12. The Unexpected Visitor

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BAILEY was laying in her hospital bed, John was in the room with her as she was resting

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BAILEY was laying in her hospital bed, John was in the room with her as she was resting.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, John got up to open it.

"Uh Hi Mr. Constantine, it's Beth, Beth Chapel. Is Bailey awake?" Beth smiled at the man in front of her.

"Hi Beth, uh Bailey is," John trailed off and looked at the girl. "She's up, highly doubt she'll talk to you but she's up." He let Beth in the room.

"Thank you," Beth thanked him.

Beth walked into the room and was surprised to see Bailey staring out the window, unknowingly aware of her arrival. John left the room, giving them privacy for their 'girl talk' as John assumed. Beth clears her throat, gaining Bailey's attention.

"Beth," Bailey shared a weak smile.

"Hey," Beth smiled back. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Never better," Bailey shook her head as she smiled lightly. "I just wanna leave, I hate hospitals." She confessed.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, my mom works here." Beth smiles.

"Yeah," Bailey looked out the window.

Bailey got out of her bed and made her way to window.

"Do you remember who attacked you? What they looked like?" Beth asked.

"I think I would remember more if I had some jello," Bailey chuckled.

Bailey was joking but Beth took it literal as she left the room to get Bailey a cup of jello. Suddenly Bailey shivered at the sudden coldness(It isn't who you think it is, don't worry)

"It's cold in here," Bailey huffed.

She went over to the chair and put her jacket on, her red one of course. She believed that any other color would look off on her. She briefly wondered if she would feel fine in Rick's jacket but she quickly got rid of that thought. Her and Rick are friends and friends can borrow jackets from each other so who cares, she cared.

But she couldn't help herself, not only would she feel safe in his jacket but she would remember the secret glances she would give Rick when they were together or how she ignored everything else in any room and just pay attention to him.(idk why I went into this long essay about how Bailey and Rick are total idiots in love)

And no she isn't in a period drama(wish she was tho) but Bailey practically thinks of him almost every second of the day well other than thinking about her and the JSA, she was falling in deep and she didn't want to stop. She actually would prefer if Rick were to catch her as she was falling. Bailey didn't know it yet but she knew that these feelings were strong and that she was bewitched by him and his captivating soul from his remarks to his smile that shines bright like a diamond(yes I did just reference Rihanna, I had to)

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