{Chapter 33.} Out Of Control

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"-What was that?" Lorenzo asked.

"I dont know.." Valentina walked towards the door, grabbing the doorknob and opening the door.

Lorenzo quickly noticed Camilo who was Collapsed on the floor.

"What happened?!" Lorenzo asked while helping Camilo sit up straight so he wasnt on the floor anymore.

"I dont know." Camilo said, confused while trying to remember what happened. "I fell I think?? I- think somethings wrong with my gift." Camilo continued.

"Its not your gift okay? Nothings wrong, your just tired." Lorenzo said, even though there was more things that could have been wrong. He hugged Camilo for a second to reassure him that it was alright, even if it obviously wasn't.

Valentina looked at the two. "Hey Lorenzo, if you dont mind me asking, how long has.. everything, been going on?" She'd ask.

"Since he got his gift." Lorenzo Answered, letting go of camilo.

"Since he got his- but dont you get your gifts when your 5, and hes 15?!" Valentina Questioned.

"Yeah.. our abuela isnt- the nicest person, please dont overreact,  it will stress Camilo out." Lorenzo said.

Valentina sighed. "Not the nicest?! Shes horrible! From everything you told me- she shouldn't even be aloud to step foot in the Casita! Has it ever gotten worse?!" Valentina kept asking.

"Yeah, the reason I'm always outside is because she kicked me out, almost a year ago, because she didnt like that I was defending Camilo. And he suffered when I wasnt there, this was my fault." Lorenzo said with a guilty feeling.

Camilo sat on the floor leaning against the walls while hugging his knees. "Its not your fualt." He muttered quietly.

Valentina and Lorenzo both looked at Camilo, Lorenzo feeling guilty that Camilo had blamed himself for most of the things that happened.

{{Back at the casita}}

Pepa stormed around the Casita, a cloud above her head, thundering and raining. and everything spiraling out of control, the weather starting to turn into a hurricane, the the cloud above her head kept appearing and re-appearing due to the gifts that where acting weirdly.

"Has anyone found him?!" Pepa shouted with tears rolling down her face, she was stressing out and Félix tried to calm her down, even though it didnt work.

"Mamá why did you have to be so  HORRIBLE TO HIM?!"  Pepa yelled at Abuela.

"I WASNT!" Abuela would yell back, starting another fight.

As everyone was looking around the casita trying to find him, Isabela picked up the notebook that was in Camilos room and laughed acting like the trauma he had gone through was just a joke.

Carlos taking the notebook from isabela, finally having enough of her bullshit. He wasnt gonna act like he didnt care anymore, so he took the notebook with him.

"Hey?! What gives?! I was reading that!" Isabela said.

"Its not yours, and I'm done with your bullshit Isa, I've tried to act like I didnt care but i'm done with that! Dont you feel guilty for what we did?! What you did?!?!" He'd yell in frustration.

"Of course not, that was fun, and what's so wrong about it? What's he gonna do?  The worst he could do is run away and even that's not bad the encanto is a small town so we would easily find him." She'd laugh.

Carlos was sick of Isabela acting like this, he attacked her, making her fall onto the ground and he was on top her her, trying to punch her but isabelas vines stopping him.

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