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Government, police officers, FBI, or any resources couldn't possibly help me, nor for Daisy. The problem is flat; I can't ask anyone to find my son except Batman. Yet, Joker knows the real me–it made it difficult to hide in the shadows.

The entire complex had to get renovated. Each room was surrounded by dust, and broken objects, not to mention everything was shattered to the ground. Luckily, the cave hasn't been touched. Alfred made it impossible to go down, which meant the elevator was broken for any electricity. I had to fix it all on my own, to keep it as quiet as possible from any local media to observe the area. Yet the only problem I had was Joker. He had everything in his hands; my son and me. He has the cards on his table, and I was worthless if he exposed who I am.

Daisy hasn't spoken the entire day. She's been sitting on the same couch and staring at the wall with a blanket wrapped around her. Alfred tried to approach her, but nothing came out of her. She'll wait until around five in the morning, fall asleep, then wake up around eight in the same position. Daisy refused to eat, and sometimes she would simply stare at Alfred or me to leave it alone.

I spend the entire day in the cave, watching over the gloomy city through the cameras. Hookers, minor criminals stealing bags and drop heads, but nothing that's linked to the Joker. The hisses that curl through my mind like tendrils of smoke, has mark itself for days now. I haven't shut my eyes for hours after hours, and a throb of migraines appeared almost everyday. I didn't have time to sleep or adjust myself, it's whether something happen to my son or not.

The sound of the elevator goes off, which brings my attention to it. Alfred steps out and limps toward the table, flashing a friendly smile. "How are you holding up?"

A menace slit through my expression, facing the computers once again. I hear a shrug coming from him, yet I didn't pay no attention to him any longer.

"The light has been up for three days now, I suggest you check It out."

I still didn't give him any reply.

Alfred shrugs and inches closer with his stock. "Bruce, this is hard for me too. But you still have a duty to focus on. He will eventually show-"

"I'm not going." I quickly interrupt with a numbness to my voice.

Alfred press his lips together, slowly nodding defeatedly. "If you insist. But it will lead to a suspicious." he limp his way back to the elevator.

My eyes trails off to my mask laying beside the desk, along with the suit. Suddenly I start debating on it, if whether I should go or not. A shrug parted my lips in frustration, leaning my back against the chair. My mind is only worrying about my son, and how to get him home. I would always choose to save the city over anything, but things didn't look promising for me if Davion wasn't with me.

The darkness takes over the city pretty quickly as I reach to the highest building with the bat skylight attached to the roof. The elevator slid open and revealed James standing above the town; his mustache was dusted with coffee stains and his face so haggard it looked like he hadn't slept in years. His alpha was musk more prominent from his lack of daily showering. He carried nothing in thick, calloused hands, clothes slightly rumpled, and eyes filled with a cold loathing

His eyes instantly lands to the elevator, strolling closer to me. "There you are, I been goddamn looking for you."

"I had business to take care of."

"I see.." James furrows his brows. "Well, we got him. That son of a bitch is sitting in the police station for interrogation. Waited five days to get him finally."

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