A Break

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Glimmer's POV
I'm laying on my bed, the new soft pink bedspread matching my new room. My room has soft pink walls, a white carpet, a desk with a computer on it, and a bulletin board with pictures all over it. There's some of Marvel, some of Sagara, Cato, Clove, and some of my family. All of these pictures I'm always smiling and laughing and... it's January, time has past since Marvel started hanging out with Finch. I know it was for a project, but that's over now, and he's still hanging out with her. I walked over to my curtains and pulled them open, revealing the window that faces Marvel's house. His mom hadn't even left to pick him up from the library, last time I checked. He and Finch had a study date. Thankfully, Mrs. James's car was gone when I looked at the driveway this time. I stared out the window until Marvel arrived. He got out of the car and went straight inside. He didn't even think of me, how I might be here, waiting. He doesn't care about me anymore. Well, that's about to change. I stormed out of my room and got my phone from downstairs. My parents weren't home so I collapsed on the couch and dialed Cato's number.
"Cato's phone." Mrs. Hadley answered.
"Hi, it's Glimmer, is Cato there?" I asked.
"Yes, hold on." Right now is the end of winter break, during the weeks we've had off, Mrs. Hadley had taken away all of Cato's electronics. Apparently she thinks the outside world is the issue with her family, so she decided the family would be unplugged for break. No outside contact, just the three of them talking out their issues. Of course, in Cato fashion, there have been many storm outs. I assume during those he met with Clove at some location and did whatever it is those two do in private. The closer it got to the end of break, the more lenient Mrs. Hadley became about no technology.
"Glimmer?" Cato asked. We haven't seen each other since before break, same with Sagara and Clove.
"Yeah, I have a proposition for you." I replied.
"What is it?"
"You know how none of us are happy about Marvel hanging out with Finch?"
"Well, I'm going to do something about that. I want to make Marvel jealous."
"How do I fit into this?"
"I need you to date me."
"Come again?"
"You need to ask me out and we need to fake date so that Marvel gets jealous."
"I don't know, Glimmer. It's a little out of my comfort zone."
"Oh come on, the two of us want Finch gone the most and he'll definitely get rid of her once he realizes he's jealous of me and you."
"He'll also kill me."
"Small price to pay."
"Says the girl who doesn't have any consequences to worry about. What about Sagara and Clove? What would we tell them?" I rolled my eyes.
"We'd tell them nothing. Duh."
"I can't do that."
"Look, Cato, I know you and Clove are besties and all of that, but if we tell anyone than it'll get out and Marvel will know."
"Sorry Glimmer, but I'm not gonna fake date you. You're too much of a 1."
"Well then." I hung up and tried to think of anyone else I could ask. No one I know will bother Marvel as much as Cato would have. He'll come around, Finch is bound to get on his nerves again and he'll crack. I spent the rest of my last day of freedom sitting on the couch watching Netflix. My parents entered the house just as Haley began her sermon at Peyton and Lucas's wedding.
"You're watching that show again?" My dad asked.
"Yes, I'm bored and there's nothing else to do." I replied.
"Why didn't you go over to Marvel's or Sagara's or something?" My mom asked.
"Because Sagara lives too far away and Marvel was out all day." They stopped interrupting after that and didn't say another word until they told me dinner was ready. The next day I opened my door when I saw Cato and Clove pull up. It's not warm anymore, so waiting outside with Marvel was not an option. I slid into the backseat next to Marvel and we drove away. Clove and Cato were talking about something, I couldn't hear over the heat blasting. Marvel nudged me and I turned my attention to him.
"What did you do over break?" He asked.
"I watched Netflix and ate food and went shopping with my mom. I also caught up on my beauty sleep." I answered.
"Cool, I didn't really do much either." Cato and Clove were still whispering by the time we pulled up to school.
"What do you think they're talking about?"
"Cato and Clove? Who knows? Probably Hunger Games strategy or something."
"They haven't acknowledged us at all."
"You know how they are, they get crazy when it comes to the Hunger Games. They're probably just thinking of a game plan, nothing to worry about." We exited the car and joined Sagara who was waiting by the big tree in front of the school. Cato and Clove didn't even look up.
"What's with them?" Sagara asked, trying to get their attention, but failing.
"Who knows? I've gotta go meet Finch, I'll see you guys later. Let me know if the other two spill what they're talking about." Marvel said and walked away.
"Unbelievable. We've been here a minute and he's already ditching us for Finch. He does realize she's a 5, right? She doesn't even care that wearing her hair in a ponytail is not okay for everyday. Seriously, what does he see in her?" I scoffed as Sagara rolled her eyes.
"She's not that bad, I mean, it could be a lot worse. Clove could've gotten close to Everdeen." Sagara mentioned.
"Everyone knows that gluing them together couldn't make those two close."
"I'm just saying, those 5s are mysterious. It's not like Finch is a threat or anything."
"Maybe not to you." Clove and Cato finally arrived on planet Earth and we entered school together. Peace continued until February where tensions were running high because it was almost Valentine's Day and everyone wanted a date to the dance and all of the drama was suffocating. I, of course, am one of those people who is obsessed with finding the perfect date. Marvel still hasn't asked me and the other guys who did are getting tired of waiting for an answer. Sagara already has a date, a guy from 4 who none of us really know. Clove thinks Valentine's Day is stupid, so she's alone, and Cato normally says yes to the first girl who asks him because he can't really be bothered to care, but he's yet to say yes to anyone. I don't know what Marvel's thinking, but all I know is that he hasn't asked me or anyone else that I know of, except maybe Finch. The school is decorated with pink and red hearts and crystal Cupids hanging from the ceilings, courtesy of the Decorations Committee, which is made up of area 1 juniors and seniors, including me.
"It's gaudy. The Cupids are a little too much and it makes most people want to vomit when people are kissing under them like mistletoe. Of course, it's exactly what everyone expected from a group of 1s." I turned around to face the person insulting my decorations and saw it was none other than Finch, her group of friends at the opposite end of the hallway, watching us.
"I don't remember asking a 5's opinion. What do you even know about decorations?" I asked.
"I know that everyone who's single and not a 1 finds them annoying and lame. I also think it's a waste of the school's money. We can't afford new History textbooks because you guys insisted on using expensive crystal to create Cupids for a holiday that is really only for show and is completely commercial."
"I don't know what you mean, all of my books are brand new."
"Well of course they are, you're from the wealthiest area and Snow loves you. By the time your brand new textbooks reach my area, they're already a decade old and there's writing in the middle of the pages."
"Why don't you just get new ones?"
"Why don't you ask Snow? He's in charge of book distribution, he knows which areas get the best books and it's never anyone who doesn't live in areas 1, 2, or 4."
"Well that's not my fault and it's also not my fault that me and the rest of the committee want to decorate the school for the holiday that celebrates love. That's just how it is."
"You see, that's the problem with you Careers. You never see that the way it is isn't right because your way of life is so privileged. It drives me insane."
"I'll make sure to tell Marvel that."
"Feel free to, that's not why I came to talk to you though."
"Oh, so you mean you didn't just feel like insulting my decorations, you actually wanted to speak to me, a privileged and ignorant Career?"
"Believe it or not, yes. I need some more extra-curriculars on my job and college applications, all I have is tutoring 7th graders and I need to look more involved with the school. So I thought of you and how you're a big part of the Valentine's Day events."
"Why would I help you?"
"Because we run in the same circles now."
"We certainly do not."
"Oh really? Now tell me, are you friends with Marvel?"
"Then we run in the same circle because I'm also friends with Marvel, in case you haven't noticed."
"I've noticed."
"Look, I'm trying to be civil here. Do you need an extra hand or not?" I took a moment to consider my options. I could just say no and never have to admit to socializing with her, but I'm not going to. She needs help and if I want Marvel to remember who he should care about, I need him to notice me more. He spends a lot of time with Finch, so if she tells him how I helped her out, he'll realize that I'm an awesome person.
"You're in luck, I do need help. You're fast right? In terms of running."
"Well, I need another delivery person for the roses on Friday. They need to be quick on their feet because no one should see them putting the roses on people's lockers, it's just cooler that way. Think you can manage that?"
"Yeah, doesn't seem too difficult."
"Meet me right about here on Friday morning and I'll give you your portion of the roses and tell you what to do. Got it?"
"Yup, thanks Glimmer." She began to walk away and back to her stunned friends.
"Remember this when you're talking to Marvel." I shouted after her and she shook her head, probably not really listening.
Finch's POV
"I'm just shocked that she didn't bite your head off for even having the nerve to stand near her." Savera commented.
"Oh come on guys, Glimmer isn't that bad. She's probably the best Career out of all of them." Lanni said.
"Says the girl who frequently speaks to Glimmer, somehow. How do you do that?"
"It's not that hard, I've known her for a long time. I just talk to her."
"Who cares about that? Finch, what are you gonna do about Marvel?" Turbo asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I mean she so obviously let you help because of Marvel. She literally shouted it down the hallway. So are you gonna tell Marvel good things or bad things?"
"I'll only tell him things if he asks. I don't really care about his Career drama, I'm not friends with him for that. I have enough to worry about on my own, for example. Turbo, did you ever get the nerve to ask out that special someone you were telling me about?" Turbo's face went bright crimson and the entire group turned to face him.
"Who's the girl?" Pexey asked.
"No one." Turbo immediately replied.
"But Finch just said-"
"Gotta go." He sprinted down the hallway and we all laughed at his disappearing figure.
"What are you doing for this rose thing anyway?" Savera asked.
"No idea." The week was crazy, between the gifts from my friends and the combination of Hunger Games tactics and girls being asked out left and right, I barely got a moment to myself. It's finally Friday morning, this horrible holiday will be over in 24 hours and then things can get back to normal. I arrived early and saw Glimmer directing people. I walked up to her and she saw me.
"Good, you're here. Here are your roses. Each rose has a letter on it saying who it's being sent to. Red are for love, pink are for friendship, and white are for teachers. For students, next to the person's name there's a number. That's their locker. You need to tape the roses on their lockers as fast as you can, but make sure they actually stay on. For teachers, just deliver them on their desk. Whenever you finish, which could be at any point in the day depending on how fast you are, come and find me and I'll tell you what you can do for the Valentine's Day dance, if you're interested in helping out some more." Glimmer explained. I began to run around the school, tape and roses in hand. Naturally, most of the roses were for Careers. I had only 4 pink roses for Cato, from Sagara, Marvel, Clove, and Glimmer, but there were at least 10 red ones. Most say Secret Admirer on them, but some actually wrote their names, asking to be his date to the dance or to give their failed relationship from 8th grade another go. I had to put his roses on sideways so they would all fit. He has the most by far. Glimmer has 6 pink and 8 red, Marvel has 5 pink and 6 red, Sagara has 5 pink and 4 red, and Clove has 4 pink and 2 red. Neither one of Clove's Secret Admirer's dared to write their names, I don't blame them. I personally find her more terrifying than Cato. I found it very fun to watch the reactions of people when they saw how many roses they received. I myself received 5 pink, one from Lanni, Savera, Pexey, Marvel, and Turbo. Watching people like Adrianna Hennessy who assumed they'd get 20 red roses and 10 pink ones is especially funny because she only received 4 pink and 1 red. She was furious when I told her I didn't have more for her. The day went by pretty quickly, I, of course, had to stay after school and help decorate the big gym for the dance. Glimmer put me on Food Assortment. It's better than Banner Duty, which she has Marvel and Sagara doing.
Clove's POV
Cato, Willow, and I were doing homework at my kitchen table when my mom strut through the front door and closed it with a slam. My dad immediately walked into the kitchen where my mom was entering and placed himself as though to protect us from my mom, blocking us from view.
"What are you doing home so early?" My dad asked.
"My colleague started asking me questions about your hearing. Haven't you worked that out by now?" My mom said.
"No, I'm still waiting for a trial date."
"Well stop waiting. Make it all stop, it's affecting my work and my image and not in a good way. Not to mention poor Slate in the Capitol is getting hounded by reporters. It's time you got your act together. All three of you."
"Oreta, leave the kids out of this. Willow and Clove didn't do anything."
"That's exactly the issue. I mean, Willow is just a child, but Clove is a young lady. It's about time she start acting like one."
"Hey!! You leave them alone!!" Cato spat, quickly standing up, his large figure overshadowing my mom before she opened her mouth again.
"Mr. Hadley, this is none of your business. In fact, I think it's time for you to go."
"I'll leave when you do."
"Excuse me?"
"Cato-" I began, also standing up.
"No, Clove, I'll leave when she leaves. There is no way I'm leaving you and Willow while she's still in the house."
"What makes you think you can act and speak to me like that?"
"Because you turn on your own family when things get hard and I'm done with letting you get away with bullying them when your reputation gets damaged or your precious son complains about his life in the Capitol. You either cool down or leave." I stood frozen with anger as Cato continued to yell at my mom. Finally, he stopped and stormed out of my house, my mom still refusing to leave. I quickly followed him, Willow at my side.
"Willow, stay here. I need to talk to Cato alone." I stated. Willow looked like she wanted to argue, but stopped following as I approached Cato who was reaching the end of the property.
"Cato!!" I shouted. He turned around to face me.
"Look, I know you don't want me doing that anymore but she had it coming." He quickly said.
"Cato, I've told you this hundreds of times. Yes, I know she had it coming, but it shouldn't have come from you. This is my family's business, she's my problem, not yours. You can't keep exploding like this."
"Clove, I don't care if she's not my mom and if you think that it's only your business, it's not. She attacks with words everyday, and not just with you. She does it to your dad and to Willow and who knows how she's like at work. You can't just expect me to see it and ignore it."
"I can handle it by myself, I don't need you to yell at her for me."
"She's insulting all of you!! I don't care if it's family business, as long as she hurts you and your dad and Willow, I consider it my own as well."
"It's not, I don't need your help. Your rages and constant explosions only make it worse. Why don't you just focus on your own family issues?" After I said it I knew it was the wrong thing to say, but neither Cato nor I have ever backed down from a fight, especially with each other.
"Look Clove, you may not want my help, but you're getting it anyway. I do not care if you tell me not to get involved, I will personally explode on your mother until she leaves you all alone. For good. This has nothing to do with my family and I will not stop protecting you because it's hurting your stupid pride." Cato said dangerously quiet. His words and tone only made me angrier.
"Clove, I don't think that you can't do anything-"
"Sure seems like it. While we're on the subject of stupid things you just said, let's go back to protecting me." I said the word protecting like it was a sewage plant and I was standing downwind. Cato rolled his eyes.
"What about it?" He asked exasperatingly.
"What about it? I'll tell you. I don't need your protection, maybe your girlfriend Glimmer put it in your head that all girls need saving, but we don't. Especially not me. I can take care of my own business, I only told you about how bad my mom was because I trusted you, but now you're making me regret it. What the hell is wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Most girls would love to have me protect them, why can't you just accept my help?"
"Because I don't need it. I can deal with my mom without you. I don't need your protection, and frankly, I'm pretty offended that you think I do."
"Why should you be offended? So I care enough about you to want to keep you safe from your mean mother? Sue me, I'm the worst best friend in the history of the world."
"You're acting like... like..."
"Like what?"
"Like you're my boyfriend or something. You're making it seem like you're this overprotective boyfriend who has to watch my every move because I'm too dainty to watch out for myself. I don't need you to act like that and I don't want you to." I saw Cato's angry demeanor change into something much darker, an emotion I never thought I'd be on the receiving end of.
"Good, I don't want to be your boyfriend anyway. Who would? You never let any guy do something nice for you without analyzing every single thing about it like they can't do anything right. Every single thing we say or do you pick apart until you've come up with some ridiculous notion. I'm done trying to protect you, in fact, I'm done with you, period. You have fun being by yourself because it's just gonna be you from now on." He stormed away and I stood there frozen. I didn't yell after him so I could have the last word, that's too desperate sounding. I just stood there until Willow approached me.
"Clove, what was that?" She asked, her voice sounding thick. I turned to face her and saw tears running down her face.
"That was a really big fight between me and Cato. You shouldn't have had to listen to that." I replied, pulling her into a hug.
"But you and Cato will make up, right? You have to, you're Cato and Clove."
"Willow, I don't know if this is something we can come back from. It's been going on for a long time now, we've just finally let it all out."
"Why would you fight with Cato? You're just like Mommy and Daddy now."
"Cato and I aren't like Mom and Dad, we just... believe in different things. It's causing some conflict."
"Does this mean I don't get to see Cato anymore?"
"No, it just means when you see him, I won't be around."
"But..." I held her tight and didn't let go until our dad called us in for dinner.
Marvel's POV
Cato's car pulled up and I got into the passenger seat, which was surprisingly empty, and Glimmer sat in the back. Cato silently pulled away from our houses. I could tell something had happened by the way his face was still slightly red.
"Where's Clove?" Glimmer asked, breaking the awkward and tense silence.
"She's getting a ride with Sagara I assume." Cato said through clenched teeth.
"Did something happen between you two?" I asked.
"I don't want to talk about it." Nobody argued and the car fell silent again. We were nearly there when Cato spoke.
"Glimmer, you know that thing you asked me to do for you that I said no to?" Cato asked, catching Glimmer's full attention.
"Yeah." She replied.
"I've changed my mind." We arrived on campus.
"Are you sure?" We drove past the front doors where Clove was talking to a guy that isn't familiar looking. Sagara appeared next to him, he must be her date.
"Positive." Cato parked the car and we all got out. I somehow lost Cato and Glimmer in the crowd, but found Finch and her friends loitering outside the door.
"Well don't you look handsome, Marvel." Lanni commented.
"I guess that's what you'd expect from a guy from 1." Turbo remarked.
"Ha ha, very funny. Marvel's from 1, he admittedly likes to shop, he's a dumb blonde. Can we just get all of the jokes out now?" I asked, causing Finch, Turbo, and Savera to start laughing.
"Not a chance." Finch replied and sauntered away, the rest of us following her into the gym. I kept my eyes on Finch for a moment. I've only been friends with her for a little while, but in that time she's dressed sort of like Clove. Always pants and a shirt, never any makeup or special hairdo like most of the people where I live. Tonight though, she actually looks like a girl. She's wearing a blood red dress that stops above the knees and hugs her frame, sleeveless. She has her hair tumbling down in waves down one side of her body and is wearing heels. I've always had an eye for these things, that's why Glimmer and I get along so well. I just opted for black dress pants, black dress shoes, black jacket, red shirt, and black tie. My mom and dad said I looked festive.
"I love this song!! Somebody come dance with me!!" Lanni exclaimed and dragged Savera away, Pexey and Turbo shortly following.
"Aren't you gonna go dance?" I teased.
"Absolutely not, I don't dance. I don't even know how." Finch replied, the two of us walking over to the food table. I grabbed a brownie and began to eat, unlike Finch.
"How do you not know how to dance?"
"It's not a priority in 5. Where's the pudding? I know I put it somewhere." Finch began analyzing the table for pudding as the doors to the gym were opened in a way to purposely catch everyone's attention. Coincidentally, two spotlights found their way towards those doors as the two people who set it up walked through the door. I nearly choked.
"Are you freaking serious?" Glimmer and Cato walked through the doors, arm in arm, looking at the rest of us as though we were a group of lovesick peasants, yearning for what those two share, which up until now I thought was indifference, maybe a slight liking at most.
"Yes, I'm serious, I remember putting the pudding right over there-"
"I'm not talking about your stupid pudding. Look." I turned Finch around and pointed at Glimmer and Cato who were sauntering their way over to Sagara and Clove.
"Oh, did something happen?"
"Cato and Clove are fighting." I watched as whatever it is Glimmer or Cato said visibly angered Clove.
"Excuse me." I said.
"Of course." She replied and went back to her pudding search. I quickly walked over to Sagara, Glimmer, Clove, and Cato and caught the new part of their conversation.
"What's with the face, Clove?" Cato said in a taunting tone.
"There are plenty of girls at this school, but the one girl you choose to annoy me with is Glimmer? Somebody who's suppose to be my friend?" Clove spat.
"Why should I care if Glimmer is your friend or not? It's not like I'm your boyfriend or anything."
"Just leave me alone, Cato." Cato looked like he was about to say something and Clove looked like she was about to explode, so I quickly intervened.
"Is there a problem here?" I asked, standing next to Clove. Cato rolled his eyes angrily.
"No." He muttered, walking away as Glimmer apologetically followed.
"Okay, what is going on with you two?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Marvel, I can look after Clove. You go have fun." Sagara stated.
"I don't need a babysitter." Clove muttered.
"That's debatable."
"Sagara, you have a date, I don't. I can handle her." I said.
"If you say so." Sagara walked away and I stood next to Clove, silently.
"Are you gonna tell me what's going on now that we're alone?"
"No." Clove replied, glaring at Glimmer and Cato from across the gym.
"You can't just glare at them all night."
"How are you so okay with this? I mean, I don't know about Glimmer, but I know for a fact that Cato is only doing this to get back at me."
"Did he tell you that?"
"No, but the timing says it all."
"Well, if he didn't say anything, then how do you know for sure?"
"I am going to punch you."
"Okay, let's move you out of Glimmer and Cato's vision." I steered her over to the first person I saw. Finch.
"Hey Finch, you know Clove, right?" I asked and she turned around, both of them glaring at each other and then me.
"Sadly." Finch replied. To say the rest of the night was awkward is an understatement. The ride home was even worse. Glimmer kept trying to talk to me and Cato just continued to glare like he had been doing the whole night.
"Sorry for springing that on you." Glimmer said, leaning forward so her head was in the middle of my and Cato's seats.
"It's fine." I replied. I'm not about to cry about it or anything. I told Cato she didn't have feelings for me, she was into him all along. Most girls are.
"It's not, we should've warned you. Are you upset? Shocked? Jealous?"
"No, I'm not upset. I'm a little shocked, you two dating was the last thing I would've ever thought of. Why would I be jealous? You and I both know that Cato would never date the girl his best friend has feelings for, so you don't have to worry about that." I quickly glanced at Cato whose glare still hadn't wavered.
"Really? You don't even want an apology?"
"No, in fact, if anyone deserves an apology from the two of you, it's Clove. She was a lot more bothered about you two than I or Sagara was." The car screeched to a halt and Glimmer and I nearly flew out of our seats. For the first time since the beginning of the night, Cato turned to face me and Glimmer and began to speak in a low and terrifying voice.
"There will be no speaking about Clove in my car. She does not deserve any apology from me or Glimmer. It's none of her business, and who cares what she thinks anyway?" Cato spat.
"Uh, you do. She's your best friend. Maybe if you'd just tell us what's going on with you two, we may be able to understand your frustration. Either way, she's still your best friend and whether you like it or not, you care what she thinks of you and whoever it is you decide to date."
"If you continue to speak about things you couldn't possibly understand, I will personally throw you out of my car. Just shut up about Clove and our fight and just accept the fact that unlike you and Glimmer and Sagara, Clove and I like to keep some parts of our lives private. Is that so hard for all of you to understand?" I didn't speak again, I need the ride and trying to knock some sense into Cato when he's mad is pointless. I ran out of the car the moment it stopped and entered my house, my mother putting the roses I got today into a big vase.
"How was the dance?" She asked as I collapsed onto the couch.
"Dramatic. Stressful. The usual." I replied, kicking my shoes off my feet.
"Who were fighting this time? Was it Sagara and Glimmer over a guy again?"
"No, it was actually Clove and Cato. Neither of them are saying why, but it's bad. They don't normally fight like this."
"What does like this mean?"
"Well, Cato doesn't allow anyone to even speak about Clove, say one wrong thing and you're thrown out on your ass. Clove seems to think that the reason Cato and Glimmer went to the dance together is because Cato wanted to get back at her. Neither of them are telling us what's wrong and they're both being extremely angry and petty and obsessed."
"Those two never fight, must be the upcoming Hunger Games nerves or something like that."
"Yeah... something like that."

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