Land of Candy

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Glimmer's POV
"Spin!!" I yell at Sagara as she twirls again and again in an emerald gown. I cheer and clap as Sagara beams.
"I think I'm in love." Sagara says as I hug her.
"You look amazing. Zale is lucky he snapped you up before anyone else, even though his promposal was a little cliché." Sagara rolls her eyes.
"I liked the poster, it was cute. It got me to say yes, didn't it?"
"At least Sagara got promposed to, Glimmer. I haven't seen Cato do that." Clove remarks as she flips through a magazine. I smirk at her.
"Don't think I don't know what you're doing. You and Marvel have been planting seeds of doubt in my mind for weeks about a promposal, which means it's coming any day now. Even if it is a little over a week before prom and technically this should've been done weeks ago, but it's fine." I explain as I think of the cute baby blue tie I bought Cato so he can match my dress and hope it doesn't go to waste.
"If you say so."
"Hey, give her a break, Clove. Prom is stressful." Sagara says after changing back into her regular clothes.
"I wouldn't know." I plop down next to Clove.
"Oooooh, is someone bitter about not going to prom? It's not too late, you know? With one quick phone call I can get you a hot date." I remind as I wiggle my phone in front of her face. Clove closes her magazine and shuts her eyes tightly for a second before opening them again and taking a deep breath.
"Although I do love the fact that it sounds like you've got a hooker on speed dial, the answer is still no. I do not want to go to prom."
"I'm gonna go pay for this." Sagara says. The moment she's out of earshot I turn to Clove.
"I can't believe he's making you work on prom." I state.
"I guess he somehow figured I wouldn't have any plans." Clove mumbles and averts her eyes.
"It's not fair-"
"Nothing about this is fair."
"I know that, but... me I understand. Victor or not, I'm hot and the Capitol loves me, it was only a matter of time before he made me... you know. You though? Had you ever even kissed a boy before all this?" Clove finally looks at me and her eyes are full of fire.
"Not that this is any of your business, but no, I hadn't. Not for real, anyway. I can't believe you can just talk about this out in the open and without a care in the world. Aren't you disgusted? Ashamed?"
"I... I can't stop. I can't let myself fixate on it. I have to be logical and talk about it leisurely. I can't let it have power over me, I can't."
"It does, it does have power over you. Cato talks and sadly I have to listen to him and I know, I know you guys have... you know... but never all the way. You always stop him and you have no reason to because we all know you've gone there before."
"Oh god, he talks about that?" I ask as my face grows red.
"He's a dude who's not used to not getting laid every five seconds, of course he does." I groan and sit back in my chair as Clove picks at her nails.
"You'll be there for pre-prom?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.
"Yes." She answers without looking up.
"After prom?"
"Of course."
"You have a fancy outfit for the weekend?"
"You were there when I bought it."
"It's not the same one you'll be wearing to-"
"No. Snow and his people sent me something this time." I give her a side hug which causes her to immediately tense.
"Glimmer-" She begins.
"I know you're not ready yet for this much contact from me, but I also know you might never be considering what Snow is making us do, so I'm hugging you anyway. Be safe, okay? If you need me, call. Prom isn't more important than you." I explain.
"Thanks. I will." She replies and I let go. The two of us join Sagara at the cash register as she finishes paying and we head out the door into the center of the mall. Clove lets out a noise similar to a growl.
"What?" I ask as she abruptly pushes me into a rolling chair. Why are there two rolling chairs in the middle of the mall?
"Just sit. Do not move or ask questions until the presentation is over." Clove says as she stands behind my chair, Sagara nowhere to be found.
"Wait a second... is this-"
"Hey guys." Lanni says as she walks over to us.
"Sit." Clove orders and points at the other rolling chair.
"Oh, uh, okay. Have you guys seen Marvel? He told me to meet him here." Lanni stutters as she sits down.
"Just wait." Clove says and within seconds music starts playing.
"1, 2, 3, 4!!" Marvel lip syncs as he jumps up from where he was hidden behind a counter. All of the sudden the entire crowd around us stops talking and walking and start to dance.
"It's you and me
Moving at the speed of light into eternity, yeah
Tonight is the night to join me in the middle of ecstasy" Marvel continues to lip sync as he makes his way over to Lanni who just sits there giggling. The verse continues as Marvel pulls Lanni out of her chair and twirls her around, bringing her into the choreographed dance in the middle.
"It's like I've waited my whole life for this one night
It's gon' be me you and the dance floor
'Cause we've only got one night
Double your pleasure
Double your fun and dance
Forever" Marvel lip syncs as they all dance and Lanni stumbles along. The chorus continues but suddenly I'm being speedily pushed by Clove to another seating area in the mall where Cato is sitting on a makeup kiosk's chair, Sagara and Willow on either side of him.
"He looks like he wants to die." I say between laughs as Clove stops me right in front of Cato.
"Feels like we're on another level
Feels like our love's intertwined,
We can be two rebels breaking the rules
Me and you, you and I" Cato lip syncs seemingly against his will as Willow excitedly drapes a baby blue shawl around me. I share a knowing look with Sagara who smirks as the chorus begins again.
"It's like I've waited my whole life for this one night
It's gon' be me you and the dance floor" Cato lip syncs as he drags me out of my chair and the five of us rejoin Marvel's clump. Clove leans against a counter as I stumble along with the dance, Cato clearly knowing how to do it but not putting forth any effort.
"The things I do for you." Cato comments and I playfully jab him in the side as Willow tries and fails at getting Clove to dance. As the song comes to a close the flash mob goes away until it's just me, Cato, Lanni, and Marvel left in the center.
Forever" Marvel and Cato both lip sync as the song ends.
"Will you do us the honor of dancing with us forever on prom night?" They ask simultaneously.
"YES!!" Lanni exclaims and attacks Marvel in a kiss.
"Of course." I say to Cato and give him a kiss on the cheek before hugging him.
"This was all Marvel, wasn't it?" I ask.
"Yup." He replies and I chuckle as I pull away from the hug. Cato and I join Sagara, Willow, and Clove.
"They're still going?" I ask as we all stare at Lanni and Marvel.
"Yup. Oh the honeymoon phase." Sagara states.
"I didn't realize Marvel had that kind of game. Props to him." Cato says and Willow laughs.
"That's icky." Willow says as she giggles.
"You are absolutely right, boys are icky. Never forget that." I say which makes Willow laugh even more.
"Well, not that I don't love watching Marvel make out with a girl, but I have to go do anything else." Clove mutters as she unties her leather jacket from her waist and puts it back on.
"Need a ride home, Sevinas?" Cato asks.
"Is that even a question, Hadley?" Clove responds as she leaves, Cato and Willow trailing after her. I remove my eyes from Cato's retreating form and move them to Sagara. My eyes widen.
"Your dress-" I exclaim as I notice her empty hands.
"Is being shipped to my house." She finishes.
"Oh thank goodness." I say as Marvel and Lanni join us.
"Well, I have to go. I'm so excited for prom!!" Lanni exclaims.
"Me too!! I'll text you all the pre-prom details." I state.
"Well, actually, I was kinda hoping we'd go to Pexey's pre-prom." Lanni says and I put on my most persuasive smile.
"Marvel has to be at our pre-prom, it's been arranged for months. I'm sure your friends will understand. After all, it's not like you have to come to our after prom." I say sweetly, but forcefully.
"I guess, although I thought it'd be fun if Marvel came to my after prom so he could finally get to know my friends. We'll work it out. Bye guys." Lanni says and kisses Marvel again. Once they're done with their disgusting PDA and Lanni is gone I turn to Marvel and laugh at his lipstick covered face. I walk over to the makeup kiosk and return with makeup removing wipes which I hand to Marvel.
"Honey, it's everywhere." I say and he cleans his face.
"Well, I'm gonna go. I have to finish my report for Coin." Sagara says, leaving just me and Marvel.
"Good?" He asks and I inspect his face.
"Yes." I respond and he throws the wipes away. When he returns I fix him with a nervous look.
"Yes, Glimmer?" He asks, acting as though he already knows what I'm about to say.
"You have to come to our pre-prom and after prom. I'm sorry if it's bitchy or possessive of me but I've spent months planning this and it just won't work without you. Maybe next year." I blurt and Marvel chuckles.
"I'll handle it. I don't wanna miss any of Glimmer Cantrell's prom activities. I've only had to listen to you plan them since we were in diapers." He retorts as we begin to leave the mall.
"Don't act like you never joined in. You're the one who came up with the whole photo booth aspect of pre-prom!!"
"You're welcome."
Katniss's POV
"I'm not going." I say as I enter my house, Haymitch coming in after me.
"That's funny. I don't remember saying it's a choice." Haymitch replies as I take off my coat and boots. I turn and see Prim and Buttercup on the floor.
"Prim, I need the room." I say and she takes Buttercup into our room and shuts the door. I sit down on the couch and Haymitch on a chair.
"You and Mellark are suppose to be in love. There's nothing the Capitol loves more than seeing lovers at prom. You can't not go. Snow won't allow it."
"I'm not in the games anymore. He can't control me." Haymitch scoffs and I cross my arms in front of my chest.
"Man you really are naïve, aren't you? Becoming a Victor doesn't get you out of Snow's control, it puts you even more at his will. If you care at all about yourself, your family, or the Mellarks, you'll get over your hatred of prom and get in touch with Peeta about your promposal story. Or, better yet, talk to Effie."
"What could Snow possibly do? Fail me? Make me poorer than I already am?" I growl.
"Make you a prostitute. Make Prim a prostitute. Kill your family. He's already done it to girls in your grade. I doubt he'll care about doing it again." Haymitch replies bluntly. I bite my lip and sigh, defeated.
"Fine, but nothing too sweet."
Clove's POV
The doorbell ringing gives me an escape from the awkward staring match between Slate and my dad. I rush to the door and open it, Cato on the other side in a suit.
"Well don't you look dapper. What's the occasion?" I tease.
"Oh ha ha, very funny. Are you ready to go?" He asks.
"Yes, just let me grab my phone." I turn on my heel and go to collect my phone from the den. Slate looks at me as I pick up my phone from the table.
"Where are you going?" He sneers.
"Pre-prom at Glimmer's house. Cato is driving me." I reply.
"How are you getting home?"
"I'm driving Cato's car back."
"Fine." Slate exhales and I roll my eyes as I rejoin Cato. We get into his car and pull away from my house.
"Slate still a joy?" Cato asks after a few moments of silence.
"Oh yes, he's decided no one can leave the house without checking in with him first. It's great." I respond and Cato chuckles. I smirk at him.
"You really do look nice, you know?" I say.
"Wait a second, did I just receive a totally sincere compliment from Clove Sevina?" Cato jokes and I roll my eyes.
"Yes, your first and last of the night."
"I'm very flattered... there's still time. You could still come, I mean."
"No, I'm serious. With all the money Glimmer has spent on this thing, doesn't it seem like a waste if you don't go to a huge chunk of it?" Cato explains, tearing his eyes away from the road to look at me.
"Cato, not only do I not have anything to wear or a person to go with nor do I even want to go, but I have plans. Now get your eyes back on the road." I order and he obeys.
"Plans? Plans with who? Everyone is gonna be at prom."
"P-Plans... plans with a guy. He graduated high school."
"Oh... okay."
"No, it's fine. I just... I didn't know you were in a place where you could date right now."
"It's not a date... my mom set it up. She wants me to start building relationships with people in the real world." I lie.
"If you say so."
"I do. I do say so."
"Okay... I just want you to be careful."
"I'm trying to move on the only way I know how, Cato."
"No... it's not that. Things are changing around here. That whole rebellion thing is starting to catch on. Don't get yourself in a situation that'll make your dad's case worse." I furrow my eyebrows as Cato focuses on turning onto Glimmer's street.
"What's your dad got up his sleeve, Cato?" I ask.
"Nothing. I don't know. It's just basic knowledge that my dad and his firm run a full background check of everyone involved in a case and that includes you."
"Do you think I'm joining the rebellion?"
"You seemed pretty weird the last time we were in the Capitol."
"Well yeah, Ajax somehow got into my room after three people were killed in front of me. I wasn't exactly in the best frame of mind."
"I know, and I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner, but I don't know where your head is at anymore, Clove. I'm trying here." I sigh as we pull into Glimmer's driveway.
"Yeah, I know. Thanks." I say and we get out of the car.
"Anytime, Clover." He replies as we knock on the door. Within seconds Glimmer is opening the door and ushering us in.
"Marvel and Lanni are already taking their couple pictures, then they'll take their single ones and Cato and I will take our couple ones. Once Sagara and Zale get here we'll do the group shots." Glimmer explains as she leads us into her living room which is full of prom-related decorations.
"Keep group shots minimal, Glimmer. I have to leave as soon as possible." I remind her.
"I know, Sagara and Zale are already on their way. Eat some food, relax. Order from the bar, if you appear sexy enough they won't card you. Cato, your tie..." Glimmer chastises as she begins to fix it. I head towards the bar.
"Rum and coke." I state, tilting my head at the bartender. I feel his eyes run over me and resist the urge to puke as he gets me my drink.
"So, who's your date tonight?" The bartender asks as he hands me my drink.
"Not you." I retort and saunter away, taking a huge gulp of my drink. I sit down at a table and begin to pick at my nails as my phone buzzes. I pull it out and see one text message.
From: Work
The car will be parked outside your house in 45 minutes. Don't be late.
Marvel's POV
I rub my jaw several times so it'll stop hurting from all the smiling. Clove immediately leaves after the group shots, so it's just the six of us. Once everyone's gotten their fill of drinks and snacks and photos, we all pile into the limo.
"Now, wasn't that pre-prom so much more enjoyable than whatever your friends had planned, Lanni?" Glimmer asks.
"You don't have to answer that, Lanni. She's joking." I say and glare at Glimmer.
"Yeah... it was a joke. Obviously." Glimmer says and busies herself with the champagne bottle. I sigh and look out the window as we slowly arrive at the prom venue in Area 1. Half the school is already there as we get out of the limo. We each hand in our tickets and enter the banquet hall. It's stunning. The walls are stark white and the ceiling has multiple skylights. The decorations include every color known to man and several candy stations. Music is blasting through the speakers as some people begin to dance and others eat an appetizer or five. Lanni drags me out to the dance floor where some of her friends are.
"Lanni!!" They exclaim and hug her.
"You look beautiful." I think... Savera says?
"Thanks, Sav. Same to you." She replies and the two of them walk away, the two guys trailing behind them.
"Great..." I mutter and go to my table where Cato is sitting.
"Did you just get ditched?" Cato asks, glancing up from his phone.
"Yup. I honestly don't understand her sometimes." I reply.
"Meaning she's all over me whenever we're alone and even when we're hanging out with you guys, but the moment she's with her friends she doesn't give me the time of day. I don't get it."
"Sounds to me like she's only attracted to you physically."
"Think about it. You guys barely talk and the only time she isn't all over you is when she's with her friends who are from areas that are supposedly very smart. You're letting her treat you like her boy toy."
"That's ridiculous. We talk. Besides, she knows I have substance because otherwise Finch would've never hung out with me."
"You've gotta show her who's boss."
"Cato... maybe that's how you treat women, but I'm more civilized than that."
"Yet here we are. Tell me, which one of us is dating Glimmer? Which one of us is dating her cheap replacement?"
"Cato, shut up. You have no right to call Lanni a replacement Glimmer."
"Well, isn't she?"
"No. I like Lanni for who she is, not for her similarities to Glimmer."
"If Glimmer was single right now, are you telling me you wouldn't drop Lanni like that just so Glimmer would think of you as an option, as if she ever would?" I feel my face growing red, from anger or shame I don't know.
"She's not single, Cato. She's dating you. You know, I thought I could do it. I thought since I was dating Lanni that I could just accept you and Glimmer and move on, but I can't. I can't do it anymore."
"Marvel, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that, yeah, I'm kind of an ass because half the reason I'm dating Lanni is because she does remind me of Glimmer, but not half as big an ass as you."
"No. Let me explain exactly how crappy of a friend you've been. Just one more time, then I'll leave you alone. I've been like a lost puppy with Glimmer since I don't even know when, and I realize that's sad and you think it's funny, but I thought that you, my best friend, would at least respect my feelings-"
"Why would I respect something I find funny?"
"Do you really wanna go there? I was gonna leave her out of this, but if you want to, I'll go there. Do you want to?"
"No." Cato says after awhile and finally puts down his goddamn phone.
"Good. You were my best friend-" I begin as the anger slowly drains out of me.
"I am your best friend."
"Just let me talk. Please. I thought you cared about me. Not as much as you care about your swords or winning The Hunger Games, but just a little bit. Then I turn around one day and there's you and Glimmer. Together. That was one of the worst nights of my life, and there have been a lot of bad nights recently. Not only was the girl that I dreamed about taken, but she was taken by my best friend who knew about my feelings and who, let's face it, I know I can never compare to."
"What do you mean?"
"Come on, Cato. Don't let this moment be the one time your arrogance fails you. You're strong and handsome and troubled. Every girl wants you and none of them can have you entirely. You're most likely going to win the games next year and you're already rich. You're The Guy. I always knew, deep down, that if Glimmer ever started having feelings for you that I'd lose her forever. Here we are, and I don't think you even care. About Glimmer or me."
"Marvel, I didn't... I never wanted to..."
"What? You didn't think you dating Glimmer would hurt me?"
"I... I didn't think about it. There. Are you happy?! I admit it, I didn't think about how it would affect you."
"Why? Why do I never cross your mind? Why don't I matter to you? I would never do that to you and you know that. So why? Why didn't you extend the same courtesy to me?"
"It's... it's not the answer you're gonna want to hear."
"I do not care. I need to know how this happened."
"Fine. Well, when you were hanging out with Finch a lot, we were all angry with you. Some of us more than others. Glimmer... she wanted to get back at you, so over winter break she asked me to date her in order to make you jealous and I said no... but then Clove and I got in a fight and I was angry and wanted to prove her wrong so I told Glimmer I'd do it. Somewhere along the way though, our original reasons sort of got lost." I rub my temples as the information starts to settle in.
"What do you mean they got lost?"
"Well, Clove and I aren't mad at each other anymore so there's no real reason for me to be dating Glimmer, but..."
"But what?"
"I don't like her like that, but I've started to wonder if that's true for her, you know?"
"She likes you, Cato. Anyone can see that. I'm glad you can too."
"What am I gonna do?"
"I don't know. I just know I'm done."
"Done? With what?"
"With you. I need friends who care about me, Cato, and you clearly don't." I say and leave the table. I'm suddenly stopped by Glimmer.
"Marvel, where are you going?" She asks.
"I'm gonna hang out with Lanni and her friends for awhile." I reply.
"You're still coming to after prom, right?" She asks, looking at me with wide eyes.
"Of course. Text me when you're getting ready to leave." I say and walk over to where Lanni and her friends are dancing.
Clove's POV
My phone buzzes for the millionth time as Ajax gets distracted by a loud debate over who knows what. I quietly slip into the hallway and take the call.
"Hello?" I say.
"Clove, do you think I treat Marvel badly?" Cato asks.
"I don't think we have enough time to fully talk about that right now."
"Exactly!!" I hear Glimmer say.
"She didn't necessarily agree-" Cato begins.
"I think you treat Marvel badly." I insert.
"What? I treat him the same way you do."
"He's not my best friend, besides, I'm not dating-"
"Speaker phone, Clove."
"I'm not wrong."
"Whatever. How's your date going?"
"It's not a date." Glimmer and I both say.
"It's just business. I'd rather be at prom." I add.
"Then ditch him. Come on, you've got my car and I can text you the address." Cato insists.
"I wish it were that simple. I should probably hang up, he's gonna notice if I'm gone for too long. I'll see you guys later."
"Clove, wait. Let me get off speaker phone."
"Cato, I really have to go."
"I know, but... it's weird not having you here. I always pictured us at prom together, complaining about everything. It's odd going through any sort of milestone without you." I sigh and lean against the wall.
"Yeah... I kinda thought that too. There's always next year."
"It's not the same though."
"I don't know what to tell you."
"Clove!!" I hear Ajax yelling.
"I have to go now. I'll see you soon." I quickly hang up and walk into the view of Ajax.
"There you are. What are you doing out here?" Ajax asks as he gets closer and closer to me.
"Nothing. I just needed some air." I say as he stops me from moving away from the wall.
"Well, while we're here..." I gulp as Ajax puts both hands on either side of my head and forces his lips on me. I try not to struggle, but my natural instincts are to fight. Ajax's hands move down my body until they reach my wrists and he violently twists them. I involuntarily let out a groan, which satisfies him enough to let go of my wrists after a few minutes. He pulls away and roughly grabs my arm, dragging me to an even more isolated corridor.
"Just because you're a minor and can't go all the way doesn't mean we still can't have some fun, now does it?" Ajax taunts as he unzips.
Sagara's POV
"Then I took his bat and hit him right in the gut. Never again would that idiot look at me the wrong way." Zale explains excitedly, trying to interest Cato. The whole night. I should've known he idolized someone in my friend group when he randomly promposed.
"So interesting." I mumble and Cato chuckles beside me. I share a look with him as Zale starts to inhale his cake. I'm about to make another comment when Adrianna starts talking into the mic.
"Attention all prom goers, it's officially time to announce the Junior Prom King and Queen!!" Adrianna exclaims and a bunch of people cheer.
"Now, since I was the one counting the votes I, sadly, cannot win Prom Queen, so this really could be anyone." Adrianna adds and I suppress a groan.
"Can she please just get on with it?!" Cato mutters and I chuckle.
"Prom King is... drum roll please... my middle school ex, Cato Hadley." Adrianna says with an annoyingly polite clap. It's not about you.
"Yeah Cato!! Woo hoo!! This is so exciting!!" Zale exclaims as Glimmer and I hold back laughter. Cato lets out a growl, but slowly makes his way up to the stage. Adrianna struggles to put the crown on his head and Cato shows no inclination of helping her as he glares straight ahead. She finally gets it on his head and walks back over to the mic.
"Now, the announcement everyone's been waiting for... Prom Queen is... his girlfriend, Glimmer Cantrell." Adrianna reads, as if it's shocking that Glimmer won. Glimmer makes her way to the stage and is crowned Prom Queen, a smile never leaving her face. Cato and Glimmer walk into the middle of the dance floor and begin their customary slow dance. Cato refuses to smile, but Glimmer is grinning enough for the both of them.
"Come on, let's be the first couple to join!!" Zale exclaims and I let him drag me onto the dance floor next to Glimmer and Cato as we dance to The Way You Look Tonight, an old song from the American times.

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