Court is in Session

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Rory's POV
I chase after Prim as we leave our history class.
"Prim!! Prim, wait up!!" I exclaim as she stops at her locker and begins to open it.
"Prim. Hey. We need to talk." I say as I lean against the lockers adjacent to hers.
"About what?" She asks, staring into her locker.
"About a lot of things. How are you doing? Did you know our siblings are fighting? Who are you sitting with at lunch, I never see you there?"
"I don't really eat anymore. I'm never hungry and wouldn't know who to sit with anyway. I'm carrying on. I didn't know our siblings are fighting. Is there something you want, Rory?"
"Well... no. I just really wanted to talk to you." I admit and she slams her locker shut.
"You can't have it both ways."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you can't ignore me when Mace is around and still expect us to be friends. I'm tired of being in this weird in between place with you. It's me or Mace. Choose." Prim orders, finally making eye contact with me. I open my mouth but no words come. My mind goes blank as I struggle to come up with anything to say.
"I... I don't... what do you want me to say?"
"I want you to say that you're not gonna be friends with Mace anymore. I want you to say that you choose me. I want you to be my friend. I miss you and Katniss is always with Peeta and Gale isn't around as much and my mom isn't getting better and Rue is dead and my dad is dead and you're suppose to be there for me and you never are. I want you to care about me." Prim loudly pleads as tears come to her eyes. People begin to stare.
"Prim, is now really the best time?"
"You wanted to talk. I asked you a question. It's time for you to answer." Prim orders, wiping her tears away on the sleeve of her sweater.
"How am I suppose to choose? Prim, don't you understand? Mace could get me out of 12. I could have a better life. It's not fair of you to make me choose between that and you."
"Well then, I guess I have my answer." Prim says as she begins to walk away.
"Prim. Prim stop. Prim!! I didn't choose this." I yell after her but she doesn't even look back. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and whirl around to see Lace.
"Let her go, Rory. She's small town, you're big time. Your friendship was never going to last." Lace insists as she loops her arm with mine and starts to pull me in the opposite direction.
"We've been friends since birth, I can't believe she thinks I've abandoned her." I mutter.
"She was holding you back. It's about time you abandoned her."
"But I-"
"Stop. Listen to me. I find it adorable how naïve you are, but if you want to make it in Panem you need to grow up quick. Mace and I can only get you through the door, you have to do the rest."
"I'm scared. What if this doesn't work out? What if I'm never a leader?"
"You will be, but on the off chance you don't, there's always Plan B."
"Which is?" I ask as we approach Mace and Sapphire, who are obnoxiously flirting with each other.
"You marry me and inherit my portion of Daddy's company. Isn't that right, brother?" Lace asks as Mace slowly focuses on her instead of Sapphire.
"Huh? Oh yeah, business partners. It'll be fun." Mace says and then returns his attention to Sapphire.
"No offense Lace, but I don't know if I feel anything romantic for you. I hope I'm not leading you on-" I begin but Lace cuts me off with a shrill laugh.
"Aw, how sweet. You still believe in marrying for love. Goodness, we still have so much to teach you." Lace exclaims.
Cato's POV
"Come on, Cato. These boxes aren't going to move themselves." Glimmer exclaims as she picks up another box and walks inside. I look around at our new house and smile.
"It really is perfect." Clove says from beside me.
"What?" I ask.
"Everything. You and Glimmer... you're just perfect." Clove responds, beaming at me. I return her smile.
"Yeah. I just wish Marvel was here."
"I know, but he's moved on. Lanni and the twins keep him busy."
"That's not why he didn't come. You know that." Clove's smile falters and she looks away from me.
"Yeah, I know. We still talk sometimes."
"You should tell him if I ever see him again I'll punch him in the face for all the sadness he's caused my wife." I spit, the idea of my ex friend's face bringing out my inner rage. I feel Clove's hand on my arm and take a deep breath.
"Sorry." I mutter.
"It's okay. I get why he left though. He didn't know how to share his partner, unlike me who was honestly relieved. You're so needy sometimes, it's nice to have Glimmer deal with you half the time." Clove explains and nudges me.
"Okay, Sevina. We'll go with that." I say as a black car pulls up. The windows roll down to reveal Slate and Ajax in the back seat.
"It's time to go, sister. You've had enough fun for today." Slate orders and Ajax opens his door.
"Alright, brother. Congratulations, Cato." Clove exclaims and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I watch her sit on Ajax's lap as he shuts the door and the car pulls away.
"Cato. It's time to get up. Now!!" My father yells and I jolt up, nearly ramming my head into my dad's. I start to pant as I take in my surroundings. No new house. No Ajax. No wife. Thank goodness.
"Come on, son. You're going to the trial." My dad states and begins to leave.
"Wait. What?!" I exclaim and he turns around.
"Surprise!! I thought it'd be fun."
"With all due respect sir, I do not think it would be fun."
"I don't want to see you lose, but if you win then my best friend loses her dad. I would rather not watch that."
"Oh come on, if Jason is truly innocent then he'll prove it in court. If he's not then Clove would rather I win anyway."
"Cato. You're going. Got it?"
"Yeah. I got it."
"Good. Be downstairs in 15 minutes for breakfast. I have clothes for you at the hotel. We need to get out of here before your mom wakes up."
"Why?" I ask as I get out of bed.
"She didn't support me taking you, but I don't really care what she thinks so hurry up!!" My dad explains and rushes out of my room. That's the most lively I've ever seen him. I rush to change and am in the car before I even think of texting Clove. Shoot. How am I going to explain this?
To: Clove
Message: Turns out I will be seeing you today. At the trial.
She replies immediately.
From: Clove
To: Clove
Message: My dad thought it'd be a nice "bonding" experience. I'm sorry.
From: Clove
Sorry about what?
To: Clove
Idk. Everything. Being on the opposite side of you and Willow.
From: Clove
There's not much you can do about that.
To: Clove
Message: I know. How am I suppose to explain this to Willow?
She doesn't reply for awhile.
"Lighten up, Cato. This is the family business. Think of it as... training for the rest of your life." My dad says.
"I don't want to be a lawyer, sir. I want to be a Peacekeeper." I state and my dad lets out a laugh.
"My son? A Peacekeeper? Cato, you don't need to do grunt work once you've won the games."
"And what if I don't win the games?" The car screeches to a halt on the empty road and my dad tightly grips the wheel.
"How the hell can you lose, Cato? Clove will never beat you. She's your only threat. You've got this in the bag."
"I had it in the bag last year too and look what happened!!"
"No one could have predicted that drunken Haymitch Abernathy and idiotic Effie Trinket would pull something like that. It was a one in a million shot. The Quarter Quell? The Quarter Quell is made for Twos. It's made for you." My dad insists as he looks at me.
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"It means that despite all the ridiculous love triangle nonsense, the Capitol still loves you. They love the idea of a malicious killer who only lives for glory. They want you."
"Killer? I've never killed anyone."
"No, but you've come close. If you had let your rage do its job for two more minutes that monster from 11 would've been dead. If you finally let yourself go, ignore everything your mother has tried to tell you about self-control, you could revolutionize the games."
"The Capitol is tired of seeing fighters win, that's why the love story won out. They're ready for a whole new level of entertainment."
"Are you saying that the twist for this Quarter Quell is that we're actually killing people?" My dad smirks and begins to drive again.
"All I'm saying is that it's come up. It might not happen this year, but..." My dad trails off as I swallow. I'm not sure how I feel about actual murder. Sure, 11 deserved pain but death? I don't know...
From: Clove
Message: Willow will get over it.
To: Clove
Message: My father is already being an asshole.
From: Clove
To: Clove
Message: Let's just say I cannot wait until the moment I'm an adult and never have to see him or my mom again.
From: Clove
There's no way you'll have enough money to leave home in the beginning of senior year.
To: Clove
Message: Ok, so not right away. You know what I meant.
From: Clove
Yeah. Glimmer thinks I should feel more upset about all of us splitting up after high school.
To: Clove
Message: You mean you're NOT going to MISS ME?!
From: Clove
I didn't realize we weren't going to see each other.
To: Clove
Message: One of us is bound to win the games, Clover. It's gonna be hard to see each other when one of us lives in the Capitol and the other doesn't.
From: Clove
I doubt the Capitol will object to you moving there even tho you didn't win. They love you.
To: Clove
Message: And if you lose?
She takes a moment to reply.
From: Clove
I can't lose.
Clove's POV
"Put your cell phone away. Ajax has kindly offered to help me supervise you people and he says no phones." Slate orders. You have got to be kidding me. I put my phone away as we enter the courthouse and my father and Slate go to the lawyer's office. Ajax beams down at me.
"Hello Sevina ladies. I've had the pleasure of meeting Clove, but I believe this is the first time I'm meeting her sister. What's your name?" Ajax asks Willow.
"Willow." Willow replies with a small smile, my mom's hand on her shoulder as well as my own.
"Hello Willow." Ajax says and reaches out his hand to shake hers.
"Don't touch her." I growl and wince as my mom digs her nails into my shoulder.
"Clove, how dare you raise your voice to a leader's son." My mom chastises.
"No worries, Mrs. Sevina. I know Clove pretty well by this point, I understand how troublesome she can be in certain situations." Ajax sneers, his smile never faltering as he shakes Willow's hand.
"I apologize for whatever hell she must've put you through during the games. I could only imagine."
"She was the lesser of two evils, believe me. That Hadley boy did not take a liking to me."
"Oh yes, that Cato never has become fully civilized. Don't take it to heart."
"I don't." Ajax says as Slate and my father return. The closer it gets to the beginning of the trial, the more and more people there are that show up. Cameras are everywhere and it's become hard to breathe by the time I see Cato and his father enter the building. The crowd thins out as everyone begins to take their seat, leaving only me, Ajax, and Cato in the hallway. Cato makes his way over to me, moving even quicker once he sees Ajax.
"Come on, Clove. There's a seat next to me with your name on it." Ajax states as Cato reaches us.
"Funny joke. She's not sitting anywhere near you. Clove, I need to talk to you." Cato insists.
"I'm afraid that's not possible." Ajax sneers, wrapping an arm around my waist. I freeze.
"Get your disgusting hands off of her!!" Cato shouts and lunges towards us. I somehow react in time to grab Cato's incoming fist and stumble from the impact.
"Stop." I say, looking him straight in the eyes. His eyes bug around, out of confusion or anger or both I'm not sure. I let go of his fist and watch it drop to his side.
"What..." He begins, at a loss for words.
"I guess Clove never got around to telling you. We're sort of a thing now. It's a secret though, so don't go spreading it around. I'm shocked she didn't tell you. I thought she told you everything." Ajax lies and I stare at the ground.
"Somehow I don't believe you." Cato says, crossing his arms.
"Fine, hear it from Clove then. Clove?" Ajax's grip on my waist suddenly tightens and it takes all my strength not to gasp from the pain. I look up and Cato's eyes have returned to their normal steely appearance.
"It's true." I whisper and Cato rolls his eyes.
"Prove it, Ajax. I've spent almost every day since the games with Clove. I have never seen you around." Cato dares. Moron. Ajax's grip tightens even more.
"Not prom." Ajax taunts and a spark of fire enters Cato's eyes.
"Clove said she had to meet with someone because her mom said so. Doesn't sound like a date to me." Ajax digs his nails in and I suppress a whimper.
"I lied." I whisper. Cato looks at me and shakes his head.
"No. I know when you lie, Sevina. I know you like the back of my hand."
"It was a lie, Cato. Ask your girlfriend."
"I don't understand."
"Do you really think Glimmer would excuse me from prom because my mom wanted me to make business relations? I had a date." The pain lessens as a certain bite to my words enters.
"Why would you... he attacked you-" I watch Cato struggle to try and make sense of what I'm telling him.
"We talked it out. Clove realized she was being a tease and apologized. I accepted it and asked her on a date. The rest is history. Why else would I be at her dad's trial? She needs me. Right, darling?" Ajax explains, the pain returning until I speak.
"Right." I say. If Cato had ever paid attention during Two's workshops on identifying coerced answers, maybe his rage wouldn't have won out. I ignore Ajax telling me to be quiet as Cato's breathing starts speeding up and his face goes red.
"I know this doesn't make sense to you, Cato, but you can't let your rage win. You have to find other ways to cope with the unexpected. Now is not the time or place for a freak out. Listen to me-" I stop talking once the pain becomes unbearable.
"Let's go. He can handle himself." Ajax states and drags me into the courtroom as I hear something shatter. The door shuts loudly behind us, but no one pays any attention. Ajax sits down next to Willow and forces me to squeeze into the tiny spot that's left. The pain is gone. I look over at Mr. Hadley who's clearly looking for Cato. After a few minutes have passed and no sign of Cato, Mr. Hadley goes into the hallway and returns with Cato in a span of 5 minutes. Cato's cheek is a bright pink and his knuckles are bleeding as his dad throws him onto the bench across the aisle from mine. Cato catches me looking at him, but doesn't react. Great. The trial begins with opening statements and is only halfway through the prosecution's witnesses by the time the court adjourns for the day. I'm immediately rushed into a car with the rest of my family, losing Ajax in the crowd. We're driven to the training center used for the Hunger Games, which is also used to house defendants' families. I immediately shower and change into comfortable clothes, avoiding the rest of my family at all costs. I inspect my side, which has already begun to bruise, and wince. My phone buzzes.
From: Cato
Meet me on the roof. Now.
My breath hitches and I quickly pull my hair into a ponytail, grab my phone, and silently exit my room. The main room is empty and I make it to the roof undetected. I silently shut the door to the stairs behind me and see Cato leaning on the railing, looking at the city below.
"Cato. How did you get up here?" I ask as I walk over to him.
"There's a fire escape. My dad is sleeping so I just left the hotel. I need you to explain this to me. Right now." Cato says calmly, not looking at me.
"It's complicated, I can't-"
"Yes. You can. I refuse to believe that you're dating Ajax of your own free will."
"I... I don't want to lie to you, Cato."
"Then don't. Come on... I can help you." He insists, finally turning towards me.
"I don't want you to get angry. I've gotten you in enough trouble as it is."
"I won't get angry. I'm too tired at this point. I just want everything to go back to the way it was."
"I can't give that to you, Cato."
"I know, but you can explain to me why you're with Ajax. You can be truthful with me." Cato looks down at the railing and I approach him, my hand slowly lifting up the fabric covering my bruises. Cato looks up and his eyes fall on them.
"Clove... why didn't you tell me?" He asks.
"That's not all. That's not even half of it. I..." I trail off, trying to find the right words.
"It's gonna be okay. Whatever it is, we can figure it out." He insists, not breaking eye contact with me.
"Well, you remember how I got that box? After the games?"
"It was from Snow. He, um, he wasn't happy with the whole love triangle thing and decided he was going to punish me for it-"
"Yeah, um, so Ajax is... h-he's part of the punishment because... because he's my client."
"Your client?" Cato asks, not seeming to get the connection.
"Yes. Snow forced me into prostitution." I spit out, trying to gage his reaction.
"Prostitution?" Cato asks, his voice dangerously quiet.
"Yes. He can't go all the way as long as I'm a minor but I'm so scared. I'm so scared, Cato, because what's gonna happen when I turn 18? What am I gonna do? If I don't win these games and earn back Snow's respect I'll never be able to escape this hellish situation. I can't keep doing this for the rest of my life, the idea of it... I don't know what to do." Cato stares at me for a moment, his breathing shockingly calm. He reaches both his hands out and grabs mine. I try to stay calm.
"It's going to be okay. We'll figure it out, together. Is there anything else I should know?"
"He threatened Willow. If I get out of line he... he threatened to do the same to her if not worse. He can't know that I told you. Cato, you have to promise-"
"I promise. I promise to keep it a secret and I promise to help you get out of this situation. I'll take care of it. You know I will." Cato says and I tackle him in a hug. He staggers a bit but successfully holds onto me as I bury my face in his shirt, trying to keep myself together.
"Everything is going to be fine, Clove. I promise." Cato whispers.

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