Chapter 27

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*DJ's POV*

My head throbbed as light shown in my eyes. It felt as though as I was spinning and I could feel the nausea building in my stomach. Carefully, I opened my eyes and sat up. I wasn't at Bella's and I wasn't wearing my own clothes! I was in some bedroom I didn't recognize wearing clothes that obviously belonged to a guy. I mumbled while racking my brain, "What happened last night?"

It was just a blank. The last thing I could remember was talking to that guy. What was his name? I shook my head. I couldn't remember anything else after talking to whatever his name was.

I tried to stand up but a wave of nausea rushed over me. I doubled over and quickly grabbed the small garbage can that was beside the bed. Luckily I managed not to puke anywhere but in the garbage.

The door to the bedroom opened. I composed myself and looked up. Harry stood in the door way with a concerned look on his face. I asked, "Where am I? What happened last night?"

Harry sighed "Well you're at my flat at the moment, puking in my garbage. I brought you back here after you got insanely drunk last night."

I glanced down at my attire, "How'd I get into this?"

Harry glanced at the floor then cleared his throat, "When I brought you back here I helped you get changed into more comfortable clothing."

"YOU HELPED ME GET CHANGED!?" I yelled as I felt my cheeks blush and I grew slightly annoyed. Why would he help me get dressed?!

"I had to, you couldn't even get your own shoes off without help," Harry explained while running a hand through his hair.

I groaned as my head started pounding harder. I covered my face with my hands. A few tears started forming. I mumbled "I'm so stupid. I didn't mean to go get drunk."

I felt Harry drape his arm around me. He kissed my head then chuckled "Everyone does at some point. Next time don't go alone and not tell anyone where you're going."

Bella. She's probably freaking out. I stood up quickly, almost falling over, and started searching for my phone. I couldn't think through my pounding headache. Where did I leave it?

Harry stated, "Bella knows you're here. She said she's going to drop by at around 2. Would you like me to get you an aspirin or something?"

Thank God Bella knew I was okay. I felt horrible for worrying her so much. The pounding in my head didn't seem to be going away any time soon so I groaned as I slowly sat back onto the bed, "An aspirin would be great, thanks."

"Just lay back and relax. I'll be right back," Harry smiled as he started walking towards the bedroom door. After I heard the bedroom door close I carefully stood up. I almost lost balance as I walked over to the bathroom.

Reluctantly I looked at my own reflection. My hair was a mess and my makeup was smudged real bad. The nausea started coming back so I quickly leaned over the toilet in time to make sure I didn't get throw up anywhere.

I felt someone hold back my hair as I continued to vomit. Harry sighed, "I thought I told you to lay down."

I composed myself then sat on the floor with my back against the cabinet under the sink. "I just wanted to see if I looked as bad as I felt. Which I do."

He chuckled and shook his head. He grabbed the aspirin and a small cup of water off the counter and handed them to me. "You look fine. I promise," he laughed.

After I quickly swallowed the small pill, I asked, "Harry, why are you being so nice to me? I mean, I've just been a total...a total bitch to you when all you've done is be nice to me."

Harry smiled and took the cup out of my hands. "It's what you do for the people you love. I deserved everything you said and did, but I'm trying to make things right. I know you'll never forget what happened, but I do hope you'll eventually forgive me for it."

I reached my hand up to feel the locket Harry gave me, but it wasn't around my neck. Oh my god, I can't believe I lost it! No, I couldn't have lost it. Did I have it on last night? Ugh, why couldn't I remember!

Harry smiled, "It's on the nightstand next to my bed, don't worry."

I sighed, "Thank God." I looked up into Harry's mesmerizing green eyes. I smiled a little and said "I don't think you need to worry about being forgiven. I mostly have already. Everything you've done recently has made me realize that people can change when their given the chance."

Harry exposed his dimples as he extended his hand out towards me, "Why don't you lay down for a little while longer, then when maybe you don't feel like you're gonna throw up every five seconds I can show you how to work the shower?"

I laughed as he helped me up, "Do I smell that bad?"

"I'm surprised the neighbors haven't called to complain yet," he chuckled.

I sat back on his bed, "Thank you again, Harry."

He smiled, "It's really no problem at all, now lay back and relax. I'll be right in the other room."



Oh my god I can't stand high school cuz I have no time to do anything! I'll try really hard to update this on a more regular basis!! Sorry! Love you guysssss


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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