2. The New Girl(s) In Town

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Bailey walked into school, gloomy as usual

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Bailey walked into school, gloomy as usual. Bailey made her way to her locker and she was doing her combination when Beth Chapel approached her.

"Hello, Beth Chapel." Bailey said as she closed her locker and made eye contact with the girl.

The two weren't really friends but they were working on a project for history which forced Bailey to interact with another student.

"Hi, Bailey...." Beth trailed off trying to remember Bailey's last name.

"Constantine." Bailey interrupted her thoughts. "Bailey Constantine, got it." Beth held a thumbs up.

"So I was thinking for our project for Mr. Lawrence, we should research about-" Beth was cut off by Cindy Burman talking to the new girl.

Beth took this a chance to be early and went to class, saying thay she would talk to Bailey later.

After Cindy left, the girl went up to Bailey. "Uh Hi, do you know where D229 is?" (A/N: D229 is an actual classroom number in my school lol) The girl asked.

"Uh Yes, Just follow me." Bailey spoke and the two went to the classroom.


Courtney was in the lunch room with her lunch, looking for a place to sit. Courtney was later stopped by an adult and sooner or later, Courtney began to make her way to a table.

"Hi, I'm Courtney." Courtney placed her lunch on the table.

"I'm Beth." Beth smiled at Courtney. "Bailey." Bailey did a little salute with two fingers.

Courtney smiled at Bailey and thanked her for showing her the way to the classroom, Courtney tried to talk with the other students at the table but it failed when Rick Harris (A/N: Felt weird typing Harris instead of Tyler) left the table.

Moments later, Tyler and Henry came to the table and started to call Yolanda names. Bailey grew uncomfortable with the words and she left.

As Bailey was walking through the hallways, she heard a voice. "Bailey, you grown so much." Bailey turned around and saw no one there and Bailey walked in the hallways confused.

But that wasn't the last time she would hear that strange voice.


Bailey was in her room, reading over her notes when she heard the voice again. "Baileyyyy." The voice kept on saying her name over and over again and Bailey had enough.

"Who are you?" Bailey spoke and when she heard no reply she mentally face palmed herself and went downstairs, where the voice started to talk to her again.

"Bailey!" The voice taunted, Bailey put her hands up to her head as the voice began to taunt her even more. "What's that behind youuu." The voice asked.

Bailey turned around and saw nothing
"Over here!" As if she was being controlled, Bailey grabbed a knife, the knife was now covered in a red glow, Bailey aimed the knife at whoever was behind her. She found John Constantine and two other people instead.

John pushed the knife aside, and looked at Bailey confused but she only shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry bout that, I thought you were someone else."

"You've been hearing voices again, mate?" John asked, Bailey nodded and said. "It was a man and he knows who I am."

"Well, I have a new friend for you to meet." John said before continuing. "Vivian, meet Bailey, Bailey meet Vivian."

"Last name?" Bailey asked Vivian to which she answered. "Lance-Queen, daughter of Laurel Lance and Oliver Queen." "Got it." The two girls shook hands.

The girls interaction was cut short due to something crashing into the front yard. The group went out to investigate.

They found a spaceship, that had a girl inside, she was wearing an outfit with the letter S imprinted on her chest.

Suddenly, the girls eyes opened and she got out of the ship and only asked one question. "Where am I?"

(A/N:) Feel free to vote or comment. :)

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