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Years have passed. Things haven't been the easiest. Thousands of criminals and cold-blooded villains put the city at risk multiple times, with thousands of innocent people. Gotham is the same repeating thing, except there is the familiar trace of people dying from a hidden symbol — and yet, we haven't found out who the person is just yet. James helped me to put people behind bars but also puzzle mysterious cases. For example, we met Scarface. Horrifying experience, but not worse than Joker himself. The police department had to fire corrupting cops such as Mackenzie Bock and his team, leaving James to take his position.

The morning lit up through the mirrors, shining each room with a glow of sparks. Daisy spends her time writing contracts in the living room, and Alfred helps along. They both exchange conversations about the economics of the hospitals she has paid for.

Things look promising between her and me. Nothing has changed, other than our love for each other grew more assertive. Alfred and I seem to leave my father's death behind, moving forward together.

And well, Davion? That's up for debate.

The elevator slid open as I stumble my way into the cave, to find Davion dropping each material he was holding onto.

He quickly jumps up from the floor with a nervous smile, rubbing the back of his neck. "Dad! Hey! Didn't think you would come anytime soon!"

I squint my eyes in thin slits and cross my arms, suspiciously watching the area. "What is going on?"

"I, uh," Davion trail his eyes back and forth on a black suit laying on the floor. "Nothing."

My feet takes a couple of steps closer to him, picking up an unfamiliar suit. "What is this for?"

Davion snatches it from me and tries to hide it behind him, except he was unsuccessful to do so. "Nothing!"

"What is that on the roof?" He quickly glances on the wall, in which I grab the end of the suit from him.

"Hey!" Davion tries to grab it but I hold it above my head, watching him struggle on his tip-toes. "I need it dad!"

"For?" I arch an eyebrow and press my other hand against his chest from capturing it.

Davion shrugs and scratch the back of his neck once more. "It's something dad, give it to me!"

My eyes trails back to the suit and notice the same material of my suit, except the sleeves and the pants is more elastic. "Are you making your own suit?"

"No!" Davion quickly respond. "Well, maybe. Dad!"

I take a deep breath with a sudden frustration fury inside of me. My feet strolls away from him and towards a box in one of the corners.

Davion follows from behind, throwing both hands in the air in surprise. "Hey! What are you doing?"

The box shot open once my fingers grab a hold of it, throwing the suit inside. "I'm not allowing you to risk your life. Not under my roof."

"Dad!" Davion drops his hands and blow a whoosh of air defeatedly. "They need me! Just as much as they need you!"

"Davion," my voice comes off more sharp as I peek toward him. He sinks his head down and raises both shoulders with a worrying look. "Not under my roof."

He takes a deep breath and clench his fists together. "Well, why not? I'm sixteen, I train everyday, feed myself and attend all my moms gatherings. You are out all night. Sometimes you and mom are up and-"

My eyes narrows and he quickly stops his sentence, throwing both hands up for his own defense. "What I mean is... I want to do something with my life. I already have my friends from college, good grades and everything."

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