Chapter 22 - being engaged

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"Oh my betrothed how I love you so!" Lena swooned over Kara when she did something, even if it was as small as getting her a cup of coffee.

She really is cute when she is this happy. I must have bewitched her. Kara thought, and even though she found Lena's overuse of olden words cheesy she could not help but smile to see her partner this happy.

Lena and Kara both took days off work, because if they went to work right now nothing would get done other than wanting to text the other person. So now they both laid on the couch watching TV. Lena wrapped her arms around Kara's waist so she could get as close to Kara as she possibly could. "Hey babe." Kara said turning her head back so she could look at Lena. "I was thinking of inviting some of the girls over for a game night, and maybe telling them we are engaged then?" Kara looked carefully at Lena's face to make sure the thought of telling other people wasn't a bad one. Lena smiled so wide that her teeth showed. "You are so smart my love, that is an amazing idea!" Lena placed her hand on Kara's face and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Congratulations guys!!" Sam said smiling running to give them both a hug. Everyone in Kara's apartment was smiling and you could feel the love from all around. Finally the couple was at peace, in that moment nothing was needed from them, no world to be saved, no inner demons to be fought, and no one in the way of the love they had for each other. Kara stood in silence admiring everyone in the room, her beautiful fiancé was definitely center of attention in her mind, but all her friends standing there smiling over her being engaged, made her feel loved, seen, and safe. She had friends who deeply cared for her, friends who wanted to spend a night celebrating her engagement. And so Kara looked from afar, alone in her corner of the sofa watching the ones she loves be happy. Everyone was happy, truly and utterly happy, and she could watch them dance and drink, talk and sing, from afar, but not alone. Now she knew she wasn't alone, she could tell from the way the room felt, from the way a smile would greet her every time her eyes locked onto someone else's. And that feeling she knew she could get used to, and that she did. Lena and Kara got used the feeling of never being lonely together, they never truly felt lonely, even when they were apart, they didn't feel lonely because in every look they got, that was given with love, they saw the other in.

A/n: I almost forgot how nice it is to just sit down and write, "Be all poetic and loose my mind" I truly have enjoyed writing this, and it has helped me. But i realize now my writers block i have gotten in all my work, has been from this platform, whether i was working on a book, short story or piece of homework, it didn't feel right like it used to, so now although this is my most enjoyed story, i will end it. And i think that will help, ending something even though i felt somehow in my crazy mind it would have an effect on the small 10.000 people who have read this, i know now it doesn't really matter if a small creator stops writing on a small story. So thank you to everyone who has read this, who has voted, commented or even thought about it. It has been a great achievement for me that anyone has enjoyed this, and it has been a great milestone in my life that i sat down and actually took a piece of creative work seriously, so thank you for helping me with that, thank you for encouraging my crazy brain.

Have a wonderful day! :))

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