{Chapter 16.} New Vision

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"Those- Those? that's an old vision, dont worry about it." Bruno said.

"Alright." Camilos said. While bruno had his back turned Camilo picked up a peice of the broken vision, and dusted the sand off of it.

"What are you doing?" Bruno said noticing the Peice of the vision camilo picked up and took it. "Please leave these alone" bruno said, throwing the peice back into the sand.

"Sorry-" camilo said.

"Its okay, while your over there I'll try to have another vision. It's been so long since I have... let's hope I do this correctly." Bruno would sigh then his eyes would glow a bright shade of green and sand that was all around him would start to swirl around the room in different shades of green and black.

Camilo backed up and watched it happen, after a minute or 2 brunos eyes stopped glowing and the sand went back to normal.

"Did it work? What's the vision?" Camilo said.

"Sort of yeah, but I think you should wait to know what it is. I feel like it would make you feel worse then you already do." Bruno said, throwing the vision onto the ground and it shattered into small peices.

"Why cant you tell me? What happened? Now your just keeping secrets from me? I told you my secret so it's fair if you tell me about the vision-" camilo said but got cut off.

"Camilo I said I would tell you later okay?!" Bruno slightly yelled in annoyance. "Look, I'm sorry for yelling, maybe you should just go back to your room or something, everyone is probably worried about you." Bruno said walking away.

"Fine, I dont need the stupid vision anyways." camilo muttered, and kicked one of the broken vision pieces that where in the sand.

{{Time skip to when they get down all of the stairs in the tower}}

"Bye." Bruno said, all of a sudden disappearing back into the walls of the casita.

"Bye- nevermind, your already gone." Camilo sighed and walked downstirs again, but this time, he saw everyone fighting about where he had disappeared to.

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