Chapter 10 - Monday Off

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"Hey Kara what do you wanna do?" Lena said eating another chip. "Go to work. Save people." Kara answered annoyed. "You need a day off. Dont be mad about it." Lena layed down on Kara's lap.

"So anything fun you had in mind?" Kara said. "Not really, i do have work in two hours so not anything that takes to long." Lena said. "Huh!? You get to go to work but I dont? Typical." Kara sighed. "Typical?" Lena questioned. "Yeah typical. It's always unfair for me." Lena scuffed. "Unfair. To you? Miss hope. Supergirl." Lena got up from Kara's lap. "Yeah, i have always lived in supermans shadow. Look there goes supergirl, supermans cousin." Lena got up from the couch. "Wow! Look there goes that Luther. She's probaly just like him-" Lena said. "They say that about me to!" Kara yelled. "You don't see it do you? When they say your like him, they mean perfect. They mean a great hero! When they say im like my brother, they mean a manic evil supervilain!" Lena yelled back. "Dont be so mad.. It isnt that big a deal." Lena looked down. "Again. When your mad it's 'oh what's wrong, shes probaly going through alot.' but me-" "I am going through alot!!" Kara yelled. "My mum just left for Raos sake..." Kara stood up looking down. "My mum left too. Atleast she just left you once. My mum left me more times then i can count. Every single time giving me hope!.. Just like you.." Lena took a step back and looked at Kara. "But you are just like the rest. You still think of me as a Luther. A mad, evil Luther!" Lena l took her Keys and left the apartment slamming the door behind her.

Kara sat down on the couch. She started sobbing. Tears streaming down her face she texted Alex. "Im coming to work see you in 5." Kara changed into her supergirl outfit and flew to the deo. On the way she wiped her face clean of tears.

"Hey supergirl. Didnt think to see you today. Lena promised to keep you in the apartment." Alex said following Supergirl who was walking fast over to the rest of the deo to see if Anyone got any crimes she could solve. "She promise alot of things." Kara said before asking quin "Anything for me? Anything extra evily?" "No nothing super evil. But we do have a car chase-" before quin could finish supergirl was off. "wasnt she supposed to stay with Lena?" Quin asked Alex. "She was.." Alex answered.

Soon after Supergirl came back. "Done. Anything else?" She asked "That was fast. Well there is an importent thing." Quin said "What?" She asked with a serius face "Lunch break." Quin said going to the break room.

Kara didnt eat much fiddling with her food. "Hey you okay?" Alex asked. "Im fine." Supergirl said nearly punching the table. "If you say so." Alex said. A text poped up on Alexe's Phone. She smiled. "Maggie?" Supergirl said a tear nearly formning in her eye. "No.." Alex sighed. "Im sorry. But it's m- Eliza." Alex said. "How could you?!.." Supergirl said. "Im sorry your going through alot.. And-" Alex got interupted. "Why didnt you say calm down or say dont get so mad?" Kara asked. "Well i trust you. I know you don't just get mad. Your supergirl i mean like." Alex said confused. "Oh.. Okay." Kara was putting pieces together. Maybe she was too harsh. But she stopped herself. She was going through a hard time. Like Alex said, she had an excuse.

Kara sat alone in her apartment. She listened to the city. Even if she heard a crime she couldnt get up. She was just sitting there staring into nothing, thinking. She heard a knock on the door. But she didnt move she didnt Even look. "Come in." She said without thinking. Alex stepped in. "Hey Kara. You okay?" "Yeah, me and Lena just had a disagrement." Kara said. "Im so sorry. So i take it you're still disagreing." Kara nodded. "What happened?" Alex asked.

"Oh im sorry. Itll get better. You two will start talking again." But Alex hadnt realised how personal the fight got. For Alex it was just a fight, but for Kara and Lena it was so much more. "Yeah im sure." Kara lied. But not only to Alex also to herself.

A/n: sorry it's so short ill try to make it longer next time :)

-have a nice day!

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