Chapter 1 - Meeting You

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! I do not own the charaters or the cover art none of it where made by me !

Please excuse the bad grammar and spelling so called "grammar nazis" are welcomed to correct me in the comments. English is my second language, so bare with me. This is also my first writing project in English. I hope you enjoy the story

Lena placed her phone on the table with anger, she had just got off the phone with someone from Russia. She thought they had tried to annoy her purpose. She sat down in her chair to take a short breath.

She looked at her clock, 6.04 PM. Lena had a 30 minute break before she was gonna have dinner with Kara. Lena was excited for the meeting.

The Luther heard the wind woshing from her office balcony and turned around still sitting in her chair. A person was standing on the balcony, before she could recenise the person had reaced for her gun in her drawer and stod up.

"Ms. Luther i didnt mean to startle you." said supergirl standing with a small smirk on her face, clearely trying not to laugh.

"Oh god, im terrably sorry i didnt expect a visit from a super." Lena said realising she has just drew a gun on a super. That's gonna lighting the tension between luthers and supers, she thought to herself.

"No worries, i didnt mean to come univited." Supergirl said looking at the Luther who was still looking suprised.

Lena looked at the blondes hair thinking it was beautiful. But quickly stopped the thought as she thought it was inapropied.

"Uhmm Come in It's cold out there." Lena said still half looking at the supers hair, debating if she could or not.

"Thank you Le-" She stopped and asked "Is it Ms. Luther or Lena?"

"Lena would be just fine." Lena said happy that such a powerfull person knew her name.

Lena looked at the clock worried Kara was gonna Come too early and Lena had to trowh one of them out. 6.10. Not much time had passed.

"Why did you Come to L-Corp?" Lena asked hoping it wasnt more buissnes.

"Well I-i was hoping i could come here for some guidens." Supergirl said scratching the back of her neck while looking at the ground

Lena blushed, a super wanted to visit her for the sore reason of help.

"Oh yeah ofcause, but may i ask why me?" said the Luther smiling trying to look professional.

"I guess i just heard you where good for that." The super said, wanting to say it was because she knew Lena was like that.

They both looked at each other and Lena learned her head towards the Sofa suggesting they would sit down. And so they did.

Lena checked her watch again, 6.15.

"Did I interrupt something? Do you have a meeting?" Supergirl said confused as to why she had looked at her clock twice in 10 minutes.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm having dinner with a friend in 15 minutes i didn't mean to be rude." Lena said hoping this wouldn't make supergirl leave.

Supergirl's face look suprised. Oh Rao i forgot she thought. Still looking surprised and kinda embarrassed. Super girl said "Oh I'm sorry should i leave?"

"No no, don't leave." Lena said moving closer to supergirl.

They where both looking deep Into each others eyes. Lena smilled asked
"Is there anything i can do? Since you came for help." Lena placed her hand on supergirl shoulder and with the other hand figteting with supergirls Cape. "What happened i'm always here for you." Lena said in a soft flirting voice.

Supergirl face turned red and she felt a warmth in her heart and smilled.

Lena slowly bit her lip and learned in for a kiss. Supergirl closed her eyes waiting for their lips to meet.

Right before their lips met there was a knock on the door and a voiced could be heard "Ms. Luther would you like me too order the food for the dinner date with Kara Danvers now?"

"Y-yes thank you." Lena said quick.

"So it's a date with your friend" Supergirl said flustered.

"No we are just friends."

Supergirl looked around to find a clock wich made Lena look at her watch.

"It's 6.25" Lena said

"I better go then."

She walked out to the balcony. Lena stood up. The blonde looked back smiling at Lena as she took off.

Soon after Lena heard running out side her door. She opened it knowing, it was probaly Kara. When she opened the door Kara stood outside the door trying to set her hair up in her classic ponytail. She looked suprised at Lena and blushed remembering what Lena was about to do to supergirl. She bit her lip and smirked.

"Kara are you okay?" Lena said confused.

Kara had almost forgot Lena was still there "Oh yeah sorry."

"The food is on it's way" Lena said. Quick after she remembered why she couldnt order the food sooner. "I got held up in a, ehmm meeting." Lena said feeling stupid as she normaly was way smoother. Kara blushed knowing what 'meeting' Lena went too.

"Well i hope it went well. I didnt interupt anything right? " Kara said hoping it would get a reaction from Lena.

Lena cheeks blushed heavily. Kara smiling trying not to laugh.

"well come inside." Lena said, thinking she was being roud thinking about another girl when Kara, beautiful Kara was there. Her thought changed quick, she remembered All the times she would wanna kiss Kara.

"Thank you." Kara said smiling knowing she soon would be around her two favorite things, food and Lena.

I'm probally going to begin writing the second part soon. Even tho this is my first story so no one knows of this story or me.

Word count 978 words.

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