Chapter 8 - Dealing

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A/n : do yall want a sad or a happy story? I have a story plot for both. Please comment :)

*Kara's p.o.v*

"Lee.." I said after she had opened up the car window. "What exaclty did she say?" i continued. Lena had now opened the door and I went in and sat besides her. "I dont wanna get into it. How much do you know?" Lena was looking down at her legs, still with some tears rolling down her chin. "Eliza told me she said some mean things about you being a Luther. Was she right?" I said trying to make her look at me. "Yeah, she did.." Lena was still looking down. I lifted her chin up with my thumb, and whiped the tears off her face. "It's gonna be alright." I whispered still holding her face. "It's not!" Lena yells and looks down again. Im shook. "Wha-" Lena cuts me off. "It's just what i thought.. Eliza doesnt like Luther being in her family." Lena looked up at me, now even more tears rolling down her face. I quickly hug her "Well she will have to. Becourse i love you! And nothing will ever change that." I hug her even tighter. "I love you Kara. So much." She now hugs me back just as tight as Im hugging her. We are now both crying. Me ofcourse a little less than her. We let go of our hug and look at eachother. "What now?" I ask. "I honestly dont know." Lena answeres. "W-we should go in." Lena says. "Yeah." As we both step out if the car i ask "Also since when did you stutter?" "I do it when im nervous." She answered. "Now i get why you love Tara so much." I say. "Oh you will see it way clearer soon, in a few episode dear." Im confused, what could Tara do to make Lena love her even more. We both take a deep breath before opening the door.

Nobodys p.o.v

"Lena i-" Eliza trives to speak but Kara interupted her. "Mom, why did you say that stuff?" Kara looked at her Mother. "I said what i said." Every one was suprised by Eliza's answer "What...?" Alex said. "You cant be with a Luther, you know what they have done to your cousin. Friends are all i give you." Lena looked at Kara. "Or what?!" Kara said angry. "Friends is all i give you." Every one now knew what she meant. Her or Lena. "Friends it is." Kara said sad. Alex and Maggie where confused as where Lena, but she hid it. "You said you would love me no matter what." Lena was stone cold. "We will give you two a minute." Eliza said satifyied. "This is not the mom i know." Kara said. "Im sorry, this is my fault." Lena said smiling at her. "We should break up. You deserve your mom" Lena said even tho it broke her more then she could explain. "No.. Wait, do you wanna break up...?" Kara said worried. "It's best for your Mother." Lena said. Kara's face lit up. Lena was very confused. "Yeah, but how often do I see my mom. And how often do I see my mom with you." Kara said. "You want to keep our relationship a secret? Like teens do." Lena was worried for Kara's sanity. "Yeah. Just from my ma'" Kara smilled at Lena sweetly. "I- I cant say no to that face." Kara smilled again at Lena. "Fine, so my friend lets go see your mom." Lena said. "Yeah.."

*time skip*

"Did you guys actualy break up?" Alex asked as all four went out to their cars. "Nope" Kara said happyly. "oh.. Okay..?" Maggie said confused. "I cant believe she fell for it." Kara said as Lena and Kara went into their car.

"Arent you sad at all?" Lena asked as they drove on their way home. "No." Kara lied. But not a bad lie. This time Kara lied, like a good liar. "Okay.. If you say so." Lena said worried.

When they finnaly got home Kara was leaning on Lena's shoulder. "Baby..?" Lena lightly shook Kara. A slight moan escaped Kara's mouth. Lena was brighg red in the head. Kara looked at Lena "Are you okay babe?" Kara said still kinda tired. "Wh-what do y-you Mean i'm f-fine." Kara looked really worried at Lena "Hey, why are you nervous, baby i dont get it." Kara strocked Lenas' cheek. "Nothing. You just may have m-moaned when i woked you up." Now it was Kara who was blushing her head off. "Oh god." They laughed and went in to Lena's appartement. "Can i sleep here?" Kara asked. "Ofcourse, anytime." Kara smiled and kissed Lena before running to get one of Lena's many oversized T-shirts. "What is this." Kara asked as she got out of Lena's closet and into her room. She was wearing a 'I love super' Shirt. "People would know Lena.." Lena face palmed "For Jesus Kara, I know atleast 3 people who have that shirt. Its not that kind of love ." Lena responed. "you don't love me then." Kara teased. "Ofcourse i do." Lena slowly went over to kiss Kara. They kissed for around 10 seconds until Lena took her lips away from Kara's. "I love you forever and ever." "Me too. Like potstickers." "Sure like potstickers." Lena smiled. They both said goodnight and went to bed.

A/n : Im sorry im lazy. Im also working on a consept for a buffy/tillow book thingy. Is there any buffy fans and or tillow shippers? And if yes do you guys want to see it? The book that is.

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