10. First Mission

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       IT had gotten dark and Bailey was now holding a flashlight, the two were walking, silence laid upon the pair

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       IT had gotten dark and Bailey was now holding a flashlight, the two were walking, silence laid upon the pair.

"We aren't finding anything Rick." Bailey pointed the flashlight at him.

"Get that flashlight out of my face." Rick shut his eyes.

Bailey turned the flashlight off. "This is a waste of time, and Courtney texted me, we have our first misson."

"What's it about?" Rick looked at Bailey, with curiosity.

"Just some loser on the ISA, we can take him or if you guys can't I will." Bailey cracked her knuckles.

Rick looked at her.

"Alright fine, but after we'll continue looking. Deal?" Rick held out his hand.

Bailey shook his hand. "Deal."

Rick and Bailey headed back to the car.

The two were in the car and Rick began to drive while Bailey was debating on whether or not to tell Rick about her birth parents.

"Hey uh Rick." Bailey turned her head to look at him.

"Yeah?" Rick waited for Bailey to talk.

Bailey was looking out the window. "I have to tell you something but you have to promise you won't see me differently and that you won't get mad."

"Alright well now I'm concerned, what is it?" Rick glanced at Bailey for a quick second.

"You have to promise." Bailey told him.

"Alright, I promise." Rick nodded.

"Okay well uh I don't really know how to say this but um I think my mom helped kill your parents and my dad is also part of the ISA and I'm sorry for that." Bailey apologized, she hated her birth parents for what they've done and what they're doing now.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry for Bailey, you didn't do anything. Your parents did. Have you told the others about this?" Rick asked.

"No." Bailey mumbled.

"You trust me that much, huh." Rick teased the girl.

"Well now I simply regret it if you're just gonna act like this." Bailey couldn't help but smile.

"Wow, I'm deeply hurt." Rick said sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah just come on." Bailey got out of the car.

Rick got out of the car as well.

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