Chapter 4

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Once I made it to the lobby I took a stroll through the shopping center. It was incredible. There was something for everyone!

Outside one of the stores I noticed a group of screaming girls. Taking a step closer, I realized that Harry had come to the shopping center too. Just perfect! He looked over and made eye contact. Quickly he started trying to maneuver through the girls, coming towards me. Crap.

I ran into the store closest to me. Luckily it was a clothing store. In a frenzy I hastily grabbed a beanie, sunglasses, and a random jacket and threw them on. Almost as soon as I put them on I saw Harry enter the store looking around. He made his way towards the back of the store. Taking a deep breath, I walked right past him. He glanced at me, but luckily he didn't recognize me.

Once I made it to the front of the store near the entrance I threw off the hat, sunglasses, and jacket onto a random shelf. At the top of my lungs I screamed "OH MY GOD! IT'S HARRY STYLES!"

Harry's head shot up and immediately girls shoved past me running towards Harry. Jokingly I laughed and winked at him while walking away.

That seemed like enough excitement for one day. I just wanted to go upstairs and lay down.

Without even glancing at any other stores, I made my way towards the elevators. I hopped in and hit the button for the eleventh floor. One other person walked on. I glanced over and realized it was Zayn. He didn't seem to notice me, thank God.

For some reason, the elevator lurched to a halt. The sudden lurch of the elevator caused me to stumble into Zayn. As if that wasn't bad enough, the lights in the elevator flickered then went out all together. Zayn took out his phone and used it as a flashlight. He helped me to my feet and asked "Are you okay?"

I hesitated on responding because I wasn't sure if my claustrophobia was going to kick into overdrive. I'm not sure what floor we were on but I could tell that we wouldn't be moving for a while. I yelled "Somebody! We're stuck! Help!"

Zayn yelped "Geez! You can yell loudly!"

Suddenly the elevator lurched again, only this time it dropped a little. Both me and Zayn ended up falling. Reality set it. We were trapped in an elevator that was at least 7 or 8 floors up. It seemed like I was frozen in fear. The elevator could drop and we'd be dead.

Not only that, but my claustrophobia really started to kick in. I looked up at Zayn in terror. He came over and rested a hand comfortingly on my shoulder. My entire body began trembling. The walls seemed to be closing in around me and constricting the air. Zayn whispered soothingly "Sh. It's okay, we're okay. We're going to be fine."

He started rubbing my back trying to calm me down with one hand and took out his phone with the other. "Shit," he cursed. "I've got no service."

I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest. Zayn sat down in front of me and asked "Do you have your phone?"

I nodded slowly and pulled it out. With shaky hands, I handed it to him. He quickly dialed a number then held the phone to his ear. "Hello?... Yeah, it's Zayn... I have a little emergency here... Im trapped in an elevator... There's one girl with me and she's basically having a panic attack... Hurry, the elevator is making very unsettling noises."

He hung up the phone and rested his hand on my knee. He looked at me and said "People are on their way. They'll be here soon."

That was a little comforting, but what wasn't was the grinding noise coming from the elevator. It sounded like it was slipping.

Zayn asked trying to distract me from our current predicament "What's your name, love?"

I replied shakily "DJ."

He smiled as best he could "Nice to meet you. I'm Zayn."

"I know. My best friend loves you guys."

Zayn went quiet for a second and I could see the wheels in his head turning. "You said your name was DJ right?"

I nodded. Zayn asked "Are you that girl that flipped us off earlier?"

Oh gosh, well this just got awkward. Before I could answer the elevator jerked again. I screamed and clung onto Zayn shaking. He started rocking me back and forth humming soothingly. Unwanted tears started forming.

Suddenly I heard voices yelling "Zayn! Are you in there?"

Zayn set me down and yelled "In here! Hurry!"

The elevator jerked again. It seemed like the walls were collapsing on me. I could barely breath and my body shook uncontrollably. Zayn knelt down next to me, "We're gonna be fine. People are here to get us out."

The elevator doors were pried open and light flooded the elevator. The elevator was stuck between two floors. The security and medical people all extended their hands down to help us out. My whole body was still shaking.

Zayn lifted me up and handed me to the medical people. They laid me down and literally forced an oxygen mask onto my face even though I insisted that I was fine.

Zayn then started to climb out of the elevator. I looked and noticed the elevator was starting to slip, but Zayn was still in the elevator. In a split second of courage, I threw off my gas mask and ran over to Zayn. I grabbed his arms and pulled him the rest of the way out of the elevator. Being my ever clumsy self, I ended up tripping causing both me and Zayn to fall. Talk about embarrassing.

As soon as Zayn was out of the elevator the entire thing just plummeted. Zayn looked between me and the elevator. Then he stood up and helped me to my feet. He asked "Are you okay?"

I nodded "I'm fine. Thanks for helping me in there."

He smiled "Don't worry about it. I owe you for that." He motioned towards the elevator doors.

"I think we can call it even."

He reached into his back pocket. "Oh! I almost forgot about this. Here you go."

He handed my phone to me. "Oh thanks! That would've been bad if I forgot it."

I was about to walk away but Zayn said "Wait, you dropped this bracelet when you pulled me out."

It was my little rubber bracelet that said dream on it. I smiled "You can keep it."

He shrugged then slid it onto his wrist. I began walking down the hallway towards the stairs, but I stopped and turned around. I said "By the way, I don't think you're a self centered brat. Well, not anymore."

Zayn cracked a smile and laughed "So it was you!"

Continuing towards the stairs, I giggled a little. It was a serious hike up the stairs to the eleventh floor. By the time I actually got to the room I was exhausted. I literally just crawled into bed and checked my phone really quick. Wait, what? I had a new contact. I sat up and looked at it. It was Zayn! He put his number in my phone! When did he do that?

Placing my phone on the nightstand, I curled up under the covers and started to fall asleep.

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