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Daisy stood in the middle of the room with silence consuming the cave, both arms folding against her chest. "I don't like it one bit. You'll end up dead-"

"Daisy," I glanced at her with my eyelids lowering down. "Not now." She shrugs a bit before inching closer to me.

I grab my mask from the desk and gradually put it on. The sounds of bats residing inside the cave while flickering their wings around caused Daisy to jump a little. A chuckle parts my lips.

"Looks like we won't have a pet." I rasp, in which she scoffs.

"Surely not them." She muffled quietly.

I grasp onto the gears and attach them to the suit. The sound of Daisy's heels tapping louder caught my attention pretty quickly. I took notice of her appearance today; The signature ponytail with a black dress tightening around her petite figure and light makeup on. A smile crept onto my lips as she stood completely still in front of me.

"I'm still not a fan of Batman." She mutters with sadness crossing her expression.

My eyes trailed down to the bat symbol and pressed it on the chest plate, exhaling through my nostrils. "Yeah, I know."

"But flexible." My brows furrowed till I glanced back at her.

"What?" She chuckles at my expression, inching closer than usual.

Our bodies brushed against each other. Daisy's palm gently pressed onto the hardened kevlar plates, her wandering gaze came up to my face, and warmth shot through her cheeks. A smile of pleasure spread over my lips and spilled into my eyes.

"What are you thinking about Daisy?" My voice lowered yet controlling. She shakes her head shyly.

"Nothing." Her voice turned sultry. Daisy's action shot into my mind and puzzled the pieces together.

My eyes squinted in thin lines with a slight smirk. "You can't be serious."

Daisy's eyes shot open with confusion. "What?"

"You want me to fuck you in this suit?" I chuckled a little before taking a couple of steps backward. "Try to get used to it at first, and then we'll discuss what I'll do to you."

Her cheeks roses in bright red. "I didn't say... that-"

"You thought of it," I quickly interrupted and walked towards the motorcycle. "I can tell."

"Yes, for a second, but I don't like-"

"You don't like Batman. I get it." My nostrils flare while seating my lower body on top of it.

"Yeah." She says quietly before trailing towards the panel button annexed to the wall beside the metal garage door. "Maybe one day." I switch the engine and shake my head a bit.

"I guess so."

The sound of the motorcycle rumbled the engine, riding smoothly on the road. The city is optically incapacitating with shining lights on streetlights and traffic jams on every corner. The whole street was full of clouds of black smoke thickening around the silvery platform of the moon. My eyes narrow to the sky, and the famed bat signal is beaming onto the sky. I sharply swing to the right side, overhauling each car that appears on the quiet road until it comes to a dead end. Shadows fall on me while each streetlight sparkles in yellow as the motorcycle droves faster with my hand firmly gripping onto the throttle, passing each light from beaming onto the surface of my cowl.

I shut the engine off beside the tall empty building before jabbing against the panel button. The elevator door slid open before strolling inside, letting it automatically shut the door.

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