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Marvel's POV
Since there are so many kids, we prep with our escort or mentors with our partners. Glimmer and I were with Cashmere and Gloss first. We sat in the dining room at the table where we normally eat and began to discuss angles.
"Well, ladies first. Glimmer, in order to really choose the right angle, we need to get to know you better. So, tell us about yourself." Cashmere said.
"Okay, well, I'm a junior and my five best friends are Marvel, Clove Sevina, Sagara Garner, and Cato Hadley. I am also dating Cato Hadley. I'm on the Decorating Committee at school and I'm an only child. I love watching Netflix, shopping, and having fun with my friends." Glimmer explained.
"Now, do you think Cato would mind if we sort of gave you a sexy, lush, and provocative angle for tonight? It would really work for your looks and the men would be enraptured."
"I'm sure he'd be fine with it, granted they know I'm taken."
"Done!! Okay!! One angle down, one to go."
"Marvel, tell us about yourself." Gloss stated.
"Well, I'm also a junior and have the same best friends. I'm good with spears and I like to train and pull pranks with Cato and Sagara. I'm also an only child." I said.
"By choice or is there a girl?" I took a moment to think about the answer to that.
"There's a girl, but I'm not pursuing her, so I guess by choice."
"Are you funny?"
"Yes, Marvel is very funny." Glimmer commented.
"Confident, funny, and easy going. That's your angle. The Capitol will eat it up." We then moved onto possible questions Caesar might ask.
"For Marvel, in your group of allies, where do you think you rank?" Cashmere read from a list I assume her and Gloss had made.
"Um, well, my friends are all very talented, so I guess I'd say third." I replied.
"No, this isn't the time to be truthful, Marvel. No one is going to sponsor you if they think you're only staying alive because two of your best friends are the best of the best. You are the best. Not the 2s or the 4, not Glimmer, you. I'll ask again. Marvel, in your group of allies, where do you think you rank?"
"I'm the best, no question."
"Good. Glimmer, why are you wearing that necklace?" Gloss asked, pointing to the expensive necklace she got from Cato.
"My boyfriend Cato Hadley gave it to me. It's for good luck, and it'll be my token." Glimmer answered.
"Crowd awws, next question..."
Cato's POV
Unlike the rest of the idiotic areas, area 2 knows that discussing strategy with your area partner is practically suicide. At the end of the day, only one person wins, so giving away strategy points is ridiculous. Clove had to work with Ajax first, which I was not thrilled about, and I worked with Brutus and Enobaria.
"So, you're obviously going to win with your sword and your strength, we know that, but the audience likes to know about your personal life. They want to get to know you as a person, or their version at least. That means you have to appease them with boring details like your favorite part about the Capitol or how excited you are to compete. Tell us about your life in 2, your family, your friends, significant others." Brutus explained.
"Well, my family is a hot mess, so I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing." I answered. Enobaria put her feet up on the table and leaned back in her chair.
"This is going to be a long day." She mumbled, but Brutus and I could hear her.
"What Enobaria means is that anything that isn't a fluff piece is bad. It has to be about love or cute, so your parents, whatever their problems are, have to be your everything, or you avoid the topic." Brutus informed me.
"Well, my allies are my best friends."
"Names. Areas."
"Marvel James, 1. Sagara Garner, 4-"
"She your girlfriend?"
"No. Then there's Clove Sevina, my partner-"
"She's your girlfriend?"
"No, and finally, Glimmer Cantrell, 1. She's my girlfriend." I cringed at calling Glimmer my girlfriend. I hate the word in general, but using it to describe my relationship with the pink and perky Glimmer is just torture.
"You're dating a 1?" Enobaria asked. She put her feet down to reveal her dumbfounded expression. Well that caught her attention.
"Why not?"
"Enobaria, let it go. Who cares if she's a 1, what matters is that we've got this kid something to talk about. You have to be malicious, a killing machine. It'll turn the sponsors in your direction and everyone will bet on you. To catch the other Capitol citizens' eye though, you have to talk about Glimmer. Don't act like a lover boy, but showcase that you have the ability to love. When you become a Victor, that's how you'll get money. Girls doting over you and getting you whatever you want."
"I don't wanna be Finnick Odair."
"Oh no, not like that loser. Prostitution was his own choice, but all the male Victors who aren't too scary get a huge girl following."
"We'll have to address the Sagara and Clove problem though. You know how the Capitol people love to gossip." Enobaria said, finally acting like a mentor.
"What's your relation to the other two? Cousins? Family friends? Neighbors?"
"Well, Sagara and I became best friends while bonding over pranking people we don't like with Marvel."
"Great, so when you say Sagara, always mention Marvel. That'll make them think you can't think of one without the other, which will change the attention from you and Sagara to Marvel and Sagara." Brutus said. What do I say for Clove? That we're best friends, but not at the moment? If ever again? I can't just say she's something she isn't. I also can't say that I don't normally go a day without talking to her at least once, whereas my girlfriend and I barely converse ever.
"Clove... she's my... it's hard to explain."
"She's the girl you're cheating on Glimmer with? I knew you couldn't possibly be really dating a 1." Enobaria stated.
"No, I would never... with Clove!!"
"Stop lying. You couldn't even say she was just your friend, so obviously she's more than that. Don't worry, we'll keep it a secret. At least until after the games are over."
"I'm not dating Clove!!"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Cheater." At that point I lunged across the table and knocked Enobaria backwards as her chair fell over. Brutus removed me before either of us could attack.
"This session is over. Go switch with Clove, have fun with Ajax." Brutus said in a gruff voice, warning me that any further retaliation would not be tolerated. I stalked out of the room and down the hallway until I saw Clove, glaring as she tried to walk in heels almost half her height. My anger slightly disappeared when I saw her so annoyed. It's amusing, she really does hate being a girl sometimes.
Clove's POV
I had been sitting next to Cato at breakfast when Ajax said I would be starting with him. Cato had tensed up, but didn't say anything. He didn't even look at me, just continued to eat. Not that I care. I told him to stop butting in. After I finished my breakfast I followed Ajax to his room, which was way larger than mine, and I share with three other people. He has a living room, a bathroom, and then a bedroom off to the side. He walked over to his mini kitchen and grabbed two water bottles, tossing me one. I easily caught it and opened it, taking a sip.
"Okay Clove, here's how this works. For interviews you're gonna be all dolled up and looking hot and you're gonna have to own it. You need to rock whatever it is you're wearing, whether it's adorable or provocative, that's what I'm here for. Let's start with posture, you'll have to sit up straight for interviews, don't relax on the chair or anything. Look very intrigued and always smile." Ajax explained.
"You say that as though it's the easiest thing to do in the world." I stated.
"Don't worry, I've worked with 2s for a couple years now. I know you guys think smiling is overrated, but I also know how to get you to be able to do it for the three minutes you'll actually be talking. The rest of the time you'll be onstage, but you'll be sitting in the back with the lights darkened, so they won't be able to see your face. Since you're a female 2, you'll be up there for a long time, just be prepared for that. Now, sit up straight." The rest of the time was spent with him fixing my posture and smiles and laughs. By the end of it my jaw was twitching and I couldn't wait to just sprint out of there. Then he brought out really tacky golden heels that are at least 8 inches and told me to put them on. My eyes widened and I shook my head, much preferring my black combat boots. He wouldn't have it. I slipped them on and tried to get up, but needed Ajax's assistance. I began to walk, I have some experience in heels from my mother, but those were 6 inches at most. I'm going to kill myself. My legs shook as I stared down at them, putting one foot in front of the other, my legs bent.
"Good, now straighten your legs." Ajax ordered.
"You straighten your legs, this is inhumane." I exclaimed. He shook his head and chuckled as I straightened my legs, glaring at him the whole time. I struggled to put one foot in front of the other as I held my head high. I was doing a decent job, until I wasn't. I lost my balance as I put my foot down and was falling.
"I got you!!" Ajax yelled, but the arms that actually caught me were much stronger and much more familiar.
"No, you don't. I do. These death traps are too high, and you're gonna make sure that her stylist isn't planning on using them. Right now." Cato spat as he helped me over to the couch and I took off the horrible shoes. Ajax sped off after one look at Cato's glare, leaving us alone.
"You okay?" Cato asked, completely serious.
"Yes." I replied. His face relaxed into a smile and a chuckle.
"Good, because that was hilarious." I glared at him as he began to laugh really hard at my misfortune.
"Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be with Brutus and Enobaria?" I whined.
"Yeah, but we finished early."
"Cato, what happened now?"
"Nothing, I just... attacked Enobaria."
"Cato!! She's our mentor!!"
"I know, but she said things that angered me and I lost control."
"Again!! This isn't good, Cato."
"Whatever." There he goes, retreating into his walls again. You see, this is why he has his rages.
Finch's POV
Svetlana has been very cold to me ever since the Avox incident. Genera won't leave me alone, unless it's to sleep or to go to the bathroom. My stylist, Juniper, had her prep team, Tressa, Septima, and Kestrel remove her from my changing room. I can't believe she doesn't trust me alone with even the simpleminded stylists. Honestly, I'm not an idiot. I was put into a woven choker and a teal dress, strapless with a ruffled skirt. It reached just above my knees and wasn't terrible. My hair was half up in a messy bun, the rest loosely curled down my back. My nails were painted clear and I had blue eyeshadow and pink lips. This is the most dressed up I've ever been. I followed Svetlana as she ushered all of the 5s backstage. A huge monitor was placed on the wall, showing the crowd. I saw Caesar Flickerman in a royal blue color this year, instead of the crimson of last year, preparing to begin the show. My brother likes to tease me about how we had the same color hair. We're allowed to moved around as long as it's not our area being called, so I talk to Lanni and Pexey on my way to see Marvel. Lanni was dressed in a shimmery silver ball gown and looked gorgeous. Pexey was in a yellow suit, he wasn't thrilled with the color choice. I found Marvel talking to Glimmer Cantrell and Sagara Garner and when he spotted me his eyes widened.
"Wow, you look really good, Finch." He commented and I laughed.
"Thanks, nice suit." I replied. His suit is a darker blue than mine, but not as dark as Caesar, with yellow piping.
"Thanks, I... oh my..." Marvel burst into laughter as I turned to see Cato Hadley and Clove Sevina walking over to us. Cato looked fine, good even, in his black suit. It was Clove he was laughing at. Her hair was in this weird bun thing, kinda like mine but different, but that wasn't the funny part. It's the too pink to be considered orange dress she's wearing. I don't know Clove very well, but I know she's like me when it comes to clothing. Judging from the look on her face, this was not her idea.
"Clove-" Marvel began.
"Don't even start with me Marvel. I already got it from Cato." She spat. Cato walked over to Marvel and they began to chat, Marvel seeming to forget that I do not belong with his friends. Glimmer and Sagara walked over to where me and Clove were standing, Glimmer standing awkwardly with her arms crossed over her chest, seemingly self conscious.
"Glimmer, are you okay?" Clove asked, the three of them seeming to just ignore me.
"No, Clove, it's see through." Glimmer whispered and I looked at the same time as Clove did.
"Glimmer, oh my goodness, I can see your... you know. Whose bright idea was it for you to go on national television practically naked?" It's true, I can see right through her dress and even Glimmer can't possibly be comfortable enough in her own skin to wear that by choice.
"My stylist, Cashmere and Gloss said my angle was provocative and they went a little overboard and now I'm naked and I don't know what to do."
"They didn't give you a wrap or anything?" I asked, the words coming out of my mouth before I even registered them. The three looked at me as though they didn't even know I was there.
"No, I didn't think I should ask either. I can't do this, my family is watching. Everyone we know, everyone we don't know." Glimmer sounds miserable. I can understand why, the shimmery gold fabric is way different than Lanni's, Glimmer's is so thin that if I wasn't up close I would've thought she really was naked.
"Flaunt it." I blurted out again.
"Flaunt it. Look, there's no way they'll let you change, so since you're gonna be stuck wearing it anyway, at least look good while doing it."
"She's right, it'll look better if you exude confidence than if you look mortified. Try to be comfortable, don't think about how revealing it is. Then the moment the interviews are over you can take it all off." Sagara explained.
"I'll try." Glimmer whimpered as the show began and I was brought back to my space in line. I watched on the monitor as Caesar greeted the crowd and brought on the first tribute. Glimmer was first out of the people I knew, and she's probably the least evil out of all of them. I saw her strut onstage, all of her insecurity seemingly forgotten about. The lights made the dress very sparkly, which seemed to cover a lot of her body, but I could still make out her stomach.
"So Glimmer, are you prepared to compete in the 74th Annual Hunger Games?!" Caesar exclaimed.
"Yes, Caesar, I am very prepared." Glimmer practically purred.
"Good, good. Now, I see that beautiful diamond necklace around your neck, and a little birdie told me that it was a gift and your token for the games. Spill."
"Well, you haven't met him yet, but there's a boy from the 2nd area named Cato Hadley and he gave it to me."
"Tell us more." The crowd literally leaned in to hear her next sentence.
"Cato is my boyfriend, and I care about him very much. He wanted me to have something that said I was his. It's a big deal considering he's a very emotionless guy, you'll know that soon enough." The crowd cheered loudly.
"Aww, you know how us Capitol folk love a good love story." The interview continued on and I could tell she was very well received by the audience, something I'm worried I won't be. Marvel was next and he was very funny and arrogant. So much that I think Caesar was trying to peel back a layer so they could get something deeper from him.
"Now, your area partner, Glimmer Cantrell, is also one of your best friends and allies, correct?" Caesar asked.
"That's right, she's been my neighbor all my life." Marvel answered.
"How do you feel about her relationship with this Cato Hadley that we have yet to meet?"
"Well, Cato is my best friend, so the two of them together is pretty awesome if you think about it." I snorted at that. Marvel likes Glimmer, infatuated with even. I've known that since before I was friends with him, but now it's even more clear than before. I don't know how he's lying so smoothly, how any of them are. I mean, Glimmer and Cato are lying about liking each other, that's obvious. Marvel is lying about not liking Glimmer, Clove is lying about not liking Cato, and I'm sure Sagara is hiding something, I've just yet to uncover it. Seriously, these guys call themselves best friends. Clove was next, and her angle was so ridiculous. Apparently Clove is arrogant and sarcastic, which she is, but also sweet, which she's definitely not. I could see Cato laughing at the monitor as she began to answer questions.
"Now tell us, is it hard to see your best friend spending so much time with another girl? Do you get jealous?" Caesar asked, he seems to be stuck on the Glimmer and Cato thing when it comes to that group. Almost every question since Glimmer told him about it has been about them.
"Well, Cato has been my best friend for so long that I know I'll never be forgotten about. I'm not worried, not all the time at least. Cato's had girlfriends before." I looked over at Cato, whose eyes were glued to the monitor. Just like I said, they all lie.
"But was he as serious about them as he is about Glimmer? We saw the necklace."
"I guess not. I mean, it's not like he ever bought me anything that nice." Clove said sarcastically, causing the audience to laugh.
"Tell us about your best weapon. I hear you have a little nickname back home."
"Yes, I do. I am very talented at throwing knives. The first day I ever became friends with Marvel James, he saw me throw and said, you know, you're pretty good. I think I'll call you Girl With the Knives. It just kinda stuck over the years."
"You never miss?"
"I never miss, that's why I'm gonna win." I'm shocked her nickname didn't come from Cato, I always remember them being joint at the hip. Of course, I did only see them at training sometimes, and then high school. I guess I don't really know the whole story. Finally, Cato went onstage and Caesar got so excited I think he might've peed himself.
"The infamous Cato Hadley. How nice to finally meet you." Caesar stated.
"Oh no, what has Clove been saying now?" He joked and the crowd ate it up. The camera zoomed in on Clove who was sitting on one of the stools on the back levels where all of the finished tributes sat. She rolled her eyes and shook her head while still smiling at the camera.
"All good things. Now, your girlfriend says you got her a little gift. How sweet."
"Yeah, I got her a necklace, but don't take it the wrong way. I'm not some love struck kid, I'm here to win."
"We believe you, don't worry. Now, I have a very tough question to ask you. There is no right answer, but out of your allies, if you had to break up into groups once it hit, let's say, the semi finals, who would you run away with?" Cato looked perplexed.
"Only one person?"
"Only one."
"I'd say Clove. You heard her earlier, she never misses, and I need someone close to as talented as me to be my partner." A spotlight hit Clove as they handed her a mic and the camera turned to her.
"Looks like Clove has something to say. Should we let her? I know it's normally against the rules. What do you think?" The audience cheered in approval and all eyes were on Clove.
"Clove, how do you reply to that?" Caesar asked.
"Caesar, I only have one thing to say to Cato." She stated.
"Oh yeah, and what's that?" Cato asked.
"I am much more talented than you are." The crowd ooohhed as attention turned back to Cato and Caesar.
"Whatever you say, Sevina." Caesar loved that reply. Lanni's turn arrived and she was playful and giggly.
"Oh Caesar, how you make me laugh." She cooed and giggled away with the audience as they made jokes with each other. Pexey's interview wasn't very memorable, which isn't a good sign. He was humble and kind, but not that impressive, unlike his training score. Sagara came after them and her angle was obvious. Fierce and strong. Figures. She was kinda scary, but in a way that makes you like her. Then before I knew it I was walking onstage. Sly and elusive, I can do this. I can do this.
"Finch, how has the Capitol been treating you?" Caesar asked.
"First-rate." I replied quietly.
"Don't be shy, we won't bite. Not today at least. Now, tell us about your strategy for the games."
"Well, I'm versatile. I find that if I can apply myself to the situation present, I will be able to figure it out. That's all I'll say, I don't want to give away my edge."
"Very good." We continued talking and I think I at least got the audience intrigued as I left my seat on the couch to sit on a stool. Savera and Turbo went and the audience liked them. Then the little girl, Rue, who I'd like to think I befriended, went and charmed everyone with how young and cute she is. She talked about her speed and had little wings attached to her dress. Thresh, her ally, went and only said yes or no unless he couldn't. Then came Katniss Everdeen, who again stole the show with her outfit. She was on fire, again. Madge Undersee was very proper, Gale Hawthorne was driven, and Peeta Mellark admitted to having a crush on someone in 12, but didn't say who, which caught the Capitol's attention. Then it was over. I nearly sprinted back to my room and, after changing into pajamas, went to sleep. I am so glad that's over.

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