{Chapter 49.} The Candle

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"Camilo, your so troubled. You've made Mirabel act out aswell! What has gotten into you?!" Abuela yelled.

"Abuela that's enough. I am not gonna let you keep treating Camilo like this!" Mirabel said.

"See, this is exactly what I mean!" Abuela said.

Camilo carefully walked passed mirabel and stood in front of Abuela. "For years I've kept all your secrets, and for years I have kept all of mine"

"Camilo what do you mean?" Mirabel said, grabbing one of his hands but as soon as she did, he pulled away.

"Secrets are no fun if you dont share with everyone, and tonight I've got a couple things to get off of my chest." He looked back at everyone else.

"Where were you when I needed you to be on my side?!" It was clear, camilo was mad at everyone, everyone except Lorenzo the one person who actually stood up for him all his life.

"Cant make the flowers grow, but even so I showed you all respect!" He yelled.

"Respect?! You've done nothing but disobey me!" Abuela yelled back at him.

Camilo quickly looked back at Abuela "No more lies. Why dont you open your eyes and see what you have done?!" Camilo stared at her for a moment.

"I have believed for my whole life, that the problem with this family were, me... but it turns out I was wrong, all the problems, they were YOU" Camilo stated  clearly, covering his mouth adter realizing what he had been saying.

Abuela stood in shock, soon the Casita started to crack, And the candle started to flicker.

The Casita started shaking and Mirabel had a feeling, she knew what was gonna happen next.

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