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The sound of the motorcycle rumbles through the highway, roaming as fast as possible. Streetlights are flickering past me, vehicles honking abruptly while moving in front of them at high speed, gliding each line—the adrenaline surge through my bloodline, a twinge of anger gradually arises. Nothing could possibly destroy me more than my son's safety being on risk. It's a matter of time, and I know I only had a second.

The joker successfully escaped both me and James. Gordon was lying on the floor, bleeding to his own consciousness. I continued to beat him until he eventually found his own strength and used a grenade smoke. However, everyone was saved. James was unsure about what Joker talked about in the hospital, but he helped along to find out which area left a deep construction work. There's no other escape but the only place to find Davion.

The building is in the middle of a desert place. The slants night light gives everything a hazy look as it passes through the moist air. The perimeter of the ground is as tall as it can get to the sky, adding much more fear for the safety of my son; From the foundations amid the machines.

No sounds appear anywhere, not from the opening view inside the building — neither around the area. But I proceed to park my motorcycle and walk through the new cement stairs, adding to each floor from the highest facility. Still nothing, not until I reach up to the ending part, with the entire city as my view.

A sound of a gun clicking behind me catches my attention immediately, to meet eye to eye with Michael.

His hand clutches on a pistol, partly racing his tone and grimace. "It's that easy to bring you around, huh?"

"Where is he?" My body holds no fear of dying at this point, I risk it all for everyone but me.

"That stupid kid?" Michael snarls and aims at the nucleus of my head. "I don't know what the fuck he wants to do with him, but if it's for revenge, i'm with it."

I grit my teeth together, fueling my blood vessel with anger that roses. "Where the hell is he?"

Michael hastily aims at the huge metal box attach to the building for gas before landing it back on me. "Behind that shit. "

A sound of crying appears once Joker pops up with him, carrying his tiny body with swollen eyes. "Look who's here! Batboy!" his childish voice is mocking my gesture, yet I catch a glimpse of the silvery gun in his other hand.

"You know," the joker licks his lips, scaring Davion even more. "Batman is a nobody like me! He has a couple of screws holes to fix."

Davion's eyes are gazing at me, stretching each hand. "Daddy!"

Michael peeks over, shock passing through him till he lingers it back to me. "That's your damn son? It makes fucking sense now."

"Alright!" The joker blows out, suddenly aiming the gun ad Michael. "Done with the chit chats. Go over to the corners, both of you."

Michael narrows his eyes, frustratingly striving his gun at him. "What the fuck are you doing?"

The joker laughs and holds onto the clutch of the gun. "You got to be crazy thinking we are partners! I do everything solo. I just wanted to take the honor to kill the last man standing on Crawfords!"

My knuckles whitened, feeling a searing rage coming from my aspect. I take a step forward until the Joker hastily aims the gun at Davion. "Ah ah ah! I wouldn't do that if I were you! Now go. This is getting boring."

"I thought you said you wasn't going to kill me." I hiss before digging my nails deeper into my palm.

The joker rolls his eyes playfully. "I keep my word vengeance. Now, hurry over. "

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