Chapter 1: You're like me

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Hi, my name is Peter Parker. I'm 15 years old and I attend Midtown High, in school I was the high school nerd with straight A's. I'm with the Academic Decathlon or AcaDecathlon with my best friend Ned and (soon to be crush) Michelle Jones or MJ for short. In school I'm known as 'Puny Parker' for everyone at school, especially Eugene 'Flash' Thompson, my bully. But what they don't know is that I'm you're friendly neighborhood Spiderman, and within 8 months I've been the only one Spider in Queens, or so I thought.

Peter's POV:

School today was like any other day, except for the fact that I made Liz move out of town to Oregon because I put his crazy dad AKA the Vulture in a bird cage. Its been a month and I still feel bad for leaving her during that night at Homecoming, but some needs to stop the Vulture. I just hope that they weren't mad at me for crashing the plane. I still have nightmares when that warehouse fell down on me, but luckily I have my Aunt May, Ned and MJ to help me out.

Yes, they know I'm Spiderman, Ned found out first when I came to my room through the window after patrol and forgot that Ned and I was supposed to build LEGO that night; May found out after Homecoming when she walked in my room and found me wearing my Spiderman suit, upside down, hanging on the ceiling, and not my best moment either, she gave me an earful of scolding that night, AND I got grounded for a week, at least she didn't stop me being Spiderman every night and do my patrols; and MJ found out because, she's MJ, she found out a week after May found out and confronted me about it. Turns out I'm a lousy whisperer, I've gotta be careful when talking about Spiderman around Ned in school, good thing the others are not as observant as MJ.

After the last class, I went up to my locker where I see both Ned and MJ near my locker "Hey guys." I greeted them "Hey dude." Ned greeted me and we do our handshake "Sup loser" said MJ not looking up from her book. She may call us 'loser', but I know its her own way of showing her appreciation..... I think. We started talking about our classes today, and it was actually quite peaceful without Flash coming up to me.

"Hey PENIS!!!" and I spoke too soon. I turned around and I see Flash with his so called 'friends' behind him. Before he can even start to taunt me when MJ cuts him off "You know Flash, calling Peter 'Penis' won't let him show you his." I blushed at her comment and Flash just spluttered "If you want to suck his dick so much you should have just asked your goons behind you to satisfy you." MJ added glaring at him. He just went beet red and people around us began laughing at him, and he just back-off and run , I turned to MJ and said "Thanks MJ." she just nodded.

After that Ned and I went to walk back to my apartment to work on updates for my suit, and MJ went home and said that she needs to ran an errand for her mom. " Dude I thought you were going to give your suit a maintenance last night." said Ned, "I did, I was at my room giving update to Karen and fixing my web shooters." I replied "Then why did someone posted in the net that 'Spiderman' was seen in Brooklyn", "What? "now I look at him confusedly. Ned seems to have the same confusion on his face on pull out his phone and show me where I read 'Spiderman stopped Bank Heist at Brooklyn Bank'. Wait WHAAAT!?

"Ned you of all people should know that's gotta be fake man, you know you can't believe everything what's in the internet." I look at him, he just nodded and just dropped the subject.

Why would someone post about Spiderman and lie about in Brooklyn?

We got to my apartment and started to work on my suit, 2 hours later Ned went home and I continue on working on my suit. After that I went to eat dinner with May (thankfully its takeout) and after that I went on with my night patrol.

"Hey Karen, any crime out there for me?" I asked as I stared into the city "The police seems to be on intercept with a high speeding car near Junipark Valley at 62nd Avenue." "Well, its hero time." I said as I swing directly where the chase is happening while Karen is updating me on its location. As I continue to swing my spider sense seems to tell me something and I stopped a moment and look around. It doesn't seem to warn me on something dangerous is coming at me, which is a first. After that I ignore it and continue in pursuit of the car.

As I got visual on the car, I quickly webbed myself at the car and land myself on top of it "Shit its Spiderman!" I heard one of them yelled "Yeah no shit Sherlock!" one remarked "You know, you guys are way past the speed limit right?" I quipped at them on the side. "SHOOT HIM!!!" they pointed at me "Hey didn't your parents ever tell you that pointing a gun at someone is bad, especially if you don't have a licence for it" I told them as I webbed their gun a way.

Then the driver started swaying the car to lose me "Hey! Stop driving recklessly or you'll cause an accident!" I yelled at them.

I jumped up and went in front of their car and stop them with my bare hands Thank you super strength.

They went out of the car and before they can even think of running away, I webbed them up at the car that they used as to escape the police. After I finished webbing them up, the police arrived "They're all yours officer." I saluted them "Thanks Spiderman, we'll take it from here." one of the officer said. After that I shoot up a web and lift myself up.

Before I can go back to my patrol, my senses started acting up again What's up with my spider sense, it seems to tell me something but I don't understand what it warns me about then on suddenly I felt two presence at two and I turned around to see.........








Two people wearing a suit similar to mine, one black, and one white

"Uh hi." the black one waved while the white one just stared, the my spider sense started up and begins to tell me something. I looked around and I see the two seems to be confused as well, then that hits me "No way.......


























..... you're like me."

And that's the first chapter sorry if its a bit short, man typing this down is really tiring. I don't think I have brain cells left. Anyway hope you like the first chapter, the Avengers won't be showing up in the first 3 or 4 chapters. I would focus on the three spiders first.

Anyway thanks for reading, I might update on Thursday for the second chapter though, if I don't get tangled up with homeworks.

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