9. A Normal Day In The Woods

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               BAILEY looked out the window

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               BAILEY looked out the window. "Where are we going?" Bailey had asked Rick for the 12th million time.

"You'll know." Rick replied once more as he finally parked the car.

Bailey got out the car with Rick.

Courtney thought the two should bond, since Courtney thought they seem to know each other pretty well. Which is a lie.

"So, what do you wanna know?" Bailey asked Rick, who seemed to be in his own thoughts. "You know I can read your mind, right?"

"What?" Rick turned his head towards Bailey.

"Yeah, I can like read your mind. Not right now of course, I would just well nevermind." Bailey rambled.

"What can you do?" Rick asked.

"I can do alot of things actually, Courtney doesn't even know all of it, the only thing she seen me do is fly, and make energy blasts. I actually have telekinesis, reality warping, and can read people's mind as I already told you."

"Is there anything you can do but don't know how?" Rick asked.

"Probably, my dad said I have amazing
abilities and there's only a possibility of what I can do."

"I'm just gonna act like I know what you mean. Perhaps you can give me a demonstration." Rick chuckled lightly, he felt different with Bailey.

"Yeah maybe but your dad was quite smart." Bailey comments.

"Smart? As leaving his son to keep him safe only for him to die minutes later. Are we talking about the same person?"

Bailey looked at him. "Rick, don't judge your dad's actions. He did it to protect you and you know that."

"Yeah, yeah I just wish-" Rick was cut off as he was thrown to the ground.

"Rick!" Bailey exclaimed, she went to check on him.

"I'm fine but what the hell was that?" Rick stood up.

The two turned around, they didn't see anyone.

Rick face held confusion as he wondered who attacked him.

"Should we go?" Bailey asked, pointing towards the car was.

"No, stay here." Rick told Bailey, who scoffed.

"And where do you think you're going?" Bailey asked him.

"I'm going to find the person that knocked me down." Rick answered simply.

"And how are you going to find them? Going into the direction you think they were at?" Bailey put her arms in the air.

"Well yeah." Rick shook his head.

"Oh my god." Bailey's hands ran through her hair. "That's a dumb idea, to be honest."

Rick turned to look at her as if she was crazy. "A dumb idea? Well then Bailey Constantine, tell me your great plan in finding this mysterious person."

"I would but I think it's best I go alone, I can handle myself." Bailey flicked him on his head.

"Well so can I." Rick started to take off.

"Rick." Bailey stood in front of him, his dementor changed.

"Yeah." He replied in almost a whisper as the two held eye contact.

"At least let me come with you, you idiot." Bailey began to walk, Rick just stood there, thinking about what just happened.

Bailey turned around. "You coming?"

Rick rolled his eyes before coming towards Bailey, the two teens began their walk.

Mira Speaks

NEW COVER FOR CHAOS MAGIC IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!! This is pretty much a filler chapter because I just wanted to write Bailey and I miss her alot so hope you enjoyed next chapter we might get more into the episode. I thought about adding a fight scene but that'll be used later and if you even remember Aidan from the first chapter, he's making a return but he won't be back for long...

 I thought about adding a fight scene but that'll be used later and if you even remember Aidan from the first chapter, he's making a return but he won't be back for long

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