phone startled all of us. I had turned it off for the flight and I guess it just turned on. Escaping our little hug session, I pulled out my phone. It was like 5 texts from Zayn.


-how are you?

-did you talk to Harry again?

-text him or something, he won't shut up about you and it's getting annoying

-oh wait... you're on your plane home. Text me when you land!:)

Laughing to myself, I quickly texted back.

~Hey! Just landed! Maybe I'll text him later but Idk. Where are you guys going now?

-We actually have a break so we'll be heading home for a few weeks:)

Crap. If they have a break that means Harry was going to be home soon.

~oh that's great for you guys! I'll talk to you later, I gotta go


I slid my phone back into my pocket. We all started walking to Mom's car. Once we were in the car Bella exploded with words. "Oh my gosh. Mum, when we were there DJ saw Harry and Harry recognized her and all this stuff happened! But that's not the best part! DJ got stuck in the elevator with Zayn Malik! And he was comforting her 'cause you know how she's really claustrophobic, anyway, so after all that she basically saved his life by pulling him out of the elevator before it crashed to the bottom floor! Then at the concert Zayn waved to her and Harry basically sang 'Little Things' to her! It was so sweet! So now she has both of their numbers and I have Zayn's! Ahh!"

Mom sat there for a moment to process what Bella had just said. She finally replied "Oh my! That's quite the amazing experience, huh? Girls everywhere would love to be in your two's position."

From the front seat Bella smiled at me. Laughing slightly, I looked out the window. Yeah, Harry also gave me a locket and basically saved me. What fangirl wouldn't love to be in my position? But the funny part is that if they knew the whole story I bet a lot less would be loving my position right about now.

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