Chapter 20 - The ring

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"Goodbye love! See you after work." Lena smiled as Kara walked out the door to work. 

Lena looked at the wall clock, 8.30 am, 30 more minutes until she had to pick up the ring. She took on her shoes, smiling at the fact that she had more than one choice of shoes at Kara's apartment, after she had spend so much time there. 

The road was quiet as it was a Thursday afternoon, the silence both calmed and scared Lena. Nothing but her thoughts about Kara, but than again nothing but thoughts about Kara, the proposal and the answer. The green light waked her up from her small trance.

"The order for Lena Luther." The clerk looked up. "Congratulations, what a lovely ring you picked out Miss. Luther." She said while putting the ring in a box at the front desk. "Will it be anything else?" "No. Not today, that is gonna be expensive enough." Lena chuckled. "A bag?" Lena nodded. "May I ask who the lucky one is?" The clerk asked. "Kara Danvers, and I'm the lucky one." "Well, I'm happy you two are still together, and don't worry about me telling the press." "Yeah I know you won't. I'm really happy too, funny how you've been here since the first gift." "Yeah, well Miss. Luther you like your gifts to be jewelry." Lena smiled, payed and left to go home to Kara's apartment.

Lena sat in the couch the ring box in her pocket, the bag buried deep in the trash can, Lena knew if it was showing Kara would see it, recognize the logo, call the shop, figure out what Lena bought, know she was gonna propose and freak out anytime Lena bend down.

Finally Lena was alone watching Buffy the vampire slayer in her pajamas. Than she remembered that for the plan to be perfect she had to have Sam's office.

"Sam, tonight I need your Office." - Lena

"Hello to you too. Why?" - Sam

"For a date with Kara, it was where we first kissed." - Lena

"Well of course, I'm done with work in an hour so just come later than that. You have the keys." - Sam

"Thank you so much! Sorry for the short notice I just kind of planned it yesterday." - Lena

"Yeah, it's just a date no need to plan every date two weeks in advance." - Sam

"Yeah.. See you on game night Saturday!" - Lena


Sorry for the short chapter, next one is gonna be at least 600 words. (this one is 404 of story) Sorry for the long break, I was busy with everything basically. I'll try to update more than once a  month but at least once a month, also we are almost at the end!

Have a lovely day! :))

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