They Have a Verdict

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Clove's POV
I find it hard to listen to the trial after the second day. It becomes monotonous, even being on the witness stand. The prosecution clearly does not have enough evidence to prove my dad is guilty of anything. I wonder if this was just one big threat of what could happen if...
"Clove? Clove, are you listening?" Willow asks and I jolt back to reality where I'm sitting in the lawyer's office.
"Sorry, what?" I whisper.
"Mr. Poletis just said that we're going into closing statements with an uphill battle. He said we might not win. Is that true?" Her statement reminds me of the unfair nature of the Capitol and anxiety begins to bubble up in my stomach.
"I don't know." I reply and leave the moment the meeting is over. I walk outside and start hyperventilating, the building feeling like it was about to close in on me. What if he doesn't win? What then? What will Snow do to me if my dad is convicted of being a rebel?
"Clover." I hear Cato say and look up from where I'm hunched over. My breathing begins to slow as I stand up straight. He goes to rest his hands on my shoulders, but thinks better of it.
"Everything is going to be fine." He states.
"What if it's not? What if-" I ask.
"It will be. I'm sure of it." Before I can reply I see Cato look at someone behind me and turn to see Glimmer with Marvel and Sagara behind her.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.
"It's the final day of the trial, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Glimmer says and beams at me. Before I can really answer it's time to enter the courtroom. I sit next to Willow in the front row, Marvel and Sagara behind me as Glimmer joins Cato on his side. I tune out for my dad's closing statement and can only handle three words out of Mr. Hadley's mouth before I feel nauseous. Willow's hand clutches mine as he finishes.
"That was really scary." Willow whispers as the jury is read their instructions.
"Yeah..." I reply, trying not to sound too freaked out. For Willow's sake. The court is adjourned and everyone rushes out, my mother and Slate going back to the lawyer's office. Willow releases my hand upon seeing Cato and immediately runs to him. I slowly follow behind her as she nervously babbles, Glimmer holding back a smile.
"I would say your dad has a pretty good shot." Marvel says as he and Sagara walk beside me.
"Would you? I'm pretty sure we just lost." I say as the three of us reach the others.
"That's just because Mr. Hadley exudes confidence. If you look past that it's clear he has no substantial evidence." Sagara mentions.
"Yeah, but since when does the Capitol care about substance?"
"Fair point." Willow realizes she has a bigger audience than expected and stops babbling.
"I have to go to the bathroom." Willow says.
"I'll take you." Sagara says, leaving the four of us alone. Cato glares at Marvel as Glimmer fidgets beside him, her arm looped with Cato's. Marvel rolls his eyes.
"Cato." Marvel says in brief recognition.
"Whatever." Cato spits and I scoff.
"The two of you are ridiculous." I state as both boys turn to face me.
"She's not wrong. Why not just make up?" Glimmer asks.
"That's all on Marvel. I didn't choose this." Cato bites.
"Why would I ever want to be this guy's friend again? He treats me like garbage." Marvel adds. Glimmer sighs and I shake my head. Morons. Sagara and Willow soon return and the group makes small talk as I move to lean against the wall next to Cato.
"Are you okay?" He whispers as Willow excitedly tells the other three a story.
"A little nauseous. Ajax has left me alone today though, so it could be worse." I mutter.
"I have a good feeling your dad is gonna win."
"Why do you keep saying that? You're never this positive."
"I just... I just know."
"How?" I turn my head to look at him, eyeing his confident smirk.
"My dad."
"Your dad?"
"In an effort to bond with me he may have let some secrets slip. Secrets that belong to Headmaster Snow."
"Yeah. Your dad will be fine. Think of this as the beginning of the Quarter Quell festivities."
"You're joking."
"I'm not."
"Why would he put us through this?"
"I'm sure it's a good thing. He had to trust your family enough to know nothing would pop up during the trial."
"I'm going to be sick."
"The jury has a verdict." Ajax announces and everyone begins filing back into the courtroom. I stay put, even more nauseous than before. It's becoming harder and harder to support Snow's antics.
"Come on, Sevina. Let's get this over with." Cato says, waiting for me to follow him and Glimmer. Glimmer gives me a smile. I take a deep breath and follow them inside, taking my seat next to Willow. None of the words reach my ears until the final statement.
"The jury finds the defendant not guilty on all charges." A man reads. The judge bangs the gavel and court is adjourned, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as Willow beams. I look across the aisle to Cato who gives me a knowing look and turns to shake hands with his dad. I feel a hand on my shoulder and jump.
"See? I told you he'd win." Marvel says excitedly, ignoring the glare I'm giving him for touching me.
"Congratulations." Sagara states as Willow tackles both of them in a hug. I look around and see my mother and Slate talking to my dad and his lawyer, Glimmer shaking Mr. Hadley's hand, and Ajax nowhere to be found. Mr. Hadley beckons me over and I slowly make my way across the aisle.
"I'm glad to see the good man won out. I hope there are no hard feelings?" Mr. Hadley asks, sticking out his hand.
"Of course not." I reply and shake his hand, Willow joining me and excitedly shaking his hand as well.
Peeta's POV
GirlWithTheKnives: My dad was found innocent of all charges.
PeetaMellark: That's good.
GirlWithTheKnives: Yeah. I figured you'd want to know.
PeetaMellark: Of course. What are friends for?
GirlWithTheKnives: Friends?
PeetaMellark: Yes. Friends.
GirlWithTheKnives: Ok.
GirlWithTheKnives has left your conversation
I chuckle and close the tab. What a year.
Lanni's POV
"So how are you feeling?" I ask Tex, my senior neighbor.
"About what? Graduation?" He asks as I straighten his tie.
"Graduation, life, moving away from home."
"Graduation? Excited. Life? Scared. Moving away? Nauseous."
"That's fair. I'm really going to miss you, you know?" I ask and begin to fidget with his collar.
"Come with me." He practically whispers and I chuckle, removing my hands from his collar.
"Go with you? To 7?"
"Are you okay?"
"Of course. What would make you think I'm not?"
"You're asking your 17 year old neighbor, who has yet to graduate high school, to move across Panem with you. It makes no sense."
"Lanni, I... I like you. I have liked you for so, so long and the idea of leaving you... it's killing me. I know I should have told you years ago-"
"Tex. Are you asking me to run away with you because you want us to be together?"
"Yes. Is it that crazy sounding?"
"Yes. Tex, I'm in high school, we're not together, I'm dating someone else, I-"
"Do you care about me?" He asks, blue eyes connecting with mine. I reach out and touch his sandy blonde hair, twisting a piece between my fingers.
"I... I had feelings for you for so long. Why didn't you say anything?" I whisper as his face comes closer to mine.
"I didn't wanna ruin our friendship. I never thought a girl like you would care for a guy like me."
"Why now?" The tips of our noses tap together.
"I had to take a chance at least once. Before I left. I just..." He doesn't finish his sentence as our lips meet.
Glimmer's POV
The music is thumping through my house as the first party of the summer begins. A never ending stream of kids goes through my front door, one of them throwing a letter at me as they pass.
"It was on the doormat." They say, barely making eye contact with me as they continue walking.
Glimmer Cantrell and Clove Sevina
I hesitate before opening it, wondering if I should wait for Clove. The curiosity gets to me and I tear it open twenty minutes later from my place on Cato's lap around the fire pit.
You have the summer off. I retain the right to revoke this privilege at any point in time.
The obnoxious scent of roses makes me gag as I resist the urge to throw the letter in the fire.
"What's that?" Cato asks, peering over my shoulder. I fold the letter up immediately.
"Nothing. A to do list for the party." I answer.
"Why does it have Clove's name on it?" I curse myself as I look at the paper, which clearly shows Clove's name on the front.
"Uh... she helped me make it?"
"That's not true. Glimmer, let me see it."
"I can't. Clove would kill me."
"Don't be so sure about that."
"Cato, this isn't something you're involved in." I say as I stand up, Clove entering my backyard.
"And you are?"
"Yes. I know it's hard to believe, but Clove and I do have some secrets." I say as he follows me over to where Clove is standing with Sagara. I hand Clove the letter and, before I can stop her, Sagara is reading over her shoulder.
"Summer off? From what? Since when do you two have jobs?" Sagara asks as Clove crumples up the letter.
"Since the games." Clove mutters and throws the crumpled paper back at me. She angrily grabs a beer from the cooler and takes a big swig.
"Clove, what are you doing?" Cato asks.
"I'm trying to forget what my life has come to. For just one night I'd like to forget that I'm under Snow's thumb." She says, taking another gulp.
"Under his thumb?" Sagara asks.
"Yup. You remember Ajax? I'm his hooker. Glimmer here? She belongs to his buddy Roman. We both have the bruises to prove it."
"Clove." I gasp as she finishes her bottle, Sagara's mouth hanging open.
"What?" Sagara exclaims. I turn to Cato who only seems mildly shocked.
"Did you know?!"
"I knew about Clove, not you. She told me during the trial." Cato replies, his eyes following Clove as she reaches for a Jell-O shot.
"Well, now you know about me. How does it make you feel?" Cato's eyebrows furrow as he looks at me.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that, well, we've been almost going all the way for awhile and... and I'm your girlfriend. Doesn't it upset you that some guy has been manhandling me the past few months?"
"Of course. I wouldn't wish this on anyone."
"I know you wouldn't, but that's not what I asked. I guess I didn't really make myself clear. I-I've been kinda scared to bring this up but since everything is getting out in the open now..."
"Glimmer, you're making me nervous. What is it?" I grab his wrist and pull him away from the other two.
"We've been together for 6 months now and... and I've never felt this way before. Cato, I think I love you. Do you love me?" I ask as his eyes go wide.
Prim's POV
Katniss is finally in somewhat good spirits, so much that she braids our mom's hair. I run around our neighborhood looking for flowers to weave in it and stumble upon a pair of dirty boots attached to Rory Hawthorne.
"Hey Prim." He says and I straighten up.
"Can I help you?" I ask.
"I know you're mad at me. I don't expect you to be nice or anything, but I have a present for you."
"Why?" I ask as he hands me a box.
"I got a job working for Mace's dad and I got my first paycheck. I went shopping with Lace afterwards and I saw this and thought of you." He explains as I set my flowers down in order to open the gift. I pull out a crisp lavender dress. I gasp at the beauty of it.
"I had to guess the size, but I needed you to have it. Think of it as a peace offering."
"This is my life now. I know you don't accept it but I have faith that one day you will. I get that you don't want to be friends with me at the moment, but that doesn't mean you still can't count on me. I'll be here when you need me. Have a nice summer, Prim." Rory says and walks back to his house. I watch him go, clutching the dress to my chest and inhaling the pretty scent.
Marvel's POV
As I walk up Glimmer's driveway, my phone begins to buzz. I see it's Lanni and pick up.
"Hey, are you here already?" I ask. I hear her take a deep breath.
"No, and I'm not coming." She states.
"Why not?"
"Because Glimmer won't want me there."
"She invited you in person, Lanni, of course she wants you there."
"Not after we finish having this discussion. Marvel, I'm breaking up with you." I stop walking as my body turns cold.
"You're what?!"
"Something happened, the details of which aren't important, and I realized that it's just not working out."
"What happened?"
"We've been avoiding all of our issues since day one so it's really about time we just call it quits."
"Lanni. I deserve to know what caused this."
"Not to mention our friend groups are just so different-"
"Lanni!!" I yell, trying to control myself as I pace outside Glimmer's door.
"Fine. I kissed someone else. I've always had feelings for him but we've never acted on them and today he did and I liked it. I liked it so much and he's moving away so it's gonna be hard but I am willing to try-" I hang up on her. My phone immediately starts buzzing again but I turn it off. I storm into the party and immediately charge towards the alcohol where I see Clove mixing herself a drink. I grab three Jell-O shots and drink all three straight in a row. Clove stares at me.
"What?!" I exclaim. She doesn't move or speak for a solid few minutes. Slowly I notice how much she's swaying and how bloodshot her eyes are.
"Clove..." I begin and she sprints inside. I follow her into the bathroom and hold her hair back as she pukes. It eventually turns into dry heaving which eventually turns into sobs. I flush the toilet and try to hug her, but she sits against the wall holding her knees instead.
"It's okay, Clove. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not as bad as what happened to me." I whisper. She stops crying and bitterly chuckles.
"Marvel, since the games Glimmer and I have been prostitutes." She says, glaring at me.
"Oh... well, if it makes you any feel better Lanni cheated on me and then broke up with me over the phone. Just now."
"It does make me feel better. Thanks." Clove teases and giggles as I nudge her.
"Hey." I reply.
"I can't do it anymore, Marvel. The games, the lies, the secrets... I can't be a prostitute for my whole life I just can't." She manages to squeak out before sobbing again. I try to comfort her but she shrinks away from my touch. Sagara appears in the doorframe, a knowing look on her face. The two of us are silent as Clove cries. It eventually stops and is replaced by heavy breathing.
"Clove, Sirena and I were planning to go on a road trip this summer. Do you maybe wanna come with?" Sagara offers.
"Go with you and your sister? On a road trip?" Clove asks.
"Yeah. I think time away would do you good. It'll give you some perspective and time to think and breathe and relax."
"Do you think Sirena would be okay with that?"
"I do."
"My mom-"
"Will take it up with my mom if she has an issue."
"I have to train."
"We can train anywhere. Hell, we can lift weights in the car. Come with us." Clove takes a moment to think about it.
"Okay. I will. When do we leave?"
"A week from today."
Cato's POV
I lug the last of Clove's suitcases from her room and into Sirena's car. I slam the trunk shut as Clove says goodbye to Willow. Marvel and Sagara talk about possible food stops along the way as Glimmer stands next to me, not speaking.
"Yes?" I ask.
"I'm mad at you." She states after several seconds of silence.
"I can see that."
"I told you I love you. Does that not mean anything to you?"
"Glimmer, I can't do this anymore. We started dating to get back at Marvel and Clove and now you're telling me you love me?"
"Yes because I thought our relationship had matured since then and was real. Clearly I was mistaken."
"I can't just say that I love someone, Glimmer."
"I said it to you."
"So I'm suppose to say it back even if I don't mean it? Just to be polite?"
"No you're suppose to mean it. When one person loves someone, the other person should feel the same way. Isn't that how this works?"
"I don't know."
"Cato, I want to be with you."
"I will stop being angry that you don't love me if you can tell me you see us as a real couple with a real future. You have 24 hours." She warns and walks over to Marvel. Clove joins me at my side.
"Trouble in paradise?" She asks hollowly.
"That would require this being paradise, which it is definitely not." I reply. She looks at me and shakes her head.
"You brought this on yourself."
"I didn't know it would go this far."
"Cato, it's Glimmer. You had to know she was never going to be able to date you and feel nothing."
"Why not?"
"That's not how she works. It's not how most people work."
"Since when are you defending Glimmer? I thought you didn't care for her."
"You could say prostitution brought us together."
"Right. She wants me to either tell her that I love her or that I see a future with her by tomorrow."
"What are you going to do?"
"I don't know."
"Do you love her?"
"Do you see a future with her?"
"I've never really thought about it. I doubt it."
"Then let her breakup with you."
"I feel bad that I led her on. Does that mean anything?"
"It means you like her as a person and a friend. It doesn't mean you should continue dating someone you're not into." I sigh and turn to face her.
"You're right. Of course. I'm gonna miss you." I say and she gives me a small smile.
"I'm gonna miss you too."
"Why go? Why not stay here and hang out with me? It's our last summer together." She shrugs and crosses her arms over her chest.
"This year has been a lot, you know?"
"Yeah I know. I just don't understand why you have to go."
"I just do. I can't explain it."
"Who am I going to train with?"
"Willow. It'd be good for her to start focusing and it would get her out of the house and away from my mom... you'll look after her, right? While I'm gone?"
"Willow? Of course. You don't have to worry about that."
"Clove, it's time to go." Sirena says as she and Sagara get in the car. I stick out my hand and she grabs it, giving it a tight squeeze before she gets in the car.
Finch's POV
The door to my cell opens and two Peacekeepers grab me by the arms. My legs collapse under my own weight as they drag me down the hall.
"What's happening?" I manage to say before beginning a coughing fit.
"The leaders have decided your punishment." One of the Peacekeepers says.
"What is it?"
"Something that will keep you from sharing your opinions for a very long time."
Author's Note
This chapter concludes the first book in this series. I know my updates have been sporadic but I do intend to write a second book called This Soon Shall Pass and will publish the first chapter soon. Thanks to everyone who reads this and comments asking for updates, it's a major motivator and I appreciate it greatly.

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