The Feast

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Finch's POV
The trumpets play at roughly mid afternoon, signalling another announcement from Claudius Templesmith. Great.
"Attention all tributes!! There will be a feast tomorrow morning at the Cornucopia!! Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you needs something desperately. Each of you will find that something in a backpack marked with your area number, at the Cornucopia at dawn. Think hard about refusing to show up. For some of you, this will be your last chance." Claudius announces. I try to deny the need I have for food, but my empty stomach grumbles and I admit it, I'm starving. My already thin body has gotten sickly in the weeks I've been in here. I really do have no more options, I have to go to the feast. I'll have to be smart about it though, I can't just run right in. I only have a knife that I'm not skilled with as protection. No. I'll have to get creative. Cato and Clove packed up camp this morning, but I'm still at the Cornucopia. I had trailed them earlier so I knew where they settled. As far as I can see, there have been no sudden disturbances. No one is rushing over here yet. They'll probably wait until after midnight. I wonder if I could just hide out in the Cornucopia until the feast. That's it!! I'll camp out in the Cornucopia and then I'll only have to worry about my escape. I quickly pack up my things, which doesn't take long, and climb down the tree. I look around me and then quickly dart across the open field until I'm at the mouth of the Cornucopia. I rush in and get myself comfortable. It's gonna be a long night.
Thresh's POV
The last thing I want is to confront other tributes. I would not go if I had water. Which I do not. I cannot risk the chance of death, real death, that comes from dehydration or heat stroke. Especially not after Rue. I have to go to the feast.
Cato's POV
"We don't have to go to the feast. Let the other tributes fight it out and when they think they've actually made it out unharmed, that's when we can attack." I said.
"No." Clove quietly replied.
"Why not?"
"Katniss Everdeen, she's why not. Peeta Mellark has his leg, Foxface has her inability to use a weapon, Thresh has his bulky body, and you have your arrogance. Everyone has a weakness when it comes to their ability. We have no weakness for Katniss. As far as we're concerned, she's as good at archery as I am with knives. We need protection from that. That's what will be in our backpack. We're going to the feast."
"That's it? End of discussion? I don't remember dying and making you Queen."
"Probably because you weren't the one who needed to die for that to happen. I'm not arguing with you about something that you're so obviously wrong about."
"I am not wrong, I just don't agree with you."
"Same thing, different wording."
Glimmer's POV
"That's such a Clove thing to say." Sagara stated as she, Marvel, and I watched Cato and Clove argue on national television.
"Well yeah, that is Clove." Marvel stated. They continued to argue about something for a while. They always do. I continue to watch Clove and Cato, who eventually agree on going to the feast. It's like they think they get a free pass in there. That since I'm no longer around it doesn't matter that they've been sharing these intense moments. Sure, most of the moments they share are when Clove is mad at Cato and he gets angry because she's mad, but the attraction between the two is noticeable to anyone who knows them. I'm sure the Capitol thinks they just find each other difficult to work with and are a little insane, because most 2s are, but the three of us sitting on this couch right now know differently. Sagara pretends not to notice it, but she does. Marvel just turns off the TV if we're in the Training Center. I know this situation with Cato wasn't suppose to be real, but come on, there's a reason he's dated so many girls and never once have they broke up with him. Sagara, Marvel, and I decided to go to the dining room in Headmaster Snow's mansion so we could have some lunch, since the screen went back to showing Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. At least Peeta gets to be with his crush, even though it looks like he's getting really weak. I can't believe Cato really did that much damage. That's why no one crosses Cato, his rages are extremely scary, especially if they're aimed at you. The amount of food on the table is amazing, and we stuffed ourselves. Marvel definitely ate the most out of all of us.
"The feast is at dawn, we have to watch. What's the plan?" Sagara asked.
"We should have an early dinner and then sleep. We can set an alarm for, let's say, 4:30. We should meet on my floor." I said.
"That's so early." Marvel moaned.
"Do you want to see the feast or not?" Sagara asked.
"Fine, 4:30 it is." After eating we went back to the viewing room and watched the games. Soon enough it was 4:30 and I went to the lounging area where Cashmere and Gloss were already sitting.
"Excited for the feast? Us too." Cashmere exclaimed. In the next couple of minutes, Veridie, Marvel, Sagara, Finnick Odair, and Johanna Mason showed up. Sagara sat next to me.
"Why are Finnick and Johanna here?" I whispered, not like I'm complaining about the eye candy that is Finnick Odair.
"Finnick asked me if I was watching the feast and I said yes and long story short I invited him and whoever else he felt like bringing. He's just so hot!!" Sagara said.
"Oh give me a break, he's not that good looking." Marvel commented.
"He so is." I said. We turned our eyes to the screen which showed Katniss heading to the Cornucopia. The camera switched to show Thresh leaving the wheat fields he had been residing in and then showed Cato and Clove had just arrived at the Cornucopia. The room was silent as we waited to see what would happen. First, a table appeared out of the ground in front of the Cornucopia. It had 4 backpacks, a big one for 2, a medium one for 5, another big one for 11, and a tiny one for 12. Must be medicine for Peeta. He must be in really bad shape if the one thing they both need in the entire world is medicine for Peeta. Finch got hers first, she ran out of the Cornucopia and grabbed hers, sprinting away. I was right about her being fast. I'm not sure if she was too fast or if no one noticed her, but there were no knives or arrows or any tributes rushing at her. I guess they were all too scared to be the first one to go.
"Pay up Odair, 5 is safe." Johanna stated.
"That doesn't mean Clove isn't. I don't owe you anything yet." Finnick replied. They must have a bet or something. Now I really hope Clove stays safe. The last thing I want is Johanna Mason making money off of Clove losing.
Cato's POV
Clove ran off after Fire Girl and I stood there, guarding her entrance and exit. This is so stupid, I could be chasing Foxface right now. In fact, here she is now. Screw it, I'm chasing her. I began to sprint after the flash of red hair. She's fast, but I know the moment I catch up to her I'll be able to get her out. She has evaded the Careers too many times. The two of us landed in a clearing, she ran to a tree, and began to climb. I ran over and tried to pull her down, but she was already too high. Before I could try to climb after her, I heard my name being called.
"CATO!! CATO!!" I heard Clove screaming in the distance. I didn't realize how far away I had gotten from the Cornucopia. I took one glance up at Foxface, who was watching me fearfully, and began to run back to the Cornucopia. Hopefully I'm not too late.
"CLOVE!!" I yelled and ran as fast as I could. As I finally saw the Cornucopia in the distance, I got a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I saw Fire Girl sitting on the ground with nothing but a few scratches. Then I saw Clove, Thresh had her.  As I got closer I realized why Thresh was thrashing his arm so much. He was hitting Clove in the head with a rock. Sure, it's not a real rock, but it's not soft either. The stupid Capitol and their stupid rules about any possible weapon "being able to injure, but not kill". Thresh threw Clove's limp body on the ground and turned to Fire Girl. They appear to be talking.
"CLOVE!!" I yell as I get even closer, trying to hide the pain that's evident in my voice. If Clove suffers any long term damage from Thresh's stupid rock I'm gonna kill him. For real. I watch angrily as Thresh lets Fire Girl go and the two of them run away, Fire Girl with her pack and Thresh with his and mine. I didn't bother to chase after him. Instead, I run straight to Clove and kneel beside her, spear in hand. She's unconscious, breathing, but unconscious. Her head is bleeding by her temple, which must be where Thresh struck her with the rock. She also appears to have a gash in her arm, it must be from one of Fire Girl's arrows. It's not as bad as it would have been if the rock was real, but it's definitely not something she can easily come back from while still in the arena.
"Clove, please wake up. Please." I whispered as I watched her motionless face. Her cannon went off.
"Come on, stop trying to scare me. It's not funny." I said, still getting no response. I moved my face closer to hers, hoping no one watching could hear me.
"Clove, you're my best friend and I care about you. I need to know you're okay before I leave." I whispered, hoping the hovercraft wasn't here yet. She still didn't move. No matter how hard I tried, I still felt tears starting to reach my eyes and fall down my cheeks.
"Clove, I'm sorry I didn't get here in time. You have to wake up though, at least open your eyes so you can tell me you'll be fine. I'm not leaving until you do." I reminded. I gripped one of her hands tightly, hoping she would wake up. Nothing. I closed my eyes and swallowed, trying to get use to the idea that I may have to leave without knowing if she's okay. I can hear the hovercraft coming to get her in the distance.
"You can't be the next Rue. I won't let you be." I said as I opened my eyes to see her dark ones peering up at me.
"Is the terrifying Cato Hadley crying over me?" Clove taunted. I manage to let out a slight laugh as she groaned from pain.
"My head hurts." She complained as I helped her sit up, wrapping her in my arms.
"You scared me." I whispered in her ear.
"I'm fine, Cato."
"You weren't a few minutes ago." She fell silent after that and I stood, helping her up. The hovercraft appeared and let down a ladder. She refused to let me help her walk, even though it took twice as long for her to walk over to the hovercraft than it would've taken her if she had let me help her, since she's still weak from her head injury.
"Hey Cato."
"You better avenge me."
"Thresh won't even see it coming."
"That's my Cato." She began to climb the ladder and was out of sight in less than a minute. I grabbed my spear and ran off in pursuit of Thresh.
Sagara's POV
Marvel, Glimmer, and I all let out a sigh of relief once Clove is in the hovercraft.
"I WIN!!" Johanna exclaims and Finnick gives her money. That angered me.
"My friend could have been severely hurt and all you care about is your MONEY?!?!" I exclaimed and lunged at Johanna. Marvel and Glimmer quickly held me back as Johanna snickered, Finnick keeping her from responding. The nerve of that woman.
"FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!" Gloss and Cashmere exclaimed in unison.
"Sagara, it's not worth it. Let's go wait for Clove on her floor." Glimmer said and the two of them dragged me away. We awaited Clove's arrival on the floor for 2s, their escort Ajax taking great interest in Glimmer. The two of them sat on a couch together, Ajax nearly on top of her, but of course Glimmer didn't notice. If she did, she sure didn't mind. Marvel did though.
"You know, Cato was telling me about this guy. I didn't really take what he said seriously, but I totally see it now." Marvel commented.
"What case did The Hardy Boys crack now?" I retorted.
"What did you just call me?"
"Never mind, what's the issue with Ajax?"
"He's buddies with Octavian." Just hearing that creep's name makes me wanna gag. Sirena told me a bunch of stories about what he did, and almost did, to the female tributes. It's messed up.
"You're positive that Ajax is like Octavian."
"Well, not positive."
"You have suspicions? Evidence?"
"My evidence is right over there." I looked over at Ajax and Glimmer and shuddered.
"Then what are you doing talking to me about it? I'm not the one Ajax is interested in." Marvel caught on and went over to retrieve Glimmer. I rolled my eyes.
"Boys." I muttered and continued to wait for Clove. A couple minutes later, Enobaria and Brutus walked in, Clove slowly trailing behind them. She looks dazed and drowsy, and has a bandage wrapped around her left upper arm and one on the side of her head where the fake rock connected with her skull.
"Is she okay?" I asked.
"No permanent brain damage, but she was in a lot of pain so they have her on painkillers. Her arm should be fine, but she lost some blood. She should just get some rest." Enobaria explained.
"I'll take her to her room." Ajax said.
"No, we will." I quickly said and took Clove, with the assistance of Glimmer and Marvel. We ignored Ajax's protests. We found her room and plopped her down on a bed, the half conscious Clove was out immediately. The three of us just watched her sleep, quietly conversing, until she eventually woke up. She sat up and looked at us.
"Hey guys." She said. After the initial hellos, we got down to business. Well, Marvel and I did. Glimmer sensed what was coming next and said she was going to watch the games.
"Are you going to explain to us what that was?" I asked.
"What what was?"
"You and Cato at the Cornucopia." Marvel stated, already getting mad.
"Don't get angry at me, Marvel. I didn't do anything."
"Didn't do anything-"
"Marvel, wait. Clove, how much do you remember from the Cornucopia?" I asked.
"I, uh, remember Thresh holding me up in the air and then I must have passed out. The next thing I knew Cato was kneeling over me." Clove replied.
"What did he say?" She proceeded to tell us how he basically was a mess and then after she teased him, everything was basically fine.
"Then he helped me up and I'm pretty sure everyone could hear what I said when I was at the hovercraft."
"See Marvel, she didn't do or hear anything." Hopefully Pretty Boy will get the hint.
"What does that mean? What am I missing?" Marvel and I shared a look.
"Cato is making you a homewrecker again." Marvel stated and I stifled a laugh. He didn't get it.
"He was very, um, bent out of shape when you weren't waking up." I stated.
"You have got to be kidding me." Oh here we go.
"The nerve-" Marvel was cut off by the door opening and Glimmer appearing.
"You guys are gonna want to see this." She stated and we followed her into the lounge where Enobaria, Brutus, and Ajax were watching the screen. It showed Cato and Thresh, Thresh with his back turned to Cato. It's pouring and dark, so it's difficult to see clearly, but there's no mistaking the two huge guys. Cato sprinted over to where Thresh was hunched over and tackled him. The four of us all took a seat. Cato was on top for a while, but he neglected his sword, so after a few punches Thresh was able to flip them both over and put himself on the top. Thresh accumulated a scythe at one point in the games, I don't know when, but he was putting it to good use. First, he stabbed Cato in the stomach with it, which really would've hurt if it hadn't been for the protective vest that everyone wears. It does put Cato more at risk for a cannon though. It's some Capitol creation using technology someone like me could never possibly understand. That's what the scientists like to make us think anyway. After that, Thresh decided he wanted Cato to actually suffer, so he stopped using the scythe and began to punch Cato in the gut. Bad idea. I've sparred with Cato before and even when he's on the bottom, if you anger him and cause a rage, you're as good as gone. Cato already hates Thresh for knocking Clove unconscious and for letting Everdeen go, so there's no way a rage isn't brewing by now. Of course, I was right. Cato turned the tables on Thresh by flipping him over. In the flash of lightning we could see Cato's rabid face as he stared down at his prey. This time, Cato took no more chances. He withdrew his sword from his belt buckle, stabbed Thresh in the stomach, and then in the leg, where he knows there's no protective layering. Thresh howled in pain, but we could still hear the cannon go off. Sometimes in heated battles like these, the two people continue to fight even after one of them is out. This time though, it's different. Thresh is too weak to attack Cato, and Cato seems content with his attack on Thresh. Instead, Cato strips Thresh of all supplies, including both backpacks, and laughed. He sounds like a maniac. That laugh haunts my nightmares sometimes. Normally it's after a day where Cato has had a really bad rage and Clove and I are forced to babysit him for up to an hour. After hearing him laugh and yell and break things for so long, it kinda stays with you. Cato sprints away as a hovercraft makes its way to Thresh's location. We're down to four. My eyes turned away from the screen and studied the faces of each person in the room. Glimmer looks horrified, Ajax looks like he peed his pants, Enobaria and Brutus are discussing how his technique could improve when it comes to controlling his anger (I wish them all the luck in the world when it comes to that), Marvel still looks angry from before, and Clove's face is a mask. Her face is a mask so much that I really can't say it's a mask anymore. It's just Clove's face for everything. Me? I'm just enthralled. I always am. Every time he fights it just fascinates me, how he seems to be so into the attack even when he's so close up. I prefer it when I'm far away. That way, I don't have to see the whites of my victims' eyes. I don't have to see their fear. Cato does and he just seems to go with it. Fascinating.

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