Chapter 19

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I just stood there staring at her. Neither of us moved. It was like the tension thickened the air in the room. Bella whispered "is that...?"

Ignoring Bella, I asked "What are you doing here, Mom?"

She stepped into the doorway and surveyed the room. Her eyes landed on Harry and she politely said "Hi, Harry. How's your Mom? I haven't heard from her in ages."

"She's good, Mrs. Doyle." Harry replied. The nervousness he probably felt was evident in the way he talked.

I repeated "What are you doing here, Mom?"

She looked at me and smiled. She walked over and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. Immediately I pushed her off. "What are you doing here!?"

She sighed "I came to find you because your father is at the hospital."

Snapping at her, I replied "So? Why should I care?"

My mother's eyes started filling with tears and she croaked out "Please, DJ. Please just come with me to see him."

I glanced around at all the boys and stated "Let's talk about this somewhere else."

Walking away from the group, I lead my mother out of Starbucks. "I'm not seeing him. You just wasted your time coming here."

How could she even think I'd want to see him after everything he's done to me!? It was stupid to think I would.

My mother stood in front me and tried to hold back a sob, but it came out when she spoke "He's dying, DJ. He had a cancerous tumor destroying his brain. He got into some fight or something that he won't talk about which caused his brain to swell so that's why we brought him to the hospital after he got back with your brothers from wherever the hell they went. That's when they discovered the tumor. They caught it too late and now with the injuries to his brain the doctors say he'll be lucky if he makes it through the night. They gave him meds to make him as comfortable as they can but he's fading fast. He asked to see you. Please, DJ. I'm begging you to come with me."

A fight... His fight with Harry... Harry protecting me is the reason my dad is in the hospital, the reason he's dying. That didn't matter to me. My dad was a bastard who deserved to die. But seeing my mom like this... She might haven't ever stood up for me but she was still my mom. Running a hand through my hair, I sighed "Fine. I'll go with you. But I want to bring three people with me."

She nodded "Whatever you want, just please hurry."

I looked back into the window of Starbucks. Looking at my mom once more, I walked back into Starbucks. As soon as I got inside I was swarmed by Bella and Harry. Before they said anything I spoke up loud enough for everyone to hear "Listen. My dad is in the hospital dying. I'm asking you two and Zayn to come with me."

Harry studied my face for a second, then nodded. Bella ran her hand through her hair but said "Okay. Okay, I'll come."

Zayn walked over and stated "I'm coming."

Glancing at my mom, I let out a deep breath "Okay, well come on. My mom is going to bring us now."

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