6. Homework + Icicles = Total Mess

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Bailey walked into school, getting glares from some students

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Bailey walked into school, getting glares from some students.

Bailey ignored them and went to her locker, as she closed it Beth was there.

"Beth, Hi." Bailey sent Beth a smile.

"What are you doing here? If you don't mind me asking, we finished our project so we aren't partners anymore." Bailey scratched her neck awkwardly.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing, because of yesterday and all."

"Oh." Bailey mumbled. "I'm doing good though." Beth smiled at Bailey's response and walked away.

Cindy made her way towards Bailey. "And you-" Cindy made eye contact with Bailey. "If you laid your pathetic fingers on me again, I will end you." Cindy mimicked a knife going across her throat at Bailey, who just rolled her eyes.

"As if." Bailey muttered as she walked away, not feeling threatened.

Courtney caught up to Bailey after she talked with Yolanda.

"Bailey Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come and meet my family over dinner tonight." Courtney looked at Bailey for an answer.

"Sorry Court, I can't. I have homework to do." Bailey sent her a smile before walking to class.

"What homework?" Courtney asked, she got no reply.


Bailey was doing her homework when Courtney texted her. "What homework?!? Hopefully not English!!"

Bailey laughed at the message before replying. "Just algebra and science homework."

Moments later, Courtney texted something rather strange. "Wanna join the JSA?"

Bailey looked at the message before replying. "JSA?"

"Justice Society of America!!! They were a group of heros, my father was part of the JSA, he was starman!!!" Courtney texted back.

"Was?" Bailey raised her eyebrows even if no one was able to see her or at least, that's what she thought.

"Some members including my dad are sorta dead... But, if you join the JSA then we can defeat the ISA (Injustice Society of America)"

"I don't know Court..." Bailey sent the text.

"We have a chance to save the world, I'll get you ice cream after we defeat them, I promise." Courtney's response read.

"I'll think about it." Bailey turned her phone off and focused on her homework once more.

"What us force? Solve this equation using the quadratic formula." Bailey read the directions on her homework.

"Force is..." Bailey began to write the answer down.

Bailey was solving the equation using the quadratic formula on her homework when there was a knock.

"Bailey? You in there?" The British voice was heard. "You can come in John."

John came into the room. "What are you doing?" He questioned.

Bailey replied. "Homework." John looked over her shoulder. "The answer isn't five mate."

"What how?" Bailey questioned. "You have to do it like this mate." John began to show Bailey what she did wrong, she began to soon understand.

"Oh." Bailey said, feeling a bit dumb.

"It's alright mate, everyone make mistakes this was just a smaller one." John smiled at Bailey before leaving the room.

"I hate school, giving us dumb homework." Bailey mumbled to herself.

As Bailey was getting ready for bed, she saw something from her window, heading towards her.

"What the he-" Bailey was cut off by an icicle nearly hitting her, Bailey used her powers and got a hold on the next icicle.

Bailey gathered magic in her hands and blasted the icicle towards the figure knocking them do the ground.

"Who the hell was that? And why did they try to attack her." These thoughts kept repeating through Bailey's head as she slept.

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