It's Time

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Cato's POV
I sat on the couch after everyone was asleep and began to think. Tomorrow is the arena. This is where my expertise comes into play. No more playing dress up, it's time to win. Apparently I'm not the only one who can't sleep. Clove walked in and sat on a chair diagonal from me, curling up inside it and staring at the wall.
"What's on your mind, Sevina?" I asked.
"Nothing." She answered, lying.
"Clove, you're not even looking at me." She turned her head and looked at me. I quirked an eyebrow and she sighed.
"Look, I know we're not friends right now, but we did make that agreement with Willow and we are allies."
"What's your point?"
"Are we really? Or are you just saying that and then the moment that the Career pack splits up I've got a sword in my stomach?"
"Clove, whatever we are right now won't stop me from protecting you. We promised each other that a long time ago. We stick together, no matter what, until it's absolutely necessary we split up." I stood up and began to walk to my room, but I could tell that she was still bothered. I walked back to the chair she was sitting on and crouched down to her level. She looked at me with a confused expression, whether she was confused about me or something else, I don't know.
"Clove, I'll let you know in advance when that time is. You should go to bed, okay kiddo?" I stood up, tousled her hair, and began to walk away again.
"Kiddo? I'm the same age as you." She stated as she turned her head to face me. I glanced back at her.
"Sorry, I forget sometimes since you're so small." I heard her scoff and I grinned to myself. At least she's not nervous anymore. All of the sudden I felt a thump on my back and turned to see a pillow on the ground and Clove looking pretty proud of herself. I picked up the pillow.
"How did you fool the Capitol into thinking you're sweet? The world may never know." I said.
"Shut up." She replied as I threw the pillow back. I began to walk away again.
"Get some sleep, Sevina." With that I turned the corner and was out of her sight as I went to my own room, even though I knew I wouldn't be sleeping for a while.
Clove's POV
He says to get some sleep as though it's the easiest thing in the world. I'll tell you a secret, it's not. Especially not right before the Hunger Games. I did get some sleep though, probably not enough, but sleep all the same. I woke up to Ajax clapping his hands and saying how big of a day it is, as if we already didn't know. I changed into a blue sweater and pants for breakfast and sat down next to Cato. I looked over at him and saw dark circles under his eyes.
"Did you sleep at all, Cato?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." He replied and began to eat. I turned back to my food and after breakfast I took a shower. When I returned I saw a black shift laid out on each bed. I changed and put my hair into my signature ponytail and left the room, joining the other 2s as we waited to leave for the arena. Ajax led us to the hovercraft and we walked in single file onto the ladder and into the hovercraft. I could feel the current holding me securely to the hovercraft, it makes me feel nauseous. A woman comes up to me with a tracker and swiftly injected it into my arm. I didn't flinch. I'm finally able to move and sit next to Cato as we wait for the hovercraft to reach the arena. Cato fell asleep before the ride was over, which he appears to be in desperate need of, and I had to nudge him awake as we landed. The two of us were taken by our stylists to our Launch Room, but were led into separate dressing rooms, thank goodness. After cleaning myself and redoing my ponytail, the hair lady always does it wrong, the clothing arrives. So this is what we're wearing into the arena. The outfit consisted of tawny trousers, a light green shirt, sturdy brown belt, and a thin-hooded black jacket that fell down to the thighs. It also included boots, which were worn over skin-tight socks. The boots were made of soft leather and had a narrow, flexible rubber sole. There's also the vest we have to wear that protects us from actually getting harmed from the knives or other weapons used on us. It wasn't horrible looking.
"Token?" One of the prep team people asked.
"I gave it to the stylist." I stated, not bothering to learn anyone's names. There just wasn't time. My stylist put my dog tag around my neck and I hid it safely under my clothing. The dog tag was Slate's, before he left for the Capitol he gave it to me for good luck, since he won while wearing it. It simply has Sevina engraved on it, Area 2 under it. The back only says one word. Warriors. Glimmer's token is that diamond necklace thing Cato got her, Marvel's is a silver wrist band, Sagara's is an emerald ring, and I'm not really sure what Cato's is. I'd assume it would be a gift from Glimmer, but it could be something from his parents or me or maybe something he got himself. I was ushered into the main room and saw Cato and his team waiting there. The prep teams were escorted out, leaving Cato and I alone with our stylists. Cato approached me.
"Go straight for the Cornucopia, the knives will probably be in the middle of it, but go for them anyway. I'll have your back, and so will the others, whoever gets a weapon first." Cato explained.
"We should set up camp at the Cornucopia, the supplies will already be there and we won't have to waste time finding someplace else." I replied.
"Agreed, meet inside the Cornucopia once everyone is gone. No excuses, Sevina."
"I know, I'll be there."
"Good." We were interrupted from our strategizing by a female voice telling us to prepare for launch. I stand on the metal plate adjacent to Cato's and share a nod with my stylist. She wasn't horrible. I locked my eyes on Cato's, and vice versa, as we begin to rise. As we reach open air, the gaze is broken and I try to find Marvel, Sagara, and Glimmer, already knowing Cato is directly beside me. Marvel and Glimmer are next to each other diagonal from me and Cato, and Sagara is on the opposite side of them. I nod curtly at the three of them, even though I know they can't see me, and listen to Claudius Templesmith.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let the 74th Hunger Games begin!!" He exclaimed. I know what happens next. 60 seconds, that's all we get until we have to compete. 55 now. I tried to find the knives and, like Cato said, they were in the middle area. I could see maces closer to the outside, but the swords and spears were in the same spot as my knives. 45. The landscape varies, the Cornucopia is on a flat open stretch of ground, just dirt. Further on though, there's a lake, woods, and probably a valley somewhere across from where I see Everdeen standing. I tried to see anything useful that's remotely close to me. 30. Nothing. I see a rain poncho package and some rope, but it's nothing worth fighting for. It'll probably be there when we collect the leftover supplies anyway. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. I wish this would just start already, I'm getting way more nervous from the waiting than from the idea of competing. 10. This has to be the longest minute in the history of time itself. Ever. 6. 5. I spotted the knives again and I knew with my speed, that I could easily get to them before anyone else could get a good shot at me. 2. 1. The gong rings and I'm off. I sprint straight for the knives and felt confident that I was safe. I heard a few screams, and a quick glance back showed Cato towering over that 6, Turbo, who must already be out. Figures. I snatched up all the knives I could carry and ran back out there, first thing I see being Everdeen and some guy I don't know fighting over a pack. Before I can even think about it, a knife is in his back and he's gone. I run towards her, knives in hand, as she slings the pack over her shoulder and sprints off towards the woods. I throw a blade, but she blocks it by using the pack to cover herself, the knife lodged into the center of it. I growled at the thought of her getting away with one of my blades, but I know Cato won't be happy if I leave the area to chase after Everdeen for a knife. It's not part of the plan. I run back to the Cornucopia and block the entrance, all of the weapons inside protected and saved for me and the rest of my allies. That girl from 3, Lanni, foolishly passed in front of me and I got her with a knife. It seems her friends from 6, Turbo and a girl, are both out as well. Quite the alliance. It didn't take much longer after that for the area to clear. Cato arrived at the Cornucopia, followed by Glimmer, Sagara, and Marvel. We divided the area into two sections, 2 people per section, and one person on watch. Glimmer and Cato are on the right side, Sagara and Marvel on the left, and I'm the guard. We weren't approached by anyone as the four of them came back and forth with their prizes. Not until Mellark showed up. I immediately had him at knifepoint. I would've already gotten him if his arms weren't up in surrender. What's he up to?
"I want to be your ally." He stated. I laughed at the idea. He's already pretty battered, I see blood and bruises and he's putting most of his weight on one leg.
"You're from the 12th area." I replied.
"I got a good score in training. I'm strong and the Capitol loves me. I can get you more sponsors, not to mention I'm good with camouflage."
"You're also connected to Everdeen. Same area, I've seen you talking to her. Do you know where she and her allies are?" Before Peeta could answer, Sagara was back.
"Clove, what are you doing?" She asked, wielding a mace.
"Wait, answer the question Mellark."
"I don't know exactly where they are, but I know her well enough to tell you that she and Gale Hawthorne can hunt, so they're probably gonna stay in the woods." He answered.
"You are strong."
"And a 12, Clove, this is ridiculous. You're not seriously considering making him part of the pack?" Sagara asked. Before I could answer, Cato was back, Marvel and Glimmer behind him.
"What's going on here? Why isn't he already out?" Cato asked, he's taken the role of leader.
"Clove has this insane idea that he could be of some use to us."
"Cato, before you do anything, think about it. You said it yourself, you want to be the one to get Everdeen. He's your best shot." I explained.
"Why are you so sure he's not just double crossing us or something?" Marvel asked. Sagara kept her mace trained on Mellark as I took Cato off to the side.
"Clove, this sounds stupid to me." He said.
"I know that you think it's idiotic to add a 12 to the Career pack. I do too, but let's be honest here. We don't know anything about Everdeen's location or talent. She scored an 11, and I don't know about you, but I don't know how she did it. Mellark grew up with her, he's friends with her. If he has no ties to her in here, then we can use his knowledge to find her. It's the best and only lead we've got on her." I explained.
"How can you trust him?"
"I can't, it's a risk, but I think we should take it." He looked at me, at Mellark, and then back at me again.
"I'm trusting you on this one. He's your responsibility. I'm gonna get a lot of heat if this doesn't work, so make sure it does." I nodded and followed him back to the group.
"Mellark stays. Give him two spears. He'll guard with Clove." Cato stated. Sagara looked like she wanted to argue, but Marvel dissuaded her from doing so. Glimmer gave Mellark two spears and followed Cato. The two of us were silently guarding the Cornucopia, until he broke it.
"Thanks." He said.
"Just find Everdeen." I stated.
"I will. How's your mom?" I stiffened and looked over at him as he stared straight ahead, knowing what he had just said.
"How's yours?"
"I brought her up for a reason."
"Why is that?"
"Common ground. It's something we can both talk about."
"How'd you know?"
"People talk, I assume that's how you know about my mother."
"Well, you should know that it's not you."
"What's not me?"
"The reason she does it. Speaks to you that way. It's never about you, it's about her. That goes for your brother too. He didn't leave and never come back because of you, no matter what anyone says. It was his choice, his future, and his life."
"You should tell yourself that."
"I do, everyday." I do not want to make myself emotionally vulnerable. The words came tumbling out anyway.
"How are you so sure it's not you?" I blurted out in one breath.
"My mom will hit me for messing up a letter while writing in icing at the bakery. Somehow my inability to write in frosting always seemed to directly correlate to my life choices and expectations in her mind. After a while I realized that it just didn't make sense."
"I guess that's true." We were silent after that until the other 4 cleared out the entire area of every sort of supplies.
Finch's POV
My alliance didn't work out very well. It's been barely a couple hours, at least it feels that way, and my alliance of 5 is down to 2. It's fine, if I'm being completely honest, I work better alone. Pexey and I got a decent load. Well, Pexey did, I didn't get anything. I just wanted to get out of there. Pexey got some wire, plastic wrap with some jerky strips in it, and a spile. We made camp in a tree near the Cornucopia, but far enough away that if we make a twig snap, most likely the Careers won't be able to hear us. Pexey began to work on a piece of jerky as I drank some water that the spile provided. We stayed in our camp all day, the darkness just beginning to settle over us as the Capitol song played. I missed the cannons from earlier, so I didn't know how many got out. From my calculations, there are about 400 competing. Most get out on the first day, you'd be really shocked. Pexey and I counted each person to come up and both came up with the same number. 375. Each area has a list of people who got out, numbered, which is why it didn't take a day to read all the names. At least they get to go home now. It's down to about 25 of us now, mostly 1s, 2s, and 4s. I sat next to Pexey and we began to quietly discuss a plan.
"We're near the Careers from our grade. In other years they've hunted at night. We should hide now." He whispered. I nodded and we silently trekked a little further into the woods, finally deciding to rest in a huge tree. I could see a freshman girl, Bobbin, below us, but a decent distance away that I know she can't see me. Pexey fell asleep, but I was too nervous to as I watched Bobbin collect wood. She's not doing what I think she's doing, is she? I watched as she built a fire and it successfully lit. This is why freshman shouldn't compete, the smoke must've alerted the Careers of her location by now. Not to mention mine. It's too late to wake up Pexey, by the time we'd get down from the tree the Careers would've joined us. I watched from my perch as Bobbin slept next to her fire, I could hear boots thumping in the distance. The Careers never bother to be quiet, they don't need to. I counted 6 of them as they passed and I held in my breath. 6? I squinted as the firelight revealed their faces. Cato. Clove. Glimmer. Marvel. Sagara. There's another blonde male. It looks like Peeta, but that can't be true. I'm kinda friends with Peeta, and there's no way he'd ever join the Career pack. I must be mistaken. I watched as Bobbin shrieked and pleaded with them. It's in moments like these, with Bobbin's screams and Cato and Clove's sadistic faces towering over her, that I know this isn't a game. That this isn't just some school event, that the lives these games have taken are no accident. I watch as they argue over who gets to "kill" her. Glimmer, Peeta, and Marvel appear to be on guard, but the other three are practically yelling.
"I'm the leader, I should get to do it." Cato spat, drawing his sword.
"I'm the one who spotted the smoke." Sagara said.
"Anyone could've spotted the smoke. It's pitch black out here." Clove remarked.
"I'm better when close up, you two are good at distance." Cato argued.
"It's not that hard to ram a mace into her stomach." Sagara reminded. I watched, as those two argued, Clove leave Cato's side and quietly stab one of her knives into the girl's stomach, and another into her chest. She pulled both out and glared at her allies.
"There. All done. She doesn't have good supplies, let's get a move on, shall we?" Clove said. I had to hold in a laugh at that one. Cato appeared to be on the brink of a rage, but even he knows now isn't the time. The 6 walk off, but I can't help but notice that a cannon didn't go off. The Careers get about 5 yards before they realize it as well.
"Shouldn't we have heard a cannon by now?" Marvel asked.
"I'd say yes. Nothing to prevent them from going in immediately." Sagara replied.
"Unless she isn't out." I heard Peeta softly state, obviously afraid of the consequences that would follow his statement.
"She's out. I stuck her myself." Clove argued, no doubt getting defensive.
"Then where's the cannon?" Sagara asked.
"Someone should go back. Make sure the job's done." Cato ordered.
"Yeah, we don't want to have to track her down twice." Marvel mentioned.
"I said she's out!!" Clove exclaimed. They begin to argue. Clove with Sagara, Cato with Peeta, Glimmer with Marvel. I honestly don't understand what's so difficult about this. If there's no cannon, then she's not out. There is no argument about the rule, it's pretty straightforward. Finally, one voice silences them all.
"We're wasting time!! I'll go finish her and let's move on!!" Peeta spat. I was caught off guard by his tone, he's normally so calm and thoughtful. I hate these games.
"Go on, then, Lover Boy. See for yourself." Cato said and Peeta stormed away. The moment he was out of earshot, the Careers began to speak again, much quieter this time. I had to strain my ears to pick up most of the conversation, but I did it.
"Why don't we just get him out now and get it over with?" Sagara asked.
"Let him tag along. What's the harm? And he's handy with that knife." Marvel said.
"Besides, he's our best chance of finding her." Clove reminded. Her is Katniss, I wouldn't be shocked if that girl Peeta loves is Katniss after all. The Careers aren't the only people I study.
"Why? You think she was friends with him?" Glimmer questioned.
"She might have been. Seemed pretty simpleminded about who she became allies with at least. Every time I think about her spinning around in that dress, I want to puke."
"Wish we knew how she got that 11." Marvel said.
"Bet you Lover Boy knows." Cato said. There was suddenly rustling and crunching twigs and leaves, meaning Peeta was returning from his mission.
"Was she dead?" Cato asked. Just then, a cannon went off.
"No. But she is now. Ready to move on?" Peeta answered. They set off in pairs. Cato and Glimmer lead the way, Marvel and Sagara following, with Clove and Peeta following in the rear. I could see a look of slight admiration, but mostly annoyance, in Clove's features as she shared a look with Peeta as they followed their allies in a run. Dawn begins to break, and I try to get some sleep. I only got a little bit before Pexey woke me up, but the new information was so worth it.

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