It Begins

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Glimmer's POV
The ceremony for the Hunger Games is a huge deal for the 1st area. We dress up and have a huge celebration and it's awesome. I took a really long time preparing for this one in particular. It's my first outing as Cato's girlfriend after the dance and the Capitol just eats stuff like that up. Not to mention Marvel is gonna be there. I was a little disappointed at how unemotional he was about me and Cato. I mean, I knew it would be a process, but I still thought his initial reaction would be more confused or angry or jealous. Anyway, Cato's dad is very into our new relationship. The weeks after the dance that led up to today were jam packed with afternoons at Cato's house and, whenever his dad would show up, advice on how to be the woman of a Hadley man. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like all of the rules. It makes me feel so special, especially since I was welcomed with open arms by both his mom and dad. I guess none of Cato's other girlfriends or Clove were welcomed that easily since Cato's face when their reaction was good was on the verge of a rage, again. Anyway, Mr. Hadley made Cato buy me a piece of jewelry, my token, to wear to all of the big events and then into the arena. It's a beautiful diamond necklace and it goes perfectly with my light pink dress and nude pumps. I'm so excited!! I spent all morning grooming myself, curling my hair took forever, but I did it. My parents were locking the door as I stood next to our car, Marvel and his family getting into their own across the street. Marvel looks magnificent. It's so simple, just a navy blue dress shirt and black dress pants with matching loafers. I quickly stopped staring and got into the car as my parents joined me. The drive to the square in the middle of the 1st area was quick, we know a lot of shortcuts. I left my parents and joined the other junior girls as we waited for our Capitol escort, Veridie, to begin the ceremony. Our mentors, Gloss and Cashmere, were standing erectly and proudly. Gloss won his Hunger Games in his senior year, then 1 year later Cashmere won in her senior year. The 2nd or 4th areas have been winning ever since, so they're our most current Victors. Veridie finally began the speech.
"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor! I love this time of year. For those of you who are new this year, I will read the names of all the 1st area tributes and have them stand onstage. Then I will bring them back into the Justice Building and we will head out to the Capitol to start the 74th Hunger Games. It is a great honor to participate in this event. It is symbolic of our love and respect for the Capitol and our beloved leaders. Let's also not forget Headmaster Snow who makes this whole thing possible. Now, we are going to listen to Headmaster Snow's speech about the importance of the reasons behind the Hunger Games." Veridie said excitedly in her neon purple wig, bright red pantsuit, and matching red pumps, along with a ton of makeup on her face.
"War, terrible war. Widows, orphans, a motherless child. This was the uprising that rocked our land. Thirteen areas rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, protected them. Brother turned on brother until nothing remained. And then came the peace, hard fought, sorely won. A people rose up from the ashes and a new era was born. But freedom has a cost. When the traitors were defeated, we swore as a nation we would never know this treason again. And so it was decreed that, each year, the various areas of Panem would offer up, in tribute, young men and women to fight in a pageant of honor, courage, and sacrifice. The lone victor, bathed in riches, would serve as a reminder of our generosity and our forgiveness. This is how we remember our past. This is how we safeguard our future. Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever." Headmaster Snow said on the video. Veridie clapped excitedly along with Cashmere and Gloss, the rest of us joining in shortly afterwards.
"Okay, starting with the freshmen ladies. Victoria Arenza. Lace Giddeon. Sapphire Lundi. Ruby Santure. Gleam Wingetti. Let's have a round of applause for our freshmen girls." The reading of the names takes a long time. No one really stood out in freshmen guys except for Mace Giddeon, I hate rhyming names for twins. Sophomores were next, then it was finally my and Marvel's turn.
"Now for junior ladies. Brandi Allure. Radiance Bangle. Glimmer Cantrell..." Veridie continued with the names, but I didn't pay attention as I rushed onto the stage and stood next to Radiance. After a little while, it was the junior guys' turn.
"Vine Adrienne. Velvet Danneel. Clos Hamus. Marvel James..." I nearly cut Veridie off with my applause for Marvel as he rushed onto the stage. The seniors were soon done and we went into the Justice Building. Radiance, Brandi, Shimma Montague, and I shared a room to say goodbye in. My parents came to wish me luck and say that they love me. Then, as I was preparing to get onto the train, I was greeted by the James family, sans Marvel.
"Glimmer, you look lovely like always. I especially love the necklace, Valerie told me Invictus was very adamant about getting you something from Cato." Mrs. James exclaimed and I awkwardly laughed, I'm not really sure what to do.
"Thanks. He really was, wasn't he?" I replied. Mrs. James laughed and doted over me and how she thinks Cato and I are an adorable couple.
"You have to tell me, now that you're dating Cato, are you planning on softening him up?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I like Cato and he and Marvel are best friends, but he has his issues. Those rages and the troublemaking and the fact he's kinda scary, for example. Do you plan on letting him be like that or are you gonna turn him into a sweetheart?"
"I-I don't know. We just started dating so-"
"Oh yes, of course you don't know. Well, I can't wait to see you and Marvel on TV. I'm sure you'll all do great. See you in a couple weeks." With that they were escorted out and I turned to Brandi, Radiance, and Shimma who were all staring at me.
"I'm not sure what that was." I stated. The other three laughed and we were soon taken onto the train. Each car is separated by year and gender, with a huge dining car on the end for all of us to eat in at meals. In each car we have an area to watch TV and relax and chat, and a big car to watch all of the ceremonies and other Capitol announcements. That's where Cashmere directed me to go as the train began to pull away. I walked into the crowded car and searched for Marvel. I found him sitting next to one of the other junior guys and took the seat on his other side. He didn't notice me, so I nudged him with my foot.
"Oh hey Glimmer." Marvel said.
"Hi." I replied. Our attention turned to the screen as Veridie told us it was time to watch the 2nd area's ceremony.
Cato's POV
My parents have been fighting after they think I'm asleep, but I can easily hear them from my room. They argue about my dad's hours, me getting into trouble, Clove, and my dad's political views. The morning of the Hunger Games ceremony, they acted like the perfect couple and perfect parents. I walked down the stairs and entered my kitchen to see my dad reading the newspaper at the kitchen table and my mom making eggs and bacon. Both of them were in their pajamas and both greeted me with a smile when they noticed me.
"Sit down son, we have to talk strategy. This is the last time I'll see you until it's over. The paper has listed who they think are the top 5 contenders this year for winning the Hunger Games." My dad said. I sat down and my mom brought over the food and sat down.
"Where am I?" I asked, beginning to eat.
"Number 2, you're behind a senior named Valda Gomez. How are you behind a girl?" My mom raised her eyebrows at the comment, but said nothing.
"Because she's really well rounded and I'm not. My biggest strength is swords, meanwhile she's good with spears, daggers, and survival skills. Not to mention she's older and has more experience."
"Clove is right behind you at number 3. Some of the writers even said they would've listed her as equal to you. You need to take advantage of how good she is. She's gonna be extremely focused, knowing that mother of hers. You're already friends with her, so she'll be open to an alliance. Then you and Glimmer can recruit your other friends, Sagara and Marvel, and that'll be the Career pack everyone's afraid of."
"I don't want him to be paired with Clove." My mom said. I was so close to having a normal breakfast for once.
"She's small, she's not threatening at all. She's of no use."
"She's listed as the 3rd biggest contender. That's not an accident. Obviously she knows what she's doing."
"Maybe she does, but I don't want Cato to have her around. She'll probably stab him in the back, literally. She already has, hasn't she, Cato?" I don't know how she knows me and Clove aren't speaking, but I don't like it. Especially when she may be right.
"She didn't stab me in the back. Clove and I are going to be in an alliance, if we aren't already. That's always been the plan, and I'm sticking to it. The people in the paper aren't wrong. She's good, and I'd rather her be on my side than not. End of discussion." I said and finished my breakfast as my mom glared at my dad's superior smirk.
"Thank you, Cato. Now, your mentors are Brutus and Enobaria, they've been sizing you up since you were 10, so trust whatever they tell you. At the Cornucopia, run straight to the swords. Once you have those, get as many people out as possible. One final thing, in training they might tell you to show off how scary you are with your weapon of choice. Only do that when you're showing the Gamemakers for a score. Otherwise, torment the weaker tributes. The more scared of you they are, the better. They'll stay away from you and then you can always have the upper hand. Especially when they don't know what weapon you're good at." My dad explained.
"I've been training with some of these people for years. How do they not know my best weapon by now?"
"You'd be surprised at how these other tributes don't really pay attention until they reach the Capitol."
"We have to go soon, we should all go get ready." My mom stated and I went to my room. As I changed I could hear them arguing again. I put on the clothing my mom had laid out for me the night before and waited downstairs for them. When they joined me, the whole perfect couple facade was back and they ushered me out the door. When we reached the square, I escaped from them without saying goodbye and began to walk to my group.
"Cato!! Cato!!" I heard a girl scream and for a second I thought, maybe even hoped, that it was Clove. I was close.
"Hey Willow." I said as she ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"I came to wish you good luck."
"I saw your name in the paper, you and Clove are number 2 and 3."
"I know, your sister and I are pretty good."
"You'll be in an alliance together right? With Sagara and Glimmer and Marvel?"
"That's the plan. I think."
"Are you and Clove gonna make up?" I froze at that question.
"She never answers me either. At least not anything straightforward. She was really mad after that dance, was that you?" Willow asked.
"Yeah, that was me and Glimmer. We're... together now." I said, wincing as her face drooped in disappointment.
"You and Glimmer? I thought you liked Clove? Why are you with Glimmer?"
"It's... complicated. Where are your parents and Clove?" I probably should've asked her that the moment she showed up.
"I'm not sure. I left when Clove did, but I lost her in the crowd."
"Clove was suppose to go to her age group. You were suppose to stay with your parents. Why didn't you?"
"I didn't want to listen to them fighting about what she did to Clove."
"What did she do to Clove?" I tried to keep my anger in check at the thought of Clove's mom getting away with doing these things.
"Well, my dad told us that Clove was ranked 3rd behind you and that girl Valda. Clove seemed pretty happy about it, but our mom was not. She called her weak for being okay with something as low as third and that no daughter of hers would ever accept third. She then went on about how she was ranked number 1 in her senior year, but Clove was not in the mood so she snapped and told our mom she had no place to tell her what was okay to be happy about since she didn't even finish in the top 3 for any of her Hunger Games. Then my mom slapped Clove and my dad stopped Clove from doing anything in retaliation." I searched the crowd for any sign of Clove or her parents. Her dad finally saw me and ran over.
"Cato!! Willow's missing!!" He exclaimed as he surged through the crowd.
"I have her!!" I yelled back and he visibly relaxed as he made his way through.
"Quick, before my dad gets here. You have to promise me something." Willow said.
"Promise me you and Clove will at least be friends during the games. I don't want Clove to be alone."
"She has Sagara and Marvel and Glimmer."
"Yeah, but they don't know about how bad our mom is. Promise me, Cato." Her dad finally reached us and grabbed her hand. He began to drag her away.
"Cato!! Cato!! Promise!!" She shrieked over the crowd.
"I promise!!" I yelled and she smiled. I quickly found the junior guys as our escort walked onstage.
"Hello 2nd area!! How are you all on this wonderful day?!" Ajax asked. The crowd cheered.
"Very good!! Happy Hunger Games!! It's time to listen to Headmaster Snow as he sends a message from our leaders. Everyone settle down." He exclaimed and all eyes turned towards the screen where it showed images of destroyed buildings, crying children, and then of the Capitol as it is today as Headmaster Snow talked about the war. I didn't pay attention to anything until they got to junior girls, otherwise I probably would've killed myself from how excited Ajax sounded. He got to Clove's name and I saw her step onto the stage looking nothing like her normal self. The only similarity was the weird ponytail she always wears. Her mom shoved her into a blood red velvet dress that I could tell she was uncomfortable in by the way it clung to her body. Not to mention, I could tell by the way she was walking she was afraid of falling because of those black heels. It was actually kind of amusing as she scowled at the cheering people of our area. They eventually reached my name and I sauntered onstage, winking to the Capitol and the cheering crowd below as all of the girls undoubtedly swooned. Ajax led us into the Justice Building and separated us into rooms. My parents came to see me briefly, but I could tell they couldn't wait to leave me so that they could go back to fighting with each other. I found myself standing by the door, wanting to be one of the first people on the train. I watched as a few doors down Willow and her parents left a room, the one I assume Clove is in, and began to walk down the hall towards me. As they got closer I could see Willow was holding her dad's hand and had red blotches all over her face from crying. Her mom looked pissed off, so I could only assume Willow had been on the receiving end of a screaming match. She looked up as she passed my door and I smiled at her, a genuine smile. She instantly brightened up a bit and waved back as the security ushered them out of the building. Ajax, Brutus, and Enobaria led the charge of 2s onto the train and showed us to our designated cars, then telling us to meet them in the viewing car to watch the other ceremonies. I was one of the first people there and sat down on one of the couches. There was a steady stream of people coming in after me and filling up the room. I saw Clove enter and she headed straight for me. She sat down next to me, but didn't even glance at me until I spoke.
"I thought we weren't speaking." I stated, making sure I sounded indifferent.
"We weren't and as far as I'm concerned we still aren't. I'm only sitting here for Willow, she made me promise that we'd be friends in the arena." Clove replied.
"She made me promise the same thing."
"Of course she did."
"She also told me about your mom." I felt Clove tense up next to me.
"What did she say?"
"That your mom said you were weak and slapped you." I said through clenched teeth, suppressing the anger I felt about her mom and how I wasn't suppose to even care about that, according to Clove.
"She did, but I handled it."
"Barely." She punched me in the gut and I had to hold back a groan of pain.
"Please don't make this more difficult than it has to be."
"I can't promise anything."
Sagara's POV
"Sagara!! Wake up!!" I jumped and fell out of bed to see Sirena standing over me.
"What the hell? I was sleeping." I groaned as she stuck out a hand to help me up. I took it and stood up, my sister towering over me.
"It's the Hunger Games ceremony today. We have to get going. Come on, I was thinking you could wear something from my closet." I followed her across the room to her side and she pulled out a few dresses for me to look at.
"I like green on you, so try these." Sirena stated and handed me three dresses in a sea green shade. I went with the 2nd one, a darker green color with black straps, and rushed downstairs after Sirena did my hair, makeup, shoes, and accessories. Salton and Kai were eating breakfast with my parents and grandparents when we reached the kitchen and I quickly began to eat my food. Dylan, Penelope, and Cress soon joined us and we all headed out to the ceremony in two cars. I was in the younger kids car with my mom, Penelope, Salton, and Cress and sat in the back by myself. We arrived and I left my family for my group. Tatiana took forever to get the crowd to settle down so she could play the video of Snow. Once she accomplished this task, she painstakingly read the names of each age group. By the time I made my way up there at least an hour had to have gone by. Saying goodbye was a long task as well. First it was my parents, then my grandparents, then Cress and Sirena, then Dylan and Penelope, and, finally, Salton and Kai, because apparently more than 2 people at a time is too much. I was the first one into the viewing compartment of the train, wanting to get a good seat. It's way too early in the day to socialize, so I just sat there silently as Tatiana, along with Finnick and Mags, supervised the rest of us squeezing into the room. I could feel Finnick's eyes on me in particular, for what reason I have no idea. Before we began to look at the other ceremonies, Finnick walked over to me and sat beside me.
"Where do I know you from?" He asked.
"I have no idea." I replied as he continued to study my face.
"Sagara Garner."
"Your mother."
"Monique Garner."
"She's a healer."
"Well, not exactly. She's a specialist for people with mental disorders."
"She treated Annie after her Hunger Games. Annie Cresta. You look just like your mom, I went with Annie to some of her sessions."
"Yeah, I know. I used to hide behind the door to my mom's office so I could get a glimpse of you. The infamous Finnick Odair was in my mom's office."
"She's a good lady, she really helped."
"Thanks." He went back to Mags and Tatiana and I resisted the urge to smile uncontrollably. Finnick Odair just talked to me. He sat next to me. He complimented my mom. I told him I stalked him while he was there. Oh crud, he's probably freaked out now. Finnick Odair... if I didn't know for sure that he was taken I would be all over that. Finnick Odair...
Finch's POV
The day of the Hunger Games ceremony was going to be a long day. I woke up extremely early, 5 a.m., and couldn't fall back to sleep. So I walked. I walked around my block and enjoyed the peace. By the time I was back in my house my brother had woken up and was starting to make breakfast.
"You know, if I didn't love your food so much, I would be making jokes about the fact that you're 25 and still live with your dad and little sister." I commented and Magnus turned to glare at me.
"You better watch that mouth of yours if you want any breakfast." He warned and I sat at the table without making another sound. Our dad came down to join us as Magnus set 3 bowls of oatmeal with fruit, raisins, and cinnamon down in front of us. My mom died when I was 5 and Magnus was 14, so our daily routine has been basically this since then. I began to eat my food as Magnus and my dad began to talk about how they're going to spend their free time since I won't be around for a couple weeks. My dad is a geologist, so he said he'd probably take a trek or hike or something like that so he could find new sources of power within the Earth for Panem. Magnus has no plans, shocker. I went up to my room and began to search through my closet for something to wear. Only the Career areas really dress up for this "event", if you could even call it that. My area normally dresses more formal than most, but not like the Careers. I decided on a light blue blouse, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and tried to gracefully walk down the stairs, probably failing.
"Ready to go?" Magnus asked.
"Yup." I replied and followed him out to the car where our dad was waiting. Svetlana, our Capitol escort, was just getting started when we arrived and I made it into my group without her noticing. Svetlana has this weird lobster fetish. No matter what, she always manages to look like a human lobster. Today is no exception. Her skin is tinted red, like always, and she has insanely long fingernails painted bright red. She's wearing a headpiece that looks like a giant red lobster claw and a red leather jumpsuit with spiky red and gold heels. She also has red eye makeup and bright red lips with a gold nose ring and golden hair. I personally think she looks disgusting, but that's just me. Foster and Genera, our mentors, are very opposite in appearance. Foster has a huge torso with long legs, his entire body made up of muscle. He won his games on fear and the ability to throw really heavy things really far. Not to mention the sponsors loved him, he was an underdog coming from 5, but he had all the tools to win. Ever since he's been completely focused on weightlifting and training people in 1. Genera is very plain and basic. She has a long body that's just skin and bones. Her hair is dirt brown and her facial features are extremely forgettable. She won her games by jumping tree to tree, never once touching the ground since she started. Finally, it was just her and a Career left and she stole two arrows and a bow from his camp when his back was turned and shot him. She disappeared after the initial hubbub, only appearing for her mentoring duties and the Capitol gatherings she was required to attend.
"Finch Howard. Finch Howard!!" Svetlana shrieked as I realized everyone was staring at me. I quickly rushed to the stage, barely capable of holding in my laughter.
"In all my years... such a disgrace... Effie thinks she has it bad..." Svetlana muttered as I passed her. I looked out on the crowd full of people. Most were staring back at me with blank looks. I searched for a familiar face and found my brother and dad in the crowd. My brother looked straight at me and winked, my dad was studying the ground, probably looking at an interesting rock or something. When the ceremony was over I waited in the Justice Building for my family to come say goodbye. My dad went first, wrapping me up in a hug and saying good luck and that he loves me. My brother went next, wrapping me into a hug as well.
"The other tributes are not your enemies. Do not waste your brainpower or strength on them. You know what you have to do." Magnus whispered in my ear and let me go. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as they were taken away, not completely sure what his message meant. I followed Svetlana to the train and happily got on, I heard the Capitol has great food and I want to eat as soon as possible. I started to head towards the dining car, but was whisked away by Svetlana. Then I saw Marvel on TV.
Thresh's POV
My mom's hand is on my right shoulder and my dad's is on my left. They are having trouble letting me go. Leto, the Capitol person, is calling me to the stage. Her eyes are kind, but her outfit says another. I shrugged off their arms and went onstage, catching Rue's eye from across stage as she stood with two others her age, all three very tiny and very scared. She nodded at me and went back to staring at the ground. I stopped looking at her and moved my gaze to a worried looking 19 year old girl in the front of the crowd. Cotton. She's gonna be my wife someday, I love her and she loves me. She graduated last year, so she don't have to compete no more, I do. Even though I survived last year, she still worries. Her older brother died when he competed a couple years ago and ever since she has been very upset this time of year. I follow my Capitol person with my head held high and kept a straight face as I said my goodbyes. The train ride began with a viewing of the other ceremonies so we could know our competition. It was scary, especially for the younger kids. People like Cato Hadley and Sagara Garner both had a fierce look that could kill anyone in a 5 mile radius. I watched each tribute being called up and watched as the area numbers got higher, the less happy they were. 1, 2, and 4 were having a party with it, but most of the others looked sick to their stomaches at the thought of competing. Chaff and Seeder, our mentors, were being very caring towards the younger ones. It did nothing to ease the tension though. Everyone knows someone on this train ain't gonna make it back to their home and family in 11. We just do not know who. Most people who do not know me stay away. They are frightened. I get why. I have the looks of a Career like Cato Hadley. I'm strongly built and am often silent, looking like someone who ain't one to mess with. I only attack Careers though. I don't prey on the innocent. I have faith, even in this screwed up game, that the Higher Power will not make me do something like that. If they are not a Career than I will not spend time on them. There ain't no point really. No point at all.
Gale's POV
I waited for Katniss in the Meadow and saw her approaching with a parcel. I proudly held up my two loaves of good bakery bread.
"Where'd you get those?" She asked.
"The bakery, the man must have been feeling very sympathetic to those competing. The moment I mentioned the Hunger Games he sold these to me at half price. What about you?" I explained.
"What about me?"
"The parcel."
"Oh, it's a present from Prim. Goat cheese. Sort of a going away present."
"Well, it looks like we're having a feast." We split up the bread and cheese and silently ate as we stared at the wilderness surrounding us.
"You worried about the games?" I asked. Katniss looked up at me from her food.
"Yes... and no. I'm nervous something bad is gonna happen to someone important. I'm nervous that I'll say something I'll regret on national television. I'm nervous the Capitol will decide to mold me into one of their own while I'm there and one day I won't even recognize myself because of the phony words they've put into my head."
"I highly doubt you'll have that issue. Unless you win, you won't really be spending too much time in the Capitol."
"People have lost themselves in less time than the week we'll be there."
"Yeah, but you're Katniss Everdeen. That changes everything. Those usual standards don't apply."
"What about you? Nervous?"
"A little, it would be ridiculous if I wasn't. I have too much to lose. We'll be fine though, the Careers will probably go after us first and get us out nice and early. Either that or we'll win."
"There is no way two scrawny kids from the 12th area could ever beat Clove Sevina and Cato Hadley or any of their other friends."
"Never say never." She laughed, still finding the idea of either of us winning too out there. After a long period of resting in the Meadow, we went back to the 12th area and found ourselves watching the square being set up for the ceremony taking place later in the day.
"It's quite a big deal, isn't it? Way too big for it to just be a school event." Katniss and I turned around to see Madge Undersee, our Mayor's daughter. She attends school with us, but normally sits with the kids of the other areas' mayors. She was wearing a pure white dress with a pink ribbon in her hair, dressed up for the ceremony just like the Career areas. On her chest was a golden pin.
"I guess so. What's the pin?" Katniss asked.
"It's a Mockingjay. I got it just for this special occasion."
"You think this is a special occasion?" I asked through clenched teeth.
"I didn't say it was a good special occasion. Just that it was special. Besides, do you really think anyone who lives in 12 thinks of the Hunger Games as a holiday that everyone loves? We haven't lost the most people like 11, but we're close."
"I think Gale just doesn't understand how you're so okay with dressing up for this."
"Never said I was, but we all have to do what we have to do. I'll try to keep my allies away from you guys as long as possible, I expect you'll do the same."
"If you want to."
"Good, I'll see you out there." With that, Madge walked away, leaving Katniss and I in the dust. The two of us went to our separate houses after a walk back in silence and I quickly changed into clothes my mom left out for me. I led my family to the square and went to my section. The ceremony had a few bumps, but it was the same as always for the most part. Effie Trinket gives a speech, we listen to Snow, Professor Abernathy, or Haymitch since he's our mentor now, does something stupid, and Effie reads the names of the tributes. The Justice Building was quick and painless, Katniss and I have done this before and our families are used to it by now. When Katniss and I were safely on the train and in the back of the viewing car, Katniss turned to me.
"Madge did something weird in the Justice Building." She stated and went on to tell me how Madge had turned to her and informed her of what Katniss already knew, you're allowed one token into the arena. She said how Madge asked her to wear her Mockingjay pin, which I then realized was pinned onto her clothes. She described the urgency in Madge's voice, the determination she had shown in getting Katniss to wear it.
"Why do you think she did that?" I asked.
"I don't know, but I think I'm gonna wear it. There must be a good enough reason for her to give away a gold pin to someone she's barely friends with." I nodded in agreement as Haymitch drunkenly told us to be quiet so we could watch the other ceremonies and focus on our competition. I couldn't help but focus on the Careers. 5 of them in particular. If I were to get anyone out, I would want it to be any of them. I don't really care for Sagara or Glimmer or even Clove, but getting one of the guys would feel so satisfying. When the video finished we were allowed to go eat and roam the other train cars. Katniss and I dug into the delicacies from the Capitol and didn't care for Effie Trinket who was horrified at the way we were shoving food down our throats. Haymitch was just cheering us on. This oughta be an interesting train ride.

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