1. It's an act of pain

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Pat Dugan was in his car driving, perhaps over the speed limit but he didn't care he had to save his friend

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Pat Dugan was in his car driving, perhaps over the speed limit but he didn't care he had to save his friend.

"Starman?" Pat spoke into the walkie talkie.

"Stripesy." Starman's voice was heard. "Starman! Sylvester?!" Pat yelled and he heard nothing.

Pat began to drive even faster and was now met upon a house that was covered in green fire. Out of nowhere, Wildcat came out the out flying.

Pat went to him. "Wildcat." All Wildcat could do was groan in reply, this made Pat worry and he ran in the house, leaving Wildcat's body.

Pat made it inside the house and tried to avoid things that were being thrown.

Pat noticed Hourman being lifted in the air and noticed Dr. Midnite being carried away by a dark force.

"Stripesy you shouldn't be here." He said to Pat before his screams were heard and he torn into the darkness.

Hourman was finally let go of and he fell to the ground.

"Hourman." Pat called out his name and Hourman looked at Pat slightly before groaning with pain.

"Stripesy, nice of you to finally join us." Allyson Harkness said to Pat.

"Welcome to the show." The magicain said about to shoot him with his magic wand.

Then, Starman shooted them with his staff and the two magicans went straight to a wall.

Starman began to fight sportsmaster and tigeress and Pat called his name "Starman!" "I told you to wait in the car." Starman told Pat. (A/N: Already fighting like a married couple that they were.)

Starman was able to beat the couple and has started to make his way to Pat unaware that Brainwave was behind that was until Starman began to float in the air.

"Starman." Brainwave said as he lifted Starman in the air.

"Brainwave." Starman said and he began to blast Brainwave with his staff and Brainwave started to sweat and seconds later, Brainwave flew back.

Starman turned around and was met with an icicle his way, he got stabbed and he fell to the ground.

Pat took the icicle out of Starman's body and the two left and house and Pat began to drive off. And they left the remaining members, Brainwave, Icicle, Tigeress, Sportsmaster, Grundy and Allyson Harkness to watch. "Grundy." Icicle said his name and he knew what to do.

Grundy began to chase after the car, he hit the car and Pat hit a button and the car started to fly into the air.

The car's booster exploded and the car began to head straight to the ground.

The car began to light on fire and Pat was trying to get his friend out of the car and once he did, he laid him down and minutes later, Starman was dead.

(A/N: I love that part because of how he was like "give the staff to someone else." And like every five seconds he was like "Not you Pat, The staff doesn't work for you.")

Pat stood there with the staff as he looked at his best friend with tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Ten years later

Bailey woke up and left the house and started to ride her bike all the way to the hospital, where she would meet someone, someone she saw daily even if they couldn't see her at the moment.

Bailey walked in and signed in for the lady at the front desk and started heading for the room.

Bailey saw the person she was looking for and sat in the chair and started to speak.

"Hey um it's me Bailey, my mom's death was today and I'm going to cry all day because that's what I do." Bailey was met with silence.

"I miss you Aiden." Bailey laid a flower in the cup as she always do when she came to visit and she left.

Bailey began to walk even further from the hospital and her house and was met with an empty house plot and then she started to read the letter.

It read, "Hey Bailey, you're probably like what 13 now. I'm so proud of you for making it so far, and I hope you continue to do so. You're probably wondering why I'm writing this and well since you might be reading this, it means I'm dead.-"

Bailey had enough of reading the letter and she broke down, Bailey missed her mother deeply and couldn't understand why she left her when she was young and now she's just dead.

Bailey was crying silently, unaware of a girl that she would later befriend watching in her family's car as they was moving into the neighborhood.

A/N: Aiden is played by our bestie Paul Bettany just because "What is grief, if not love persevering."

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