Chapter 22

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"He's dead!? What do you mean he's dead?!" I could hear Justin yelling as he stormed down the halls of the hospital. Kaleb followed closely behind him.

Justin shoved me out of the way of our dad's door, "Move!"

He peered in through the window then whirled around to face me. His jaw was clenched and his hands were balled into fists.

Before I could say anything, he slammed his fist into my nose. He yelled "This is your fault! If you hadn't been an idiotic bitch and gone to America without telling anyone then he wouldn't be dead!"

He slammed his fists into my face and stomach. Over and over again. Then he threw me onto the ground and started kicking me. Suddenly Justin was thrown away from me. Harry held onto the collar of his shirt and slammed him into the wall opposite from me. He threatened "Don't you ever touch her again. For every bruise I see on her you get a scar. If she has a limp, you'll be getting crutches. Got it!?"

Harry slammed him into the wall again before letting go. Nurses and doctors were all staring. Justin went to lunge at Harry, but Kaleb held him back and said "Let's just go. Its not worth it."

Kaleb pulled Justin down the hall. As they were walking away, Justin turned to look at me. He chuckled "When your big, bad body guard goes back to his glamorous life, who's gonna be able to save you?" Then they both turned a corner and were out of sight.

Bella and Zayn ran over to me and went to help me up. Zayn mumbled "Damn, your nose is bleeding a lot!"

Slowly, I got to my feet. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the side every time I breathed. Everywhere was sore and I felt very unstable. Bella supported me and one side and Zayn did on the other. Harry jogged down the hall towards all the nurses who had been staring. A nurse and a doctor followed Harry over towards me.

The doctor asked "Are you okay? Are you able to walk okay?"

I nodded. Bella and Zayn slowly let go of me. As soon as I tried to step forward, I got dizzy and almost fell over. The doctor caught me, "Okay, maybe not." He called over his shoulder, "Can someone get a wheelchair for her?"

The nurse who was standing beside him ran down the hall and was back in a minute with a wheelchair. She helped me into the wheelchair and smiled "Okay, lets go get you fixed up."

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