{Chapter 9.} Betrayal

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"Isabela- Carlos?!-" mirabel jumped, surprised for a second. "something is wrong with camilo.. and yesterday I may or may not have stolen a notebook- i think if he doesnt tell me I'm gonna have to show Tía pepa the notebook, or at least tell her what he told me..."

"What did he tell you?" Carlos said.

"Yeah, mirabel, what did he tell you?" Isabela repeated carlos.

"Well- it's none of your buisness." Mirabel said, walking downstairs to the nursery to get Camilos notebook that she took.

"Hm, so camilo, what's wrong?" Isabela said, facing the door, expecting a response.

"Isa? And- carlos?!- since when did you care?" Camilo asked, suprised.

"We dont care, we just wanna know what's up." Isabela said.

"Why should I tell you then? If you dont care? And it's none of your business anyways so it's not like I'm gonna tell you." Camilo replied.

"Because if you dont-"
carlos said, shape shifting into an animal small enough to fit under the door, then shape shifted back to himself as soon as he got into the room, unlocking the door for isabla.
"we are gonna force you to tell us."

"What?-" camilo backed away from the two until he was stopped by a wall.

"You heard me, so tell us what's wrong" carlos said.

Isabela used her flower vines to block the door so he couldn't run outside.

{Meanwhile with Mirabel}

"Tía. I think I know what's wrong with camilo, I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone- but I feel like I need to.." mirabel took the notebook out and gave it to pepa

"Mirabel, What's this?" Pepa and Félix asked, as the rest of the people at the table watched in curiosity.

"I think it's a diary or something.. maybe it has why camilo is upset for sure.. I havent read it yet, but I'm sure it has what's wrong-" mirabel said, but got cut off.

The table went silent as they heard yelling and screaming from upstairs.

"What was that?!" Abuela said, almost like she was demanding an answer.

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