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The sounds of the door shutting in front of me echoed through the hallway as I watched Daisy leave with Davion in her arms. Alfred stood beside me and clutched onto his stock aggressively, flaring through his nostrils.

"This is the second time she is leaving, Bruce. And you are letting her walk out of your life without giving her an explanation." Alfred says sharply before trailing off down the hallway, avoiding any conversation to stir up.

A ray of darkness swept inside me, covering the beam of light that used to bring sparks into my heart. My ears strained from hearing anything coming from Alfred as sadness absorbed my emotions; however, it was a familiar feeling that brought an awful memory back.

- When I blacked out and destroyed the entire bedroom.

I tried to fight the urge to run after her, but it was more challenging than I imagined. Now that we have a son, I didn't want him to see me like this. A broken man who can't take care of his wife because of his devotion to protect the city. Daisy is my world. Whether I debated on it or not, it didn't change it.

I take a deep breath tilting my head towards the main doorframe as Alfred disappears. There wasn't much anger fueling inside of me, but rather sadness winning over my body.

My feet slowly trailed off to the staircase with my mind traveling around Daisy; wondering how she felt, her thought process, and not to mention my son.

I shut the door behind me and slid each of my feet on the cold wooden tiles, strolling over the empty bed that used to be ours. Daisy's scent is all over the room, marking each spot as hers. It broke my heart all over again, almost leaving an unhealed scar.

The darkness around my eyes circled around the area till I caught a glimpse of light outside the window; the bat symbol.

My eyelids shut in frustration with a groan parting my lips, and both legs kneel beside the bed and fold each arm on top of the mattress, gripping the blanket that once had her lying on it.

Nothing felt like home anymore.

The sound of the door creaking din in my ear, yet I didn't give in to observe who it was. My mind was occupied finding several solutions, but it became blurrier than before.

I buried my head onto the mattress, inhaling the scent of her till I narrowed my eyebrows in frustration. My hand clutched onto the silky fabric of the quilt, not knowing whether to be mad or give up hope altogether.

The sudden urge to destroy everything around me roses back up. I started to chew on my lower lip, fighting the urge to release my emotions; until the first tear broke free.

"Bruce," Alfred says with a soft-spoken voice. "They need you."

I chuckled with no humor in my tone, continuously pressing my head onto the mattress. "Get out."

The sound of Alfred stocks echoes closer to me. "I have never seen you like this before."

Another chuckle slipped through my lips.
"Get out."

The feeling of Alfred's warm hand weighing on my shoulder suddenly broke a piece of my heart. I balled a fist and hammered it against the mattress.

My fist continuously beat onto the bed. "Fuck. Fuck, fuck!" A loud yell slid out of my mouth, mumbling against the fabric. I quickly lifted my head, realizing I'd been crying; the tears streamed down my cheek and left dark spots on the sheet.

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