Chapter 5 - Getting better

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A/n sorry the title kinda spoils what's gonna happen :/ i couldnt find a better one.

A nurse came in a little later and told them visiting hours where over. They all left.

That night Kara went to Lena's house. Lena always made her feel better when something like this happens. Kara was crying in a chair that was in Lena's bedroom. Lena was laying in her bed "Hey, why dont you come over here?" Kara nodded "Okay" She went over to Lena's bed.

"You stand for hope, you need to have it now more than ever." Lena said to Kara who was still crying but a little less as she now was in Lena's arms. "Yeah i should, but it's just so hard." Kara satred crying a little more. "Mmm i know." Lena was brushing Karas hair with her fingers. "We should sleep now." Lena said knowing it was best for Kara right now.

*Time skiiip*

In the morning Lena woke up to the sound of her phone ringning. It was Maggie.

-over the Phone.-


"Hi Maggie. What is it?"

"Its Alex! She is awake at the hospital. And she is in way better shape."

Lena could hear Maggie crying happy tears.

"Why didnt you call Kara?"

"I did, the hospital too. But she didnt pick up. You know why?"

Lena looked at Kara who was peacefully sleeping.

"Yeah i do actualy. But we will be over there as soon as we can."

"Oh okay. And Eliza is here. Kara and Alexes mom."

"Oh great. Well bye." Lena was shook. She liked Eliza she did. But Kara had told storys about how Eliza really didnt like lex, more than the next person. Lena was afraid it would also be like that for Lena. That her girlfriends Mother didnt like her.

"hmm, who was it" Kara said.

Lena sat down on the edge of the bed. She was suprised to feel to arms go around her waist. She looked back and half smirked.

"Maggie. Alex is awake and doing much better. And oh Eliza is there." Lena said hesitent at the last part.

Kara kissed Lena hard but quick and stood up. Tears went down her face.

"Well why are still here!" Kara said like she was 10 years old and it was christmas morning.

"Yeah, ill get the car keys." Lena said.

"No." Kara smilled at Lena "Lets fly, Its faster and it's morning no one will notice."

"No one will notice not only supergirl but a girl with her?" Lena said.

"Yeah now come on. Ive done it loads with Alex." Kara could say her name with a smile.

"Ill go in the other room to change." Kara said.

"Okay." Lena said.

Lena took her gray super shirt off leaving her in panties and nothing else not even a bra.

Kara was already done as she used her superspeed to do so. She forgot that Lena wasnt as quick as her and went in the room where Lena was. In her panties.

Kara just stared at the other girls chest.

"H-hey!" The Luther said, suddenly not as confident as always.

"Oh yeah sorry" Kara turned around. They were both blushing their face off.

Lena changed as fast as she could. Even tho for the super that was pretty slow.

"O-okay lets now." Lena said and they flew to the hospital making sure no one saw. No one luckily did.

When they came they went in to the room Alex smilled at Kara.

"Oh Alex im so happy to see you. Good Rao you scared me!"

"Kara hmhm, language." Eliza said. Not wanting to make Kara expose herself.

"Oh no it's fine miss Danvers. I know." Lena said.

"She does! Ugh finnaly Kara." Alex said jokingly. "But why does she know? How did you finnaly tell her?" Alex whispered.

"I- okay here we go. She is my ehmm. Girlfriend." Kara whispered back.

"Yes i knew i wasnt the only one!" Alex said out loud.

Eliza looked confused. But Lena and Maggie kinda knew what it was.

"And for the record i kinda knew you had a little crush on her." Alex whispered.

Kara blushed and said "Hehe yeah."

"Stop whispering girls. Its not nice." Eliza not caring if it was nice she mostly just wanted to know what it was they were whispering about.

"Now. The nurse said that Alex can leave in a few hours when she feels all good again." Elizas Phone rang. "I have to take this." She said as she left the room.

"Lena Luther. Huh." Kara smilled at Alexes comment.

"Who knows?" Alex said.

"Just you mags, Nia, Sam, Ruby, Clark and John." Lena said.

"How does Clark know? Isnt he long away?"

Both Lena and Kara turned red. "Hehe it's a long story" Lena said.

"Well, treat her well Lena." Alex said.

"I promise i will" Lena smiles at Kara. Then noods at Alex.

"Ehmm Lena, we should try that date again." Kara says in a low voice so only Lena can hear.

"What about on sunday? A staying in date? Potstickers?"

Karas eyes lot up "yes, please." She said.

Eliza came into the room.

"Maggie, Alex. Would you like to come over for dinner. A family dinner. On sunday. " She said.

"We would love too." Maggie smiled.

"And kara youll join us right?" Eliza said.

"Oh i would but-" Before Kara could finish Lena mouthed 'it's okay.' too her.

"Yes ofcourse i will. But one thing." Kara said.

"Yes, what is it sweet heart."

"Can i bring someone i would like to be apart of the family too?" Kara said.

Lena blushed and Alex awed.

"As long as it isnt William or some guy you just meet. As long as your serius about them. I would love to meet them." Eliza said.

"Okay then im bringing them along." Lena shyly looked at Kara.

"Oh How sweet." Maggie was pretending to swipe tears of her eyes.

"Well ill see you at 5 PM sunday then." She looked at Maggie, Alex and Kara and then left the room.

"William thats ehmm, why would she ever think that low of you?" Maggie said.

They all laughed.

-time skip- (im lazy sorry)

Alex and the others where about to leave the hospital. Alex has a limb and walkes with crutches.

A/N : thanks for 100 reads. It means so much. Have a nice day as always!

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