Going Back

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Cato's POV
I followed Clove back to our level of the Training Center and sat on the couch.
"I'm just gonna go change." Clove said. She returned and sat on the opposite side of the couch. We silently sat there, Clove cowering into the couch as I looked at her. She's wearing sweats and isn't making eye contact with me. I knew Ajax was a creep, I always did. I can't believe I let Clove roam around outside in the dark, alone, while wearing that outfit. I should have protected her. An hour or two passed and she fell asleep, but I was too afraid to move her in case she woke up and freaked out. I just watched her. Enobaria arrived late in the night and stared at the two of us sitting on the couch.
"What's going on here?" Enobaria asked.
"Um, nothing. She just fell asleep." I lied.
"Cato, I just saved your sorry ass and Clove's too. Are you seriously going to lie to me now?"
"You know Ajax?"
"Do I know the Area 2 escort that has been with us this entire month? Yes, I do."
"Well, he's a loser and I found him attacking Clove. Happy now?" Enobaria's face changes.
"Is she okay?"
"I think so. She just doesn't want anyone touching her."
"It'll be like that for a while. She just needs time to trust again that when people touch her they aren't always looking for what Ajax was looking for."
"How do you know?"
"You think Clove is the first girl Ajax has done that to? Let's just say he wasn't my first choice as an escort for 2."
"Well if he's done that before, why don't you just report him?"
"He's a son of a leader, Snow's favorite leader to be exact. I tried, but no one up high cares about a Victor whose whole rep is about being fierce, they knew I would never publicly state it happened. I try to keep an eye on him, I must have missed him slipping out after the Interviews."
"I feel like I can't do anything."
"You should really talk to Brutus. He was one of my mentors when it happened and he was very good to me about it. He's like you, overprotective. Us girls from 2 like to heal independently though. Just give her some space and some time."
"I knew he was a creep and I just feel like I let her down. I'm her best friend, I'm suppose to protect her. I failed."
"You're a good friend. Just don't show this sweet side to the Capitol." Enobaria pat me on the back and left. After a little while longer I decided to turn in. I went to one of the empty bedrooms and took a blanket from one of the beds. I went back to where Clove was and put the blanket over her.
Sagara's POV
For the train ride back to 4 I spent most of my time in my room, kicking Adrianna out whenever I wanted to do things in private, which was all of the time. I took one of the laptops that the train provided and video chatted and IMed my friends. Clove never accepted a videochat, which led to us IMing most of the time.
Marvelous_1 has joined the conversation
Glimmer_and_Sparkles has joined the conversation
Cato_Hadley has joined the conversation
GirlWithTheKnives has joined the conversation
SagaraG_4: S'up.
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: Hi!! Clove, how are you today?
Cato had told us about what happened with Clove, with her permission, and ever since Glimmer has been treating her like she's a baby. Which means that Clove snaps at her a lot.
GirlWithTheKnives: The same as I was yesterday and the day before.
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: At least you'll get to see your family in a few hours.
GirlWithTheKnives: Oh joy. On a more interesting note, Marvel, did you ever find out what happened with Finch?
Marvel has been silent on this topic for the past few days, but he's bound to tell us at one point.
Marvelous_1: Yes. I hadn't heard anything until right before I left the Capitol. Veridie told me that apparently word has reached her ears that, and this is confidential so I don't know how she learned this, Finch's dad and brother were both found dead early this morning. The reports say that apparently they've been dead for almost two days.
SagaraG_4: Interesting timing. Coincidence much?
Cato_Hadley: Of course it's a coincidence. You don't really think Snow and the leaders killed them, do you?
SagaraG_4: I never said that, but now that you mention it...
GirlWithTheKnives: You two idiots do realize that this IM is most definitely tapped by the Capitol, right?
SagaraG_4: I'm not doing anything wrong.
Cato_Hadley: Yeah, except implying that our Headmaster is a murderer.
SagaraG_4: I do believe that was you.
Marvelous_1: You guys, don't you realize that wherever Finch is, she just lost her family? Can you two take a break from arguing to at least think about that for a second? I'm worried about her, what if she's already dead for treason?
Cato_Hadley: Why do you care? She committed the crime, she should do the time.
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: No one deserves to lose their family or their life. I know she committed treason, but it's not like she shot up the place. She's Marvel's friend and was nice to me when I had to wear that horrible dress for the first Interviews. I hope she's okay.
GirlWithTheKnives has left the conversation
SagaraG_4: There she goes again.
Cato_Hadley: Give her a break. You don't know what she's going through.
SagaraG_4: No, I don't, but I do know that shutting out your friends isn't a healthy way to deal with it. Let's all remember who has a psychiatrist for a mom.
Cato_Hadley: She can deal with it however she wants to.
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: Anyway, my parents told me that if I made the Top 24 that I could hold a party at our house after the games. I'm planning to have it on Friday, since we have school this week. Dress is casual and it starts at around 6. RSVP ASAP and tell your friends. Preferably ones who are in high school.
SagaraG_4: Sirena will be so crushed.
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: She can come too. I'll make an exception.
Cato_Hadley: Just talked to Clove, she will not be coming.
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: WHAT?!?!?!?!
Cato_Hadley: In her defense, the last time she went to a party or something like that, it didn't end well.
Cato_Hadley: She is now yelling at me that her reason is that she doesn't want to go, not because of what happened after the Interviews.
Cato_Hadley has left the conversation
Marvelous_1: Clove must be getting better if she's yelling at Cato enough to get him to log off.
SagaraG_4: That's true.
Marvelous_1: What's with the sudden silence, Glim?
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: Just disappointed. That's all.
SagaraG_4: Are you jealous of all the attention Clove is getting from You-Know-Who?
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: No, Clove just got assaulted, I am not jealous that Cato is looking after her. I don't appreciate that insinuation. I'm just thinking. Don't make any jokes, Sagara. Yes, I do have thoughts.
Marvelous_1: Whatcha thinkin' about?
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: Finch. Rue. Ajax. What all of this means exactly.
SagaraG_4: Meaning?
Glimmer_and_Sparkles: I'm rethinking some opinions I have. I think you guys should too.
Glimmer_and_Sparkles has left the conversation
Marvelous_1: And then there were 2.
SagaraG_4: Well this is awkward.
Marvelous_1 has left the conversation
SagaraG_4: Do people these days even say goodbye anymore?
I logged off and stared out the window as the train raced to 4.
Third Person's POV
As Sagara watched the world go by, many events were transpiring. Small ones, such as Glimmer thinking and Cato and Clove fighting, for example. Katniss telling Peeta it was all for the games is another, with Gale secretly watching them. Then there's Pexey sitting on the train, wondering where his friend is, Thresh dreading the moment he has to face his and Rue's family and accept the fact that he failed miserably at protecting her, Marvel researching any recent news about the deaths of the Howard men, and Lanni, Turbo, and Savera calling each other to discuss the radar silence. Some mentors are rethinking what exactly they're doing, some people are mourning the loss of children and friends, and one rebel in particular is awaiting her fate in a cold and dark cell. Those are the small things though, small things that could eventually lead to big things. The big thing happening is in a small neighborhood in the heart of Area 5. There is a house at the end of a block which has always been a quiet house. The biggest news was years ago when the woman of the house died from pneumonia. They were a quiet family. A quiet father who was a nerdy geologist, kind and giving. A quiet son named Magnus who was resourceful and full of life. Finally, a quiet daughter named Finch who is intelligent and sweet. The thing is, on further inspection, they were anything but a quiet family. The nerdy father had plans to control the most vital parts of the power plants in 5 so the Capitol would have no electricity. The resourceful son was assisting his father by recruiting people in the plants and all around him to help the cause. The sweet daughter though, is the biggest threat of them all. Hidden deep in the walls of her room there is a box. In that box, there are journals with notes in them dating back to the day her mother died. Information about people, events, and places that she found suspicious or different. The quiet daughter has a mouth and a mind, a deadly combination. She has the information and the ability to use her knowledge as power. As Peacekeepers tore her room to shreds, they still could find no journals, which Headmaster Snow himself had seen her writing in during school. This girl was no idiot, she knew when she left for the Capitol that she was not coming back. Not for a long time. She knew what she was doing and left 5 pieces to the map that leads to the journals. They just need to find each other. To dispel any rumors within his ranks, Snow made sure that the deaths of Isaak and Magnus Howard are ruled the same way Geode Howard's was, pneumonia. The ones who know about the deaths of the people in the quiet house at the end of the block know it was no illness that killed them. The masses are all beginning to awaken from their oppressed and fearful slumbers. They are getting angry and... how would you say it? Oh that's right. Rebellious.
Marvel's POV
My parents were thrilled when I stepped off of the train. The Cantrells were excited as well when Glimmer followed me. After the congratulations and hugs, I was driven home. The moment the door was shut, my mom turned to me with a very serious look on her face.
"Finch Howard. I hangout with her. She is my friend. Do you know where she is now? A cell, in the Capitol. Alone. Her family is dead, killed. A 14 year old girl is dead as well. No one has even seen Seneca Crane since the day the games ended. They say he was fired because of inappropriate work relations, but we all know better than that don't we? We know he's as dead as the other three. I'm just the first one to say it." I explained.
"Marvel-" My mom began.
"No. Mom, this is not me getting caught in a prank. I am no longer the person I was when I left, the person who was most concerned with how his hair looked. We may be a stereotypical family from 1, but that doesn't mean we have to be stupid and ignorant. You know, I know, Dad knows. This is it."
"Marvel, honey, it's better you don't know."
"I'm past the stage of deciding whether or not I want to know. I do know. I do know that what Finch said is all true. I do know that there is no possible way you two have been sitting here idly for so long. You are too good at meddling to have ignored all of this." I stared at the two of them expectantly.
Clove's POV
The first time I get Cato to leave me alone is when he is being dragged off by his mother at the train platform. Willow is the first person to hug me, and almost doesn't let go. I squirm out of it as soon as I can, I still don't want people touching me.
"I missed you." Willow whispered.
"I missed you too." I replied as I looked at her. She's grown at least an inch since I've last seen her. Her eyes are red and puffy from continuous crying. I smile at my dad and nod my head at my mother, but before she has the chance to say anything snarky, Willow is running off. I chase after her.
"Willow?!" I exclaimed.
"Cato is leaving." She stated, as if that explains everything. She finally reached Cato and hugged him. I reached her side seconds after.
"You kept your promise." She said.
"Of course I did." Cato replied. He smiled at me as I brought Willow back to our parents. The four of us went back to our house and I went straight to my room. I sat in front of my vanity and stared at my reflection. Lucky for me, Ajax knew better than to leave any visible bruises. It sickens me to think that this isn't the first time he's done it. Cato keeps trying to "help" by badmouthing Ajax or just avoiding the topic entirely, but all he's really doing is making me feel more like a victim than ever. I, Clove Sevina, am not a victim. I have never been a victim and I don't plan to ever become one. I am a warrior. A proud 2. I look away from my reflection and take off my dog tag. I run my finger over the inscription. I used to always think of my brother as this guy who would always protect me, even if we weren't speaking or in the same place. I just always saw him as the guy who would come out of nowhere and help me. I thought he was brave for winning the games and leaving our mother behind, but it turns out he's just a coward. He got a way out and he took it, never looking back at the people he was leaving behind. I know now that I am alone in this world, just like I was always told I was. Sure I have friends, but if my own brother doesn't care enough to check in on me, I highly doubt friends will stick around when the big things start to happen. Nobody is that lucky.
Finnick's POV
Johanna, Mags, and I left at the same time for our homes in the Capitol. Johanna was quiet, for once, no doubt thinking about Finch Howard, a name that will forever live in infamy. The girl Johanna thought was like herself is probably a little too much like Johanna for her own good.
"Seneca Crane is dead. Her family is too. Snow has struck again." Johanna muttered.
"Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark weren't good enough. Anyone who has ever been in love could see right through them. The areas are talking. They think the Nightlock scandal was an act of rebellion, not love, and they're right. Whether Katniss or Peeta realize it or not, they've started something." I mentioned as it came time to part, Mags and I to where most of area 4 Victors settle and Johanna to where most area 7 Victors settle.
"In this time of uncertainty, we should all hug our loved ones. Or in my case, our axes." Johanna began to leave, but Mags chased after her. She tugged her arm and nodded her head in the direction of my house.
"Mags, I don't live down there. I appreciate the gesture, but I've gotten use to the silence." Johanna stated. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the two women.
"Johanna, speaking as one of your well liked ones, go to Mags' house. Annie would never forgive me if I let you walk away." I said.
"I wouldn't say you're well liked."
"Mags, Annie, and I are your only friends Johanna dearest, don't push it."
"Fine, if you want me to so badly." She followed the two of us to our houses, and after getting Johanna settled at Mags', I went home. The lights are off, which means Annie is scared. I gently opened the door and announced my arrival. I shut the door behind me and began to investigate the house in a search for Annie. I found her hidden under a pile of my clothes in my closet.
"Annie?" I asked softly. Her head shot up and she stared at me.
"F-Finnick?" She whispered.
"Hey, let's get out of the closet." She violently shook her head no so I sat down beside her and hugged her close to my body.
"Okay, we'll just stay here then." I stated. The two of us sat in the closet for hours on end, contemplating what exactly is going to come next.
Thresh's POV
11 is quiet and sad. The worst part is how proud they are of me. The little girl died and they do not blame me, which is worse than being blamed. Cotton was crying when I got off the train. She never left my side for the rest of the day. I visited Orchards' home. Alone. Mrs. Orchards let me in and I sat at her kitchen table as she made tea, her eyes puffy and her belly wide.
"I am sorry for failing you." I said and she grabbed one of my hands.
"Thresh, you did not fail us. It was not your fault and do not think it was even for a second." She replied. It only makes me feel worse.
"I was suppose to protect her. I did not do that. It is my fault."
"Honey, you did the best that you could. She just did not make it. Do not blame yourself."
"I am so sorry for your loss."
"Thank you, sweetie." I do not know what else there is to do.
Peeta's POV
Our welcoming back to Area 12 was the most lively I've ever seen the area in years. I found it hard to be jovial though, since Katniss had just unloaded the worst news she could have possibly said. It was all for the games. Finding me after the rule change and all of the kisses and the worrying was all just because she wanted to win. How can I tell what was genuine and what was fake? Does she even care that I lost a leg, or was she just saying that for the cameras? We are currently holding hands as pictures are taken by Effie Trinket and we are eventually escorted to our separate families, along with Gale and Madge behind us. My brothers were happy to see me, as was my father. My mother had no reaction, which is better than usual. Most times she just frowns at me.
"Hey Carson, is that the girl who always talks to you at the bakery?" Ash asked. Carson looked to where Ash was pointing. To Prim.
"Yeah, the girl with the goat. Prim. I didn't realize she was an Everdeen." Carson said.
"Speaking of Everdeens, how's the girlfriend, Peeta?"
"Already dragging you down?"
"Must be hard to top the public proclamation of love."
"Shut up." I muttered.
"Because I said so. She's not my girlfriend anyway." Ash looked like he was about to speak again, but Carson nudged him. The five of us went back to our house and I went to my room, watching the town bustling around below me from my bedroom window. When I left for the games Katniss barely knew who I was. I could have never imagined this was how it would all turn out just a short month ago. I dread the moment we have to move to the Capitol and live side by side after high school. It may just kill me. I spent most of my afternoon tossing a ball against the wall, completely bored. I don't even want to think about school tomorrow.
"Peeta?" Carson asked as he peeked in.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Someone is instant messaging you." My house only has one computer in the living room, unlike most Careers who have one computer per room. I walked downstairs and checked my messages. There is one, but with an unfamiliar username. It's pretty revealing though.
GirlWithTheKnives: Hey, it's Clove Sevina. Glimmer gave me your IM, I'm not sure how she got it though. Not like it would be hard to figure out. Very original.
PeetaMellark: Thanks. Is there a reason you wanted it? Last I heard you hated me for betraying the Careers.
GirlWithTheKnives: I don't hate you. That's Cato. I just wanted a friend who wouldn't annoy me, so I thought of you.
PeetaMellark: I'm flattered, I think. We're friends?
GirlWithTheKnives: I told you some pretty deep stuff, I don't even tell my best friends those things. So yeah, I'd say we're friends.
PeetaMellark: That's true. How has your day been? With your mom, I mean.
GirlWithTheKnives: Not good. I've been avoiding her, but whenever she's near me there's always a glare or a comment. What about you?
PeetaMellark: I've been avoiding her, but she's in a better mood. I think it's because I won.
GirlWithTheKnives: That always helps.
I was about to reply when I was called to dinner.
PeetaMellark: I have to go. Dinner.
GirlWithTheKnives: Okay. Can you not tell my friends what I told you? Or anyone else? I never really got a chance to ask in the games.
PeetaMellark: Of course. That was always the plan anyway.
GirlWithTheKnives: Thanks.
GirlWithTheKnives has left the conversation.
I logged out and went to dinner. Maybe school won't be as horrible as I thought. I just need to avoid Katniss at all times. Or not. Are we still continuing this charade in school? We kinda have to, or else it'll be obvious we were faking. Well, she was faking. This is just all so confusing.

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