Chapter 18

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The little bell letting us know someone opened the door rang. "Hey, Lou." Niall said while walking in.

Bella turned around and just stood there gawking at him. Niall smiled at Bella, "You're Bella right?"

She nodded, still staring. Niall looked at me, "DJ, right?"

I nodded while walking over to Bella "Yep. Please excuse Bella. She's not usually like this."

Liam laughed "That's fine. We are kinda used to it."

As Zayn walked in he cheerfully greeted us "DJ! Bella!"

He hugged me then hugged Bella, who still hadn't moved. Zayn whispered something to Bella that I couldn't hear. All I know is that Bella immediately stopped gawking and started acting more normal.

I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and saw Hary awkwardly standing there. I introduced Bella. "Bella, Harry. Harry, Bella."

Bella laughed "I know who he is, DJ. I'm not dumb."

Harry chuckled "well it's nice to meet you Bella."

Harry studied me for a second before leaning over and whispering "Justin called me earlier."

I grabbed part of Harry's shirt and pulled him away from the group. In a lowered voice I asked "He called you? Why?"

"He knows you're staying with Bella and he's going to tell your dad."

Crap. Crap. Crap. Running a hand through my hair, I whispered more to myself than to him "what do I do?"

Bella kept glancing over at us. Harry looked at Bella then back at me. "I don't know. Can you stay anywhere else?"

I looked down and said "I don't have anywhere else."

"Well your dad probably won't do anything in front of other people so just don't go any where by yourself."

That was a good point. I nodded and walked over to join everyone else. Liam smiled "So this is the same DJ who flipped us off? You seem a lot nicer when you're not beating up our security guard."

I laughed "Yeah. Sorry about that."

Playfully shoving me, he laughed "It's fine. From what Harry's said I can tell you're not like that usually."

I nodded my head. As I was about to say something, the little bell on the door rang. All of us turned around and I froze in place. In the doorway was my mom.

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