Some Answers, More Questions

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Cato's POV
The elevator doors open and I see Ajax smirking at me.
"Get out." I command as I exit the elevator.
"I know. I already got what I wanted." Ajax states and leaves. I storm over to where Enobaria and Brutus are standing. It takes all of Brutus's strength to keep me from attacking Enobaria.
"How could you let him in here?! You had one job!!" I scream as Brutus holds me back. Enobaria snarls and walks closer and closer to me until her face is inches away from mine.
"You're right, I do have one job, and that is to keep all female tributes from 2 safe while on this trip. I was doing my job. The real question is, where were you?!" She spats and whips me in the face with her ponytail as she saunters away. I keep struggling against Brutus.
"Let me go." I say.
"No, Enobaria will kill you if you try to attack her." Brutus states.
"I don't want to attack Enobaria anymore. Just let me see Clove." Brutus sighs and lets me go.
"You better not be lying to me, kid. Enobaria has always protected her tributes and Clove is no different." I leave and go to Clove's room, her door closed and locked. I knock, the light still on.
"Clover, it's me. Can I come in?" I ask. There is no sound of movement for a while. I eventually sit on the ground, leaning against the wall as I wait for Clove to open the door. It's longer than I expect before she opens it and lets me in. She immediately scurries back to her window seat and looks out at all of the Capitol's buildings that surround us.
"Where were you?" Clove asks, not tearing her eyes away from the view to even look at me.
"I... I was fighting with Marvel and Glimmer about something. I'm sorry, I just thought that Ajax wouldn't be able to get in after everything that happened tonight." I explain.
"What did you fight about?"
"It's not a big deal. Marvel and Glimmer just got mad at me since I blamed Rue for her own death and said Foxface was nuts. They were being ridiculous."
"How are you so sure?"
"About what?"
"That the Capitol is good and anyone who disagrees with that is bad."
"We've always known that, Clove. Don't you remember pre school? Don't listen to the people of the outer areas, they are only jealous of what you have."
"I know, but... what about Finnick Odair? He was, is, one of us. He can't possibly be happy being a prostitute."
"Some people are just stupid. Maybe he has a sex addiction, or maybe he's just broke and disgusting."
"I... I don't think that's it."
"Well it's not really our problem. What does this have to do with Snow and Foxface?"
"I don't know... I-I just don't know anymore." I kneel next to her and she turns to look at me.
"Did something happen? Did Ajax do anything? If he did, you have to tell me."
"He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I just... I don't know. I just don't know anymore."
"Well I do know, Clove. I know that people wish they were us and they're angry that they're not, but that gives them no right to rebel. Trust me."
"Yeah... I wish it were that simple."
Katniss's POV
I don't get to see Peeta or Gale or Madge until I get back to 12. Haymitch says it's for safety reasons but it honestly feels like the opposite. I step into my house and immediately notice its cleanliness. I furrow my eyebrows and walk into the main room where Prim is braiding our mother's hair. When she sees me she immediately runs over and gives me a hug.
"Thank goodness you're okay." She whispers and I pull her even tighter as I look at my mom's semi-vacant stare. Prim eventually pulls away.
"What is it, Katniss?" Prim asks.
"Nothing, I just... did you clean?" I ask and Prim looks down at her wrists and starts to interlock her fingers.
"Well... um..." She's saved by a knock at the door. I walk over to the entrance and open it, the smell of roses and death giving away who it was before I saw him.
"Headmaster Snow." I state.
"Hello, Miss Everdeen. I assume you were made aware of my eventual arrival." He says as I let him inside. I share a look with Prim.
"Yes. Of course. Let's sit." I plop down on our worn out couch as Snow disdainfully sits on our threadbare chair and Prim goes back to braiding our mother's hair.
"Let's get right to the point. That stunt that was pulled a few days ago in the Capitol is your fault, whether you planned it or not."
"I didn't plan anything. I'd never met any of those people in my entire life."
"Yet they speak of the Mockingjay."
"A pin, they speak of a pin that was never really mine to begin with. It was a gift."
"Your stylist and your team has made it abundantly clear that you are to be associated with the Mockingjay and fire at all times. Due to the fact that this annoying little rebellion has chosen those two things as their symbols, I have no choice but to keep an extra close eye on you and Mr. Mellark."
"What exactly does that mean?"
"It means that two Peacekeepers will be here at all times making sure nothing is going on. You, Mr. Mellark, and whatever siblings you have will all share a car to school and from school. You will have a personal shopper for all your food and clothing needs. You should have no reason to leave your house."
"So basically I'm cut off from society?"
"It would be best for you to hold your tongue, Miss Everdeen. It could be much worse." With that, Snow stands up and leaves. I watch him go and hold back a snarl as I see two Peacekeepers station themselves at our front door.
"Katniss?" Prim asks.
"Yes?" I reply, moving my eyes from the door to Prim's face.
"Are you the Mockingjay? Are you leading the rebellion?"
"Not as far as I know."
"I think you should. I think you should get justice for Rue in any way you can."
"Stop talking." Our mom suddenly says. Our eyes dart to our mother who is looking straight at me.
"Don't you understand what happens to rebels? They're killed. You can get out, Katniss. Do not ruin your chance by going up against the Capitol. It's not smart." My mom explains. Prim and I stare in shock as our mother starts to get a glazed look in her eyes again.
"Mommy? Please keep talking." Prim begs as she takes our mother's hand in hers.
"Let her go, Prim. She's only gonna talk when she wants to talk. I wouldn't get your hopes up." I say and begin to dole out leftovers for dinner.
"Don't say that, Katniss. She... she'll get better eventually. I have faith."
"Yeah? Well I don't." I sit down and begin to eat as Prim coaxes our mother to eat her share.
Marvel's POV
"Marvel, are you sure you want to do this?" My mom asks as I put my coat on.
"Yes. After what happened in the Capitol... it's time." I reply.
"It's not safe. I've only spoken to her once and afterwards I could feel Peacekeepers trailing me for weeks."
"They killed Finch's family. They barely even tried to make it look like an illness. I want to talk to Divine."
"You saw first hand what they did to those rebels. I can't lose my only son, Marvel." My mom says as she grabs both of my hands, forcing me to look at her.
"You won't. I'll be back in a few hours." I say, kissing her cheek. I pick up my car keys and exit the house.
"Marvel!! Hey!! Where are you going?" Glimmer yells from across the street. I shove the directions to Divine's cabin deep into my pocket as I smile at her.
"Just for a drive. I haven't really had a chance to test out the new license yet." I reply as we meet each other in the middle of the street.
"Awww. My little Marvie can drive!! Can I be your first passenger?!" Glimmer exclaims as she grins at me and I can't help but grin back. I bite my lip to keep myself from agreeing.
"I... eventually. Right now I kind of want to be by myself." I say and she cocks her head to the side.
"Marvel, I know you're angry at everyone right now, but don't avoid us. Don't avoid me."
"I'm not."
"Then where are you going?"
"I can't tell you that."
"Why not?"
"I... Glim-"
"No. Don't Glim me. I know you use that to distract me. Oh what a cute nickname. I love nicknames. Wait. What were we talking about? No. I'm not falling for that this time."
"You don't want to know."
"Try me." We stare each other down and refuse to break eye contact until there's a car honking at us. I look away and sigh.
"Okay, but you can't breathe a word of this to anyone. Ever." I say and tug her to the side of my car. The car speeds by us as I make sure we're alone.
"Okay. I... I'm really not sure how to say this so I'm just gonna spit it out." I say.
"Oh no, are you breaking up with me?" Glimmer teased.
"Ha ha, no. That's not it."
"Then what is it?"
"I've decided to join the rebellion." Glimmer's mouth drops open and her eyes triple in size.
"Um... okay so maybe, just maybe, having this conversation in the middle of the street wasn't the best idea. Let's get in your car."
"Glimmer, that's all I have to say."
"Yeah well you've just opened a huge can of worms, buddy, so I don't see this conversation ending any time soon so in the car you go." I sit in the driver's seat as Glimmer slides into the passenger seat and slams the door shut.
"You're doing what?" She exclaims.
"I'm on my way to the cabin of an Area One member of the rebellion to talk about enlisting in their army after high school ends." I explain.
"Wow that is a lot of information. I didn't even realize they had members from One. How did you even find out about this person?"
"My mom."
"Your mom?"
"Yeah. She's kind of already sort of involved in it."
"Seriously?! Did she ask you to join? Does your dad know?"
"My dad's situation is sort of don't ask, don't tell but yeah. He knows. My mom doesn't want me to join, but after everything that's happened this year I can't see a reason why I'm not already apart of it."
"Maybe because you're not crazy. Marvel, I love the fact that you want to risk your life to avenge Finch and Rue and all of that, but can you just take a second to think about yourself. This isn't Area 12. You can't just defect and expect no one to notice. I don't want you to get hurt." I take a breath and try not to cave as her blue eyes study my face.
"I can't sit around anymore, Glim. It's killing me inside knowing that there's a way for me to fight back against the people who killed Finch's family and I'm not apart of it. I have to do this."
"This is bigger than getting back at the people who killed the Howard family. We're talking about a full force attack on the government, on our way of life. I don't think you understand the gravity of what you're about to do."
"I don't care anymore. I don't care about my image or my comfortable lifestyle or whether or not I fully understand the rebellion's full intentions. I just know that I'm miserable trying to ignore all the bad things in Panem year after year."
"What about us? What about me and Clove and Cato and Sagara? Aren't we enough?" Glimmer begs and I sadly shake my head.
"No. Not anymore. I have to do this." I whisper and Glimmer takes a deep breath.
"Okay. Then I'm going with you."
"We're partners. We stick together no matter what."
"I can't ask you to rebel if you don't want to."
"I never said I didn't want to rebel."
"What about it not being safe?"
"What's life without a little risk?"
"What about your parents?"
"What about them? They don't have to know."
"After graduation..."
"Graduation is over a year away. A lot can happen in a year." I sigh and ask her the real question that's been on my mind for weeks.
"What about Cato?"
"What about Cato?" Glimmer rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
"He's never going to rebel. I would've thought you'd take your boyfriend's stance on the matter into account." I reply as I buckle myself in.
"If he weren't a 2, I would, but he is. We both know Area 2 makes soldiers and Cato is the poster boy for that. He doesn't have his own stance on anything." She retorts and buckles herself in.
"He has a stance on you." I mumble as I fumble around in my pocket for the keys and the directions.
"No he doesn't. You know that better than anyone, or so I've heard." She says as I find the keys and directions, pull away from the curb, and head down the street.
"Yeah. I kind of already knew though. You're not exactly discreet."
"I don't think he treats you right."
"He doesn't..."
"Then why do you stay with him?" I ask as I hand Glimmer the directions, my eyes not leaving the road.
"Turn left at Shine Street. I stay with Cato... because he's safe." I scoff as I glance at her before returning my eyes to the road.
"Cato? Safe? You saw what he did to Thresh, right?"
"Well yeah, physically he's dangerous, but emotionally... I could do worse."
"I can't believe what I'm hearing."
"What about you? You haven't had a date in forever, what gives? Is it Finch? Do you have a crush on her? Is that why you're so upset over her family's death?" Glimmer exclaims as I make the turn.
"I do not have a crush on Finch. We're just friends."
"Right on Ruby Road. I don't believe you. People say that all the time and then date that same person months later."
"I really don't have a crush on her. She's a cool friend to have, I like hearing her opinions on things, but I could never date someone like her. She's so negative and I'd rather date a ray of sunshine." I admit, my cheeks reddening a bit.
"Any specific ray in mind?" Glimmer implores, her eyes drilling holes in the side of my face. I take a deep breath. Oh no one, just YOU.
"No. Most of the girls I know are either taken or not really my type."
"MARVEL!!" Glimmer yells and I frantically try not to veer off the road from shock.
"I think I know the perfect girl for you."
"You do?"
"Yes. Oh it's so perfect!! I should set you up with Lanni!!"
"Yes!! Lanni!! You know her, olive skin tone, light blonde hair, from Area 3. She's one of Finch's best friends."
"Oh yeah, I remember her." I mutter as I make the turn.
"Straight until we reach Hefner Hills. Don't sound so uninterested, Marvel. She's perfect. She's sweet and funny and positive and understands what you're going through with Finch, not to mention she's pretty cute and I know she thinks you're handsome. At least go to brunch with her or something. Oh my gosh wait, I can bring Cato and we can double date!! Oh now you have to!! It's the dream!!" Glimmer practically explodes with excitement as she describes literal hell. A double date with her and Cato? Why not just rub it in even more that she picked him?
"I don't know-"
"I do. Don't you trust me?" I sigh as I pull into Hefner Hills' parking lot and find a space.
"I guess. Set it up."
"Yay!!" Glimmer exclaims as I park.
"Are you nervous?" Glimmer asks after a few minutes of silence have gone by and neither of us have moved.
"Yes. I know it's what I want, but..." I trail off.
"It changes everything."
"Well, we can't just sit here forever." Glimmer says as she starts to unbuckle.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."
"Fine." The two of us get out of the car and follow the directions to Divine's cabin in the middle of the woods.
Clove's POV
The ride to school is quiet, too quiet for comfort as I watch Marvel and Glimmer text the entire time. I stare out the window until it's time to get out of the car. The four of us walk into school, Sagara joining along the way, as junior class president, Adrianna Hennessey, uses a bullhorn to grab everyone's attention.
"Congratulations juniors, we've made it to PROM season!! Tickets are available now in Ms. Trinket's office. The theme is... drum roll please... a Land of Candy!!" Adrianna exclaims and there are a bunch of cheers around me, Glimmer being one of the loudest.
"I love this time of year!! Promposals, finding the right dress, planning after prom, it's gonna be so much fun!! If you guys don't mind I've sort of already planned everything out." Glimmer explains and I raise an eyebrow.
"The whole thing? It's more than a month away." I comment.
"I'll explain everything at lunch, my dears!! I have to go to first period, come on Marvel!!" Glimmer says and drags Marvel along by his backpack strap.
"Good luck with that one, Cato." Sagara states.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"You have to prompose to her and match your outfit to her dress and go to her house for pre-prom and take millions of pictures." Cato lets out a groan as we head towards our Strategy class, an elective Area 2 requires their students to take, and Sagara goes to Coin's class.
"I don't understand why you're shocked." I say.
"I forgot we had our own prom this year. Can I just not go?" Cato pleads.
"Well, personally, that's my plan, but I don't see Glimmer letting you out of this for a second."
"Damn it."
"You chose to date her. You knew the repercussions."
"I know... I'll ask Marvel how to prompose later. Did you know Glimmer is dragging me on a double date with him and a 3?" He says as we enter our class and sit down.
"No, but I do find it funny how whipped you are." I tease as a ghost of a smile appears on my face. Cato rolls his eyes at me.
"I'm not whipped, I'm just... tired. Doing what Glimmer wants is easier than fighting back. I've had enough of that for a while, you know?" Cato tries to catch my eye as I stare at the desk.
"Yeah. Yeah I know. I'm tired too." I say, avoiding eye contact as class begins.

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