7. Newest Recruits

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School was over, Bailey began to make her way to her locker only to see Courtney already standing there

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School was over, Bailey began to make her way to her locker only to see Courtney already standing there.

"Bailey, you have to join the JSA." Courtney said, Bailey ignored her and got the things out of her locker.

"And what if they're scared?" Bailey asked. "No one will be scared of you Bailey, I promise." Courtney sent Bailey a smile.

"And how do you know that court?" Bailey asked.

"If they're scared then um they'll have to be scared of everyone in the JSA. It's not right if they love the others and are scared of one." Courtney explained.

"Alright but when more people join and when I use my powers and I see a face of slight fear, I'm out." Bailey said and took off, heading home.

"I also sorta recruited Yolanda!" Courtney yelled.


Bailey was reading a book when she got a text from Courtney.

"Come over NOW!!!!" The text read.

Bailey sighed and replied. "Coming"

Bailey went into her closet to grab a jacket as her eyes landed on another thing.

It was an outfit that John made for her, John said she would only use it for fighting even if it was literally just a corset, legging, and a long jacket.

Bailey took those with items of clothing with her just incase.

Bailey left the house began to walk, another text came through as she was walking. "Come through the window."

Bailey huffed. "Climb through the window, I'm not a ninja." Bailey mumbled to herself.

Bailey climbed through the window and wasn't expecting to see Yolanda and Courtney in unusual costumes.

"You recruited Bailey Constantine? She's the school freak." Yolanda whispered in Courtney's ear.

"Well when you see what she can do, you'll see why we need her. Plus she's nice when you get to know her." Courtney whispered back.

"Are we actually going to do anything or are two just going to whisper all night?" Bailey questioned, Courtney snapped out of her thoughts.

"Right." Courtney handed Bailey something. "I brought you some gloves, you know cause you don't have a suit." Courtney smiled.

"Actually Court, I do have a suit, well kind of." Bailey showed Yolanda and Courtney the suit. The two looked at it in amazement.

"I have got to ask, why a corset?" Yolanda asked, Courtney nodded.

"I don't know, I didn't make it. Hopefully if I were to get a new suit, it's better than this." Bailey answered truthfully, Yolanda nodded.

"Well go on, get changed!" Courtney pushed Bailey in the closet for her to change.

Bailey came out of the closet, fully changed. Yolanda and Courtney looked at Bailey with smiles.

"You look-" Courtney started. "Amazing." Yolanda cut Courtney off.

"Thanks but it's nothing special." Bailey blushed lightly. "Now, let's test your abilities." Courtney said to Yolanda, the three girls headed downstairs.

"You're searching this on Wikipedia?" Yolanda asked, Bailey scoffed at Courtney's actions.

"It didn't come with an instruction manual." Courtney answered as she scrolled. "Okay, here. Powers and abilities."

"Apparently, he can cut through metal with his claws." Courtney read off the Wikipedia page of Wildcat.

Yolanda put her hand out in a quick motion, the claws came out, the girls starting to exclaim and chuckled lightly

(A/N: I probably won't do the rest of episode because I'm a lazy person lol, but you guys (hopefully) knows what happened and well Bailey comes with them and stuff. Feel free to vote or comment. :)

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