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I wake up to the pungent smell of disinfect, invading my nostrils and the sounds coming from the TV on one corner. The room is silent apart from my heavy breathing and the heart monitor alarming me the sounds of my heartbeat, indicating I'm still alive. I slowly open my eyes in thin lines, squinting in attempt to sharpen the blurry images before me; however, I glance around the grey and white colour scheme of the hospital bedroom. My hand travels to my chest with wires attach to it, pressing the throbbing area on my bandage as I flinch at the pain, groaning a bit. I manage to shot my eyes open and scan the area, but it only confirms to me that I'm all alone. I try to get up, although I slip out a couple of moans from the pain stretching around my chest. My feet steps on the cold white tiles as I rip off the wires on my chest, and the needle punctures through my vein. I wrap my arm softly around my waist, holding onto the bed for support. I hover over my body, bringing my attention to what I'm wearing; absolutely nothing but a single pair of black sweatpants. Someone must've changed my clothes. My eyes trails around to find a couple of flowers on the desk, continuously checking my surroundings till I notice the nearest door. I slowly limp towards it when I release my hand off the bed, but instantly falls on one knee to the ground. Instantly grab a hold of the bed, groaning from the sudden movement. My body engulfs in pain as if objecting my decision to stand up, but my attention instantly focus on the TV as the news lady starts to talk.

"Unfortunately there hasn't been any news in regarding to Bruce Wayne's health conditions. We are still waiting for any informations if wether he will survive from his coma. However, today marks three years since the incident. Until then, we will pray for his behalf."

My eyes quickly trails up to the screen, widening in shock. "Three years?" The sound of my hoarsely voice catches me off guard. I try to swallow an amount of spit to moist up my throat, but it didn't make it better.

I hear the sound of the door opens, which catches my attention. The nurse enters the room without slowing her stride, panicking floats through her eyes. "Mr. Wayne!" She quickly approaches me and gently wrap my arms around her shoulder, using the amount of strength she has to lift me. I groan from the pain till we reach up to the bed, but I quickly hold my balance with my hands.

"You need to lay down, sir!" She says with a serious tone, motioning towards the bed but I quickly hold my hand up, sucking air in through my teeth. The pain is overwhelming my chest as it rises from inhaling, but I refuse to let her help me.

"I'm not laying down. I have to go." I manage to bring back my raspy voice. The lady slowly approaches me, I quickly glance up at her with my eyes narrowing.

The nurse's face is shape like a diamond, tighten jawline, cheeks full and curly brown hair. She's young, probably around her mid twenty-five. Her eye color is a mix of hazel, as well as upturning. She's wearing a complete set of white clothes, however I notice the black monitor attach to her white coat.

"Sir," She mutters, raising her hands up slowly. "Let me help you. You are not capable of leaving yet."

I limp one step backwards, groaning a bit as my arm wraps around the waist once more. "I don't need your help. What I need, is you to let me out." I spat at her and her expression turns drastically in sadness.

"Unfortunately I can't do that sir, you will have to lay down." She continues to motion over the bed but I'm not giving in. 

I take a deep breath and flare through my nostrils in annoyance, furrowing my eyebrows. The door slowly opens again, catching both of our attention. Alfred walks in with the help of his stock, gulping in air till his eyes darts to me. Shock crosses his face, his mouth slightly opening and his eyebrows roses in surprise. "Bruce?" The sound of his voice slowly calms me down, a small faint of my smile appears.

Alfred limps his way to me, hitting each tiles with his stock to rush as fast as possible. However his other arm is already in the air, motioning in for a hug. I press my palm further onto the mattress, holding onto my balance as he appears close to me. Once it come to his attention I'm having difficulties to keep my composure, he didn't lean in for a hug, darting his eyes around my bandage. "You have to lay down."

I shake my head Immediately, swallowing pretty hard. "No. I have to go, now." I say demandingly till I use the last strength in me to limp forward towards the edge of the bed. The nurse quickly grasp a hold of my arm, but my eyes haunts into hers to releases it. She quickly flinch her hand back and Alfred takes a step in front of me with a worrying expression.

"Bruce, you have to lay down." He says calmly, but I shake my head once again.

"Home, Alfred. Home." I groan a little and softly thrust the palm of my hand on the mattress, pushing my upper body in control from benefiting the help of an object.

Alfred shrugs a little, tilting his head towards the nurse and nods. "He would like to go home, so I insist we do so."

The nurse shrugs defeatedly as she takes another glance at me before bustling off, disappearing down the corridor as rapidly as she came. Alfred trails his attention to me, tightening his hand around the top if the stock.

"I suppose it's Daisy you are worried about?" Alfred asks. My eyes trails to the cold white tiles, nodding to him.

"Why is she not here?" I mutter, however Alfred doesn't answer.

My eyes quickly peers up to him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. Alfred takes a deep breath, shaking his head lightly as he shuts his eyes.

"What's going on, Alfred?" I try to motion my feet closer to him, but it's harder than I expect.

Alfred shrugs and hold his hand in the air, spreading each fingers before trailing his eyes up to mines. "Everything is fine, but we have a lot to discuss."

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