{Chapter 43.} I Just Want To Be Alone

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"What just happened?-" Camilo said, looking around to see- isabelas room. Apparently isabela had something to say, as she tapped her foot for a moment, before her vines stopped, the vines quickly pushed Camilo onto the ground.

"Wh- Isa?-" Camilo looked up at her.

"You have ruined my life! Your running the magic and Abuela almost found out the truth about what I did!" Isabela yelled.

"She should know the truth!" Camilo yelled

{With Lorenzo, Abuela, and Pepa}

"Your worse then bruno" Abuela yelled.

Lorenzo quickly felt the need to attack her but didn't, he stayed quiet for a moment and quickly heard the yelling in Isabela's Room.

"What going on?-" Lorenzo shoved Pepa and Abuela aside and ran upstairs To Isabel's room.

{Back in Isabela's room}

To Lorenzo's surprise Camilo wasnt even there.

"Where is he?" Lorenzo looked at Isabela.

"He ran to his room or whatever."

Of course, lorenzo quickly ran outside of isabelas room then to outside the door of camilos.

"Camilo?- Can you let me in, the door is locked." Lorenzo said.

"No. I just want to be alone." Camilo said quietly, leaning against his door.

"Camilo I'm sorry you heard us fighting. I know you hate when there is yelling and fighting-" Lorenzo said but quickly got interrupted

"I'm not opening the door again. Not again. Everytime I do, someone yells at me, and tells me to lock myself back in here anyways" Camilo said.

Lorenzo could hear his little brothers cries from the other side fo the door, complete guilt took over him as he thought it was his fualt for leaving him alone at the casita almost a year ago.

"I wouldn't yell, and I'm not leaving until you open the door." Lorenzo said sitting down in front of Camilo's door.

Soon Camilo opened the door slightly. "Fine."

Lorenzo walked into the room, to his surprise, seeing all the broken and shattered mirrors and glass scattered across the floor next to blood stains.

"Is this why you left? Camilo?" He asked.

"One of the many reasons." Camilo said while sitting back down against a wall.

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