A New Slate

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Slate's POV
The moment I walked through the doors of my old home I could tell everything was different. My mother was the first to greet me, making backhanded comments about my siblings as she did. So it's not her who has changed. Willow was next, and I have no idea what she's suppose to be like. I'm not even sure how old she is. 8? 9? My father was after her and he kept our conversation clipped and meaningless. It's a shame, he was always my favorite parent. Then came Clove, and that's where I found the source of the problem. Same height she was when I left, same personality, same face, same everything, but I could tell she was different.
"Hello Slate." She said, roughly jolting my arm as she shook it, her eyes slits.
"Clove." I replied. Pity, she had so much potential. After the show she put on during the games though, she'll never be allowed to work in the Capitol. I'm staying in my old room, which I had stripped bare when I left the first time. I had no intention of ever coming back, yet here I am because my sister and my father cannot behave themselves. The first thing I do is inspect the house, checking for any rebel paraphernalia. My room was pristine, as always, Clove's left more to be desired. She has pictures of her friends in boxes in her closet. Our mother wouldn't approve if she found out about them. Willow made me want to cry, paintings of flowers and puppies decorated her walls. I guess Mother hasn't gotten to her yet. My parents' room was fine, boring even. Then the first floor, which was tedious to search through, and the cellar, which I found very interesting. A box, one that smells like Headmaster Snow, appears to be hidden down there. I opened the card and was going to read it, but then I realized Headmaster Snow would let me know what was happening when he saw fit. Inspection was complete.
Cato's POV
I don't like that Slate is back. I don't like that I can't mention him to Clove without her getting all defensive. I don't like that Clove is having a hard time and no one knows how to help her. I don't like that she's acting different and keeping secrets. I don't like that Willow is snooping around in things that could just end up hurting her. I don't like that I can't escape to Clove's house anymore when my parents are fighting. I don't like that I'm stuck with two fighting parents, a ridiculous girlfriend, and three distant friends. I don't like it at all.
Katniss's POV
I've been avoiding Peeta like the plague since I got back. I didn't want to date him and I still don't, but he's a nice guy and I feel bad for deceiving him for so long. It's just... what else was I suppose to do? Lose? When I was so close to getting my family a better life? I had to win, no matter what the consequences were for Peeta. To be fair, he's avoiding me too. I think. Probably. This is all just so confusing, and Effie doesn't make it any better. She and Haymitch are everywhere I look. It's like I can't go one day without hearing from Effie on how I need to act more ladylike now that I'm a Victor and in the public eye or listening to Haymitch drunkenly rave about how the Capitol isn't happy and how stupid I was for trying to pull the berry stunt. It worked, didn't it? I don't see what the big deal is. I'm more worried about what the Careers will do to me than the Capitol.
Finch's POV
My cell's air is starting to become stale. All I see is gray all day everyday and it's making me insane. I barely get enough food to survive on, which has helped me lose those 5 pounds I've been trying to get rid of since freshman year, so that's a plus. Snow still hasn't decided on a punishment yet, but if he's expecting me to grovel, he's got another thing coming. I wish I could somehow communicate with the outside world. I want to know how my friends are doing with the journals, if they've even found their clues yet. I hope they figure it out, otherwise the whole plan is a bust.
Turbo's POV
There's only so much you can do
To independently find your next clue
Find your crush of who knows how long
And try to find what's in the wall
"What the hell is this?" I muttered after thumbing through my science binder and coming across a key with this note attached to it.
"It doesn't even rhyme." I remarked as I pocketed the key and note, not wanting to be caught by Professor Fuse. Lucky for me, Savera was too busy taking notes to notice what I was doing. I wonder who put that in my binder. Is it a prank? Doubt it, whoever wrote it has known me for a long time. Who though?
Sagara's POV
Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.
Mace after mace went straight onto the bullseye. All of this skill and I'm the first of my friends to get out. Stupid Everdeen and her Tracker Jackers.
"Sagara!!" A voice exclaimed. I turned and saw Glimmer running in.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Slate is asking for you, me, Marvel, and Cato to meet him at his house."
"Do you know why?"
"Nope. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Mr. Sevina's trial, but he wouldn't say." I growled and flung my mace into the floor where it stuck. I hate when people interrupt my training, especially people like Slate Sevina. I begrudgingly followed Glimmer out of the school's training center to where Clove, Cato, and Marvel were waiting by Cato's car.
"I guess I'll have to come back here after your house." I muttered to Clove as Marvel and Glimmer got into the car.
"Cato will give you a ride, he'll complain, but he'll do it." Clove replied. The rest of us got into the car and Cato drove out of the lot and away from school.
"Slate is going to ask you some questions, so be as straightforward as possible. Don't reveal anything you don't have to and under no circumstances should recent events involving me ever come up, got that?" Clove asked.
"We've got it under control, Clove." Marvel stated and Clove sighed, obviously not convinced. We pulled into her driveway and were immediately met by Slate. Damn, he's still so sexy. I'm sorry, I'm all for hating Slate since he's an asshole, but I'm not gonna deny that he's bad boy attractive. Not Finnick Odair attractive, but close. Slate led us to the living room where Mr. Sevina was hovering in the hallway, not sure what's about to happen either.
"Clove, Jason, you're no longer needed here. Go busy yourselves with something else, far away from here." Slate demanded as he leaned against the desk. Glimmer, Marvel, and I sit on the couch and Cato chooses to stand by the doorway. Clove and Mr. Sevina left and Slate turned his attention to us.
"Cato, please have a seat. This may take awhile." Slate stated.
"No thanks, Slate. I'd much prefer to stand." Cato growled, crossing his arms.
"Suit yourself. Anyway, hello, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Slate. I'm Clove's older brother."
"We all know who you are." I said.
"I see Clove has told you her opinion of me."
"We were all there, we didn't need to hear her opinion to know you're-" Cato spat.
"Cato, not now." Glimmer said, cutting him off. Cato's eyes turned to slits as Slate went back to his monologue about why he's called us here.
"Now, as you may or may not know, my father's trial is in a few weeks and I'm here in order to make sure my idiotic family doesn't mess up our reputation even more. I need to know there will be no surprises before, during, or after the trial." Slate explained.
"So you basically want us to tell you all of our personal secrets?" Marvel asked.
"For the most part, yes. I can do this one on one if you guys would prefer."
"Yeah... I'm not doing that." Cato said.
"Cato!!" Glimmer exclaimed.
"What? Are you telling me that you actually believe we should tell Slate all of our secrets because he wants to protect his own reputation? What about our personal lives could possibly affect how the trial plays out?"
"You are all friends of Clove. Clove is the daughter of the defendant. In order to ensure they win, the prosecution will dig up as much dirt on everyone the defendant loves as possible. That includes Clove and you four have information that may make or break this case. You have to tell me so I can tell the lawyers and we can take care of it before the mess spirals out of hand." Slate explained.
"Well I have no secrets that have anything to do with Clove, so can I go?" I asked, standing up. Slate turned to glare at me.
"Sit down. I know there are things about all of you that you should be telling me. I wanted to give you a chance, and it's a damn shame that none of you took it as a chance to clean up your act, especially considering you could be hurting Jason's chances at winning the trial. Great friends you are." I sat down and glared up at him.
"Is there anything else you'd like to ask? Or can we leave?" Marvel asked. Slate glared at all of us before taking a deep breath and replacing it with a knowing smile.
"Yes, there is something else I have to talk about. I was told to inform you that, in lieu of all the gossip, Headmaster Snow has decided to hold a press conference of sorts. Selected tributes will all sit on stage and be asked questions by citizens of the Capitol, and you have to answer them, no matter how personal. You have to be honest and try not to take up more than 5 minutes to answer. You'll be excused from school next Monday and Tuesday and transported to the Capitol. All four of you have been invited, along with Clove. Attendance is mandatory. I suggest you're all very careful with how you answer specific questions. You don't want what happened to that poor mentally ill girl from 5 to happen to you, do you?" Marvel sprung up as Slate started to leave.
"Finch? You know what happened to Finch? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Marvel exclaimed, causing Glimmer to jump and Cato and I to share a look of surprise.
"That, Mr. James, is top secret information. I'd keep that temper in check during Monday's festivities. No one likes to be yelled at." Slate finally left the room and I had to hold Marvel back until we could clearly see Slate enter his car and drive down the road, probably to tell the other people who were invited to the press conference.
Pexey's POV
"Today we lay to rest Magnus and Isaak Howard, two lovely men who sadly perished too soon. They will now join their wife and mom, Geode Howard, in everlasting peace. We will miss them terribly, but know they are now in a better place." Tunny Mangelo said. Tunny was Mr. Howard's best friend and insisted on speaking at the funeral, since Finch can't be here. Lanni, Savera, Turbo, and I, along with Tunny, his wife Electra, and Finch's cousin, Watt, are the only ones sitting in the chairs designated for family members. The entirety of Area 5 and Turbo, Lanni, Savera, and my parents are all standing around the caskets. Well, all those who didn't protest Finch's actions by not showing up at all. Lanni is sobbing into Savera's chest and I feel tears threatening to spill. Not for Magnus and Mr. Howard, although I am quite saddened by their deaths. For Finch. Her family is dead and no one knows where she is, if she's alive, if she even knows her family is gone. It's all so unfair. After each person threw a handful of dirt onto the caskets, the ceremony ended and everyone went back to Tunny and Electra's house for the reception. It didn't take long for me to feel suffocated in their small house with so many people, so I left and stood on the front lawn, alone. I looked around to see if anyone was out here and, after seeing no one, pulled out a cigarette and a lighter from my jacket pocket. As a reward for 3's excellent progress last year everyone got gift baskets with some cheese, meat, and other delicacies. I swiped the cigarettes and lighter when my mom wasn't looking. I've found that it's a lot easier to deal with ridiculously high expectations while smoking one. It was quiet and cloudy out, perfect weather for a funeral. Suddenly, the sound of a car started getting closer and closer until one pulled up in front of the house. Normally only high officials have cars, so who the hell is this? I watched a man with black hair, pale skin, and an ugly glint in his dark eyes get out of the car and walk right towards me. When he reached me he tore the cigarette out of my hand and crushed it under his expensive shoes.
"Excuse you?" I asked.
"There's no need for sass, this is a happy visit." The man stated.
"Happy? You do realize this is a reception for a double funeral, right?"
"Yes, but I'm not here for that. I'm here to invite you to a mandatory press conference about the Hunger Games. Headmaster Snow has requested your presence as one of the guests. You'll get out of school Monday and Tuesday and be transported to the Capitol where you'll experience the same treatment you got when you were there for the games a few weeks ago. All questions must be answered honestly. Failure to show up will result in severe consequences. Have a nice day." The man walked away after he finished his speech and drove down the street.
"Who was that?" I heard someone ask. I turned to see Savera walking over to me.
"I don't know." I said.
"What did he want?"
"For me to be a prisoner of the Capitol for another two days. This day just keeps getting better and better."
Prim's POV
I don't appear to own any black clothing. I would've thought I could wear the dress I wore at my dad's funeral, but it's too small. In the end, Katniss let me borrow one of her dresses, which I tied with a belt in order to keep it up. Once Katniss was ready I said goodbye to my mom and we began the long walk to Area 11, Gale and Rory joining us on the way. Rory and I walked behind Katniss and Gale, who seem to be arguing about something.
"So... you still mad at me?" Rory asked. I turned my head to look at him. He looks just like Gale, it's insane. I honestly don't even know what to do with him anymore.
"I was never mad, just disappointed." I replied, turning my head to the road in front of us.
"Prim, you've gotta understand, I have a real chance here. Mace really likes me and he comes from a powerful family. I'm popular. He got me a good locker and I get to sit with him at lunch and-"
"I know, Rory. I know. Do you think I haven't noticed you getting out of his car everyday and hanging out with Lace all the time? You know she, Sapphire, and Alana have bullied me and Rue since day one, right? And... and now Rue is gone and I don't have anyone and you're just... gone too." I felt tears start to run down my face as I tried not to sob and cause Katniss to worry.
"Prim, I'm right here. I'm not gone." Rory tried to reach for my hand, but I pulled it out of his grasp.
"Yes, you are. You're wearing those stupid pins and you cut your hair and you deny where you're from and who I am. You never talk to me in school and it hurts me to see how much you've changed."
"It's high school, Prim. People change and mature. Not everyone is as nice as you. I love how sweet you are, but it's naïve to think that it's going to get you anywhere."
"Excuse me? Why are you being so mean?"
"I'm just telling the truth. Panem sucks. It sucks hard and the only way to move up in it is to make friends with powerful people early on and to be cutthroat. I know that's not in your nature, but I'm not an angel like you, Prim. I just want to get the hell out of 12. Don't you?"
"Not like this. Not by ignoring your friends and bullying other people."
"So... what? We're just not friends anymore?"
"I don't think I can be friends with someone who is willing to hurt others in order to get what they want."
"So our friendship is just down the drain. That's it for you?"
"Rory, all I know is that I'm upset because you've turned into a person I don't even recognize. I just... we're burying my friend today, a real friend. Can you just be my friend Rory from middle school who's kind? Please?"
"Yeah, of course." We didn't talk until we were at the funeral. It was a beautiful ceremony. Her family couldn't afford a big church ceremony so they got a family friend to preach in the back of one of the apple orchards where she'll be buried. I got to meet her siblings before the ceremony and barely got through talking to Apple before I started crying again. Her mom did the eulogy.
"Thank you, everyone, for coming. My daughter... she was a wonderful girl with a beautiful soul. She was only 14... only 14... w-when... when she told me she was going into the Hunger Games for the family. She knew we needed food and wanted to help provide for her family. She wanted to be a good daughter and big sister." Mrs. Orchards said, and immediately started crying, as did I. I grabbed Katniss's hand and held it tight as she looked down at me with tears in her eyes. I couldn't stop crying and sobbing, even though I wanted to since I was upsetting Apple and the others. I felt Rory's arm wrap around me and I leaned into his chest, his shirt muffling the sound of my sobs. Between Katniss squeezing my hand and Rory assuring me, I finally pulled myself together as Bean decided to step up and finish the eulogy.
"Rue was my big sister and now I'm the big sister. I can never replace her or be better because she was nice and responsible and I'm not. I wanted to grow up so I could be just like her but now I don't because she won't be around to see me as an adult. I love my sister and I hope she's happy in heaven where God is keeping her safe." Bean said and took a handful of dirt and threw it onto the casket.
"She is too young to know the steps of a funeral by heart." Katniss stated.
"I know." Gale said. The four of us got on line to put a handful of dirt on the casket and then left, there not being any reception since it costs too much. I didn't remove my hand from Katniss's and Rory's the entire way back to 12. The moment Katniss and I were home I started to make dinner. We had stew. Afterwards, I went to my room and started to cry.

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