{Chapter 93.} Attempt

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{Warning. Mateo does act very creepy later on in this chapter and also does some concerning things, I do not recommend reading if you know what I mean by 'creepy and concerning'😰... if you do read. I bet you're gonna hate Mateo even more.}

"Mateo- let go please, I'm sorry for running away just please, let go and dont continue the experiment yet... please! Dont make me keep begging you to leave me alone-!" Camilo kept begging

"Fine! Just shut up already." Mateo let go of Camilo and pushed him onto the ground

Camilo quietly whimpered for a moment, then looked up at Mateo, noticing Mateo's dark smile. It was as if Mateo enjoyed seeing Camilo in pain, or suffering.

"You know... maybe I won't leave you alone..I won't continue the experiment though so calm down.." Mateo grabbed Camilos arm and made him stand up

Camilo seemed confused and tried to pull his arm away again

Mateo dragged him back into the bedroom. He all of a sudden harshly pushed Camilo onto the bed

"Dont touch me!" Camilo shouted, glaring at Mateo, on the verge of tears.

Mateo didn't listen, pinning him on the bed then all of a sudden Mateo kissed him, he enjoyed watching tears rush down Camilo's face, noticing how Camilo was shaking with fear as well.

He tried to unbutton Camilo's shirt  to attempt to do even worse but Camilo quickly gained the strength to push him off and break the kiss.

Camilo burried himself under a blanket as if he was trying to hide from Mateo. He started sobbing and hated that he couldnt forget what just happened.

Mateo sighed and got off of the bed. "Fine..maybe I'll just try again later, and you won't stop me next time..." he smiled darkly and walked out of the room.

Camilo stopped hiding after a few minutes but was still shaking badly. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down and wiped tears off of his face. He saw a picture on the wall of Mateo, glaring at it in disgust. Camilo couldn't even believe what had just happened, He was more eager, and desperate to escape now since he learned that Mateo would start to make sudden attempts to take advantage of him.

Soon Mateo walked back into the room with a glass of water, giving it to Camilo.

Camilo stared at the glass, he was smart not to drink it though, knowing it was probably drugged to make Camilo pass out to Mateo could try to do what he would've before.

Camilo threw the glass on the ground in a fit of rage, watching the glass shatter and break into peices.

Mateo glared back at Camilo and slapped him across the face, watching Camilo end up crying even more. "I try to be nice for once and this is how you repay me... ungreatful brat."

Camilo was silent for a moment then looked back at Mateo. "Go away.. please."

Mateo sighed and left the room, but locked the door. Now Camilo couldn't even leave the room. Outside the room near the door he could hear Mateo say; "I'll let you out when you learn not to disobey me and push me away.."

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