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"Time to bring out the big boys!" Joker haphazardly tosses his silvery gun to the side and reaches into his jacket, producing a pair of much larger guns. The mobs vigorously aim at Davion and me. "Bye-bye, little hero!"

The gunshots reverberated deafeningly in the confines of the hall. I fling my body on top of Davion, tossing him to the ground with my body shielding him around. The AMT Hardballer., 45, barks once, twice at the shadowy form. The 230-grain hollow points propel at more than 900fps, hardly punching through my titanium-dip fiber and hardening kevlar. Davion brings his mask and bends his knees up to his chest, avoiding bullets hitting his legs.

"Do not!" I shout in a wave of helpless anger simmering in me, anchoring my attention on him. "Listen to me!"

Davion dodges my demands and proceeds to set his camouflage. "We can do this! Together!"

"No!" I keep my composure, with every inch of my muscles tensing.

"Dad, listen!" Suddenly his voice becomes authoritative. "You walk towards them, I'll jump up from behind and smash them! It's a good plan!"

I grit my teeth together, a faint trace of irritation. "It's risky, Davion!"

"Just trust me, dad!" He finds his composure, strengthening his legs to bounce up any moment. "I have a lot under my sleeves I haven't shown you yet!"

"Davion!" My mind is settling on the possibility of death.

He shrugs annoyingly, showing the surface of titanium stuck to his palm and down the wrist. "Trust me!"

I groan in frustration, nodding in acceptance. "In the count of three! One, two-"

"Three!" Davion shouts abruptly.

My body jumps up and runs down the corridor with bullets hitting the emblem chest plates. Davion bounces to his feet, following behind until a sudden shot of the glue in a long stream, creating a long string almost like a web, sticks to the top part of the doorframe. Davion swings over my head with both legs aiming toward the mobs until it kicks two of the remaining henchmen. Joker's eyes widen in marvel, and he sprints down the living room. I grab hold of one of the criminals, launching for his head while colliding my fist against his chest. He drops his weapon defeatedly and falls to the ground violently. My eyes catch Davion, shooting webs from his wrist onto both men lying on the basis he conquers.

"What the hell was that?" My voice sounds harsh, hardly enough for me to recognize him.

Davion swings his head to me, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous laugh. "Told you. I have a lot under my sleeves."

My eyes narrow, and I stroll off to the two men lying on the ground, kicking off the guns. "We will have this conversation once it's all over."

"I know!" He replies enthusiastically, sprinting down into the living room. "Let's just get the smiley man first!" I blow a whoosh of air and join him down the spaces.

A couple of mobs appear from the office firing loads of guns, but Davion joins them with another kick on each person, firing his silvery strings. "Go get him, I got this!"

I nod in agreement and continue my way down the hall. The sounds of bullets continue until it slowly dies out, till I'm closing down the chambers. Joker's laugh is hysterically taunting in the main room, shooting through the glass windows. My first thought is Daisy and Alfred, but they are nowhere to be seen. The clown cocks his gun again, but I jump out and start running in full force, throwing myself in the air till my body lands on top of him. He falls with a clangorous groan when a loud thud appears from the back of his head, hitting the wooden tiles. I spin one arm around his forelimbs, clenching them both with my other hand, balling them into a fist in defiance while whamming his skull. The joker laughs in amusement at the pain racking through his beak when it begins oozing out. In that heated moment, I blackout with anger. Everything becomes quiet around me while my eyes are stuck on the target. My body grows wildly, continually banging him to his unconsciousness. The sudden craze rose through my blood vessel;

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