{Chapter 44.} "Look At Me All Emotional"

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"Could you tell me, at least some more of the reasons? Reasons you havent told me?" Lorenzo said and sat down next to camilo.

Camilo looked away and replied by shaking his head 'no.'

"Why not?" Lorenzo asked.

"Because I dont want you to get upset, or think I'm lying." Camilo said.

"Why would I say it's a lie? I've already seen other things that have happened, and I promise I wont."
Lorenzo reassured.

Camilo took a deep breathe then looked at Lorenzo. "The mirrors. I always try to look away but they are everywhere here. I hate it."

Lorenzo looked at Camilo, confused. "What do you mean? Why would you hate your reflection?"

"If you look in the mirror, what do you see? 'Cause I see a distorted reflections of me. Am I losing myself or am I trying to be somebody I'm not for this family?"

Lorenzo looked at him speechless for a moment. "What-? Why didn't you tell me before? I could've helped you!"

"Its okay, I'm sort of used to it. I guess that's my place in this small town, changing my face to make people smile. Being who they need me to be to make my family proud." Camilo stared at the floor. "Make my family proud...? I cant, I've tried so many times but I still don't." Camilos voice was shaky and he cried more at the thought of being a disappointment.

Lorenzo felt bad for Camilo and gave him a soft smile. "I promise, it will be okay? I swear."

Soon pepa and dolores walked I to the room, They had been listening from outside the room.

"Lorenzo, can we please talk to Camilo for a moment?" Pepa asked while Dolores stood next to her

Lorenzo looked and Camilo and Camilo nodded his head 'yes'. And Lorenzo left the room to let Pepa and Dolores talk to Camilo.

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