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The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the city, leaving traces of the clouds poking a hole. Streets glisten, and the cars have their lights on even though it's well after sunrise. The authority evacuated the entire building with yellow tapes surrounding the complex and outside with an ambulance, four black cars, and police cars. The Joker was packed in and put into the car while James investigated the area. Michael was put into the vehicle, and Catwoman disappeared like air; and so did I.

Everything is quiet in the manor, except for the breathing sounds coming from Davion on my shoulder. It wasn't easy to bring him away, but I managed to hide him. I know James Gordon already had many questions, perhaps looking for the child right now.

My footsteps echo through the hall, knowing Alfred would react pretty soon from the main entrance. Davion buries his face onto my neck with a finger in his mouth, drifting off to sleep; yet my biggest fear was to cause any traumas for my child.

I walk through the door and have yet to remove my entire uniform. Alfred catches a glance of me in the kitchen with a range of shock appearing within a second. Daisy is still sitting on the couch and hasn't seen or heard me yet.

Alfred drops whatever in his hand with a loud thud, finally bringing her attention. My eyes gaze at hers, and I watch her expression fall with fear, yet tears slowly bring to the surface of her eyelids.

"Baby?" She says with a trembling voice and raises herself from the couch, strolling toward Davion and me.

I trail my hand back up to my lips, pressing one finger. "He's sleeping, be quiet."

Daisy couldn't help but cry in silence, motioning to grab hold of him. I slowly stretch my arms out with Davion, which she quickly wraps around him. Her eyes shut with tears streaming down her cheek, caressing the back of his hair, but he didn't budge.

She takes minutes for herself embracing his presence until her eyes land on me with a worrying look. "What happened?"

"It's done," My voice is lower than usual. "And I'm sorry I put our son-"

"Stop," Daisy quickly interrupts, jerking her head in frantic disagreement. "I don't want to hear it. I'm not mad, I know this is who you are, and I know you tried to do everything you could to bring back your son."

A shrug parts my lips weakly, nodding to her statement. "He's alright, and I can only assume everything is back to normal for now. It can be any moment or days until someone else comes up."

Daisy nods and plants small kisses on Davion's cheeks, swaying back and forth, knowing she can feel him again. "I understand."

Alfred limps forward with a grave expression. "For once, I was worried you wouldn't have made it. What happened to Joker?"


Both Daisy and Alfred's expression drops entirely, with shock crossing their faces.

Alfred stumbles closer. "Have you killed him...."

Another shrug leaves my mouth before I give a disapproving gesture. "No. I wouldn't have killed him."

Daisy seems to be relieved by it, as well as Alfred. Although I would have if it were possible, except I promised I wouldn't.

Nothing is back to normal. I tried to make it believable for Daisy, knowing she takes it more challenging than I. A month has been passed, and there were no sounds of the Joker. Michael has been arrested for being involved with the crimes, and I've seen Catwoman here and there. James asked me what that was about, and I told him the truth; yet not all of it. The reality was, that's Davion Thomas Wayne - the child of Bruce Wayne and Daisy Wayne – except I made it clear to him that they needed me to find their son.

Nothing was further spoken about, and we returned to our usual schedule: saving Gotham City.

Penguin decided to rebuild his entire club with his dirty money and his highest selling products of drops, which meant a lot of work had to be done once his eagerness to take over the city became heavier. Law enforcement became more strict thanks to Bella Reál, but it became harder to decrease the crime around the town – and Daisy proceeded to help the city. I managed to spend more time with Davion, almost to the point he couldn't help himself but join me whenever I changed to Batman. Alfred and I kept it a secret until Daisy found out, yet she couldn't say much about how Davion was happy to witness his father be a 'hero,' according to what he believes I am. 

I found myself standing over the balcony of the old church around the graveyards, watching Selina settle her cat onto the motorcycle.

"Leaving so soon?"

Selina peeks over with a sudden shock until her muscles relax once she sees it's me. "You following me?"

"No," I watch her strolling closer to me. "I knew you were here."

"So stalking," She flashes a soft smile and lifts her head to gaze over my eyes. At this point, she's closer than before. "I'm leaving this town. I got what I wanted, the truth. Why don't you come with me, get into some trouble?"

I take a deep breath and stare into her features. Selina places a hand on my chest and leans closer, feeling her breath brush against my lips.

"We have much more in common than you think. Who are you under there? Who are you hiding?" She rests her hand on my cheek, gently caressing it till she trails off to the surface of my mask.

Our gaze stays stuck until she feels the need to bob her head further to me with a familiar seductive look. I swing it to the side, preventing her from doing whatever she plans.

Her expression switched, scoffing lightly at me from pressing her lips onto mine. "Who am I kidding. The batman is sold to someone else."

I didn't say anything back; instead, my eyes were staring at her, placing the black helmet she held onto the entire time. Selina looks at me with a grave expression before heading off to the motorcycle; with the last thought crossing my mind, I decided to join.

We drive down the road from the graveyards lined down, each on our motorcycle. Once we reach the end of the gate, she trails off in her direction, and I head to mine. The back mirror flashes her motorcycle disappearing through the foggy rain smoke this morning, slowly hiding the sun from the wakening city.

My eyes trail back to the road, knowing what I must do.

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