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The moon is cloaked in heavy darkness that fell onto the city. The clouds jostle amongst each other causing loud vibrations and flashes of light. It had been raining for hours now, the steady patter of water against all the windows exposing itself in the manor. The night deepens each room blended in the shadows from all the corners, covering a thick layer of light.

Darkness sticks to my face as I walk down the empty hallway, stumbling on my bare feet and kissing the cold wooden tiles. My head inclines downwards placing the black t-shirt through the top hole with my arms slipping into the sleeves, pulling the bottom of the edge over my abdominal muscles. The feeling of the cotton fabric wrapped around my wound leaves a sudden irritation in me as I flare through the nostrils, trailing off to the entrance. The red and yellow ribbons of scalding heat intertwine while burning onto the kindling wood, tracing a glimpse of light through the doorframe. My eyes wandered toward the living room, revealing Daisy sitting on the couch with Davion. Alfred stands beside the fire with a worrying expression. Daisy picks up Davion's tiny body and swathes around it before placing his head gently on her shoulder. His eyes are shut with his mouth wide open, indicating he must've fallen asleep.

"You have to let him know, Alfred." Daisy rocked Davion's body slowly. "He can't go back to being Batman."

They haven't noticed my appearance in the room as my body stood in complete stillness. My eyes squinted from listening to the conversation.

The sound of a little deprecating shrug slips out of Alfred, locking his attention to the flames encircling the fireplace. "Unfortunately I can't tell him what to do. It's dangerous but it's also part of him."

"To hell with what's part of him," Daisy's cussing out and sneers in denial. "He'll end up dead."

The growing frustration and resentment explode inside of me as my nostrils flare in annoyance. I stroll my feet closer to the living room, resting my forearm against the wounded area of the chest. The sound of the wooden tiles caused Alfred and Daisy to look in my direction. "You need to mind your business Daisy," I spat out with my eyes narrowing at her. "It's my decision in the end. Accept it."

Daisy quickly lifts herself from the couch. Her eyes darkened with frustration. "You have lost your mind speaking to me like that."

"Daisy," My voice turns deeper than the usual tone of my voice."Mind your business."

Her eyes grew three times in shock until she narrows them down. She quickly fled through the living room and towards the hallway with Davion in her arms. My eyes trail off to her disappearing till I glance at Alfred. His nostrils flare in frustration.

"Bruce, I would suggest-"

"No," I immediately cut him off and stroll to the elevator. "I don't have time to hear about her problems about whether I am choosing to be Batman or not. It's my decision, and it's something she should've accepted." The pat of my finger taps onto the panel button, lifting my head towards Alfred. "I need your help with the suit."

Alfred shrugs defeatedly before gripping onto his stock and limping forward to me.

The elevator door slid open and my feet trails off towards the desk. Alfred follows from behind as the sound of his stock taps onto the concrete floor. The healing has already begun to increase my movements, however, it was hard enough for me to lean over. I grab onto the backpack from the wooden table, unzipping it as I took out the armor attached to the suit with mad-black titanium-dip fiber and hardened kevlar plates. The chest plate of the bat metal emblem glimpse through the light from the lamp, my eyes stare into it before I dig my hand into the backpack and throw the black cowl of my mask onto the desk. Alfred holds his composure still beside the table with a familiar expression of hurt.

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