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"Master Hiccup. I am sorry beyond words. Please forgive me." Trader Johan said. 

"It's fine Johan. You didn't do anything." I said. 

"That bite mark is unlike anything I've ever seen in my travels. It does remind me of the fearsome beast I came across in the Isles of Peril-" Johan started. 

"Thank you Johan. Moving on, son perhaps you should stay on Berk just for a while until the bite mark heals." Stoick said. 

"Dad, the edge is our home now. We're at war with Vigo and Krogan." I protested. 

Dad put his hand on my shoulder. Not the one with the bite mark thankfully. 

"I know that son, but you can't fight in your condition. Stay here and let Gothi heal you." Stoick said. 

"But-" I started. 

"Hiccup, Stoick has got a point. You need rest and heal. Plus it gives us time to plan our text move against the dragon hunters, Vigo and Krogan." Astrid convinced me. 

"Okay, okay." I said. 

"Right choice son." Stoick said. 

Johan looked at the tooth. He had a surprised look on his face. 

"Johan what is it?" Heather asked. 

"I have not seen a tooth like this for many moons." Trader Johan said examining the tooth. 

"Tell me everything you know." I said. 

"Oh-no." Snotlout muttered. 

"Well it began when I was a young trader with great ambitions. I had sailed far and wide searching for new whereabouts and islands. One day on my ship I was following a band of Thunderdrums straight to a island I had never seen before. It's rocks were jagged like teeth and I felt cold just looking at it. My ship came to the shore. I got off my boat and scouted the island to see if I could find any goods. The island was darker than night with huge mountains bigger than a village. There was also a large cave. With jagged rocks and a cold feeling inside. I walked in. I was feeling brave. The whole time I walked I saw cave warnings written in blood saying 'Turn back before you become him, your fate is sealed' and 'Beware the beast or you'll become what he is most feared'. It didn't bother me too much. at the end of the cave I saw a chest. I approached it with great caution. I took the chest and heard a eerie scream. I saw to blood red eyes starring at me. Its fangs glistened in the sunlight. I grabbed the chest and ran as fast as I could. My legs carried me through like a wind. I got on my ship and then set sail. I never looked back." Trader Johan told.

"Wait cave markings? That island sounds familiar." I said.

"It's Lycanwing Island! I knew it. Hiccup you are cursed!" Tuffnut said.

Astrid punched him in the face. 

"There's no such thing as a Lycanwing." Astrid said. 

"It's getting late, son. Everyone go to bed." Stoick said. 

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